Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 7, June 1940
Page 5
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 5 see my card in print, plus dooplicates! If I'd KNOWN, I'd'a made sumpin special. The reprint from Milty's Mag was peechy, give him six hoorays from me. Your spelling is infectious. I'd better be careful or I'll be doing it soon. Truly, [drawing of a mouse with x's in its eyes, signed "H B""] [Beverly?] Browne - another Forry-made fan, recruited from the Academy of Sciences (Motion Picture Arts &), adreses her first letter to the VOICE: "Dear VOM Brief association with one 4sJ has lead to this letter. One can't help becoming interested in in scientifiction when you stop to think that the fantastic of today may be the common every day knowledge of tomorrow, and it's exciting to try to go at least half a step ahead to meet it. ~~ The magazine is great. I can imagine the fun they had preparing the table of contents. The editorial was very clever, only wish since both 4s and Morojo are such talented writers, and must know so many fascinating new things all the time that they would write either a longer editorial or an article each beside the editorial. ~~ All the letters in the Apr 6 issue gave me an interesting peek into an amazing field of thought. Wonder if anyone anywhere would like to correspond with a sincere new scientifiction fan? (Bev's adres: 6689 Yucca St, H'wood, Cal.) ~~ Attached is a little help to keep the publication rolling. (Merely a dollar bill! Anybody else wanna lend a li'l similar help?) Was able to read your unusual spelling without difficulty but as yet haven't mastered writing it. Shall conscientiously practice tho." (Thanku, Bev'y; U r a gentlewoman & a scholar. --4e) LEONARD GIPSON, Sta Anna Tex: "Quite a neat rag! Clever eh! I dropt out of stf for awhile but with the arrival of a check from Ziff-Davis buying my manuscript 'Sports in the Year 2000 A.D' I am back again with great gusto in the fourth dimension, space travel, technocracy, extra-sensory perception, and all things vital to stf. I hope my stf sports article appears in an early issue and the fellows don't climb on my neck too much for some of the controversial stuff that is in my opus. Now that I have made a sale, my fingers will fly over the typewriter keys with the speed of the African deer bot fly. ~~ Once I get settled I will subscribe to a flock of fanmags, among them being VOM. You LA boys seem to be about the hottest stf fans in the country according to fan notes in stf mags. I would like to meet Ackerman, Hornig, Bradbury, et al. ~~ Liked 'Science Fiction is Escape Literature', and all the letters. Having lived in the sticks all my life and not attending any stf conventions or fan gatherings, I am slightly confused as to Michelism, rival fan organizations, etc. I am an old time technocrat and in all probability I would be interested in the activities of the Futurians. Several good puns in this issue of VOM. All bouquets and no bricks!" A long overdue PERDUE (ELmer, of 1735 Eye St NW, Wn/DC) returns with: "Arrived it this morning the latest VOM Popolij Madje, containing within her self a notification that my stock of credit had expired....and it grieves me sorely to find that you are muchly in error, by six months at least. ~~ For it has been at least that time since whatever stock I'd built up, had expired. Or at least, so memory tells me, insmuchs 'tis not been later than last May that I've sent you anything; and yet, you, or some kindly-disposed agency whose existence I am forced to doubt, has sent me since then fan-mags and more serious works virtually innumerable. ~~ You will kindly, then, take the writer's most well-meant apologies, at having been so long out of work, that he has been unable to render equitable return on your investment, and you will also, please, accept his profuse thanks for your courtesy. ~~ Now for the more sordid details; I enclose a dollar bill, which is all that I can spare from the current pay. You will kindly accept half-a-dollar thereof as payment on those overdrawn copies--and the balance, you will apply to any and all forthcoming LASFL pubs--yea, I shall not even draw the line at Sweetness and Light." From Canada comes a communication from one "RANDY" VICKERS, 626 Constance Ave, Victoria, British Columbia: Having counted up and found you use an average of eighty-four spaces to a line, I am now going to present you with a straight-edge letter that is not only straight-edge, but is all set up for using in V-M. So now you know why I'm typing across the paper
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 5 see my card in print, plus dooplicates! If I'd KNOWN, I'd'a made sumpin special. The reprint from Milty's Mag was peechy, give him six hoorays from me. Your spelling is infectious. I'd better be careful or I'll be doing it soon. Truly, [drawing of a mouse with x's in its eyes, signed "H B""] [Beverly?] Browne - another Forry-made fan, recruited from the Academy of Sciences (Motion Picture Arts &), adreses her first letter to the VOICE: "Dear VOM Brief association with one 4sJ has lead to this letter. One can't help becoming interested in in scientifiction when you stop to think that the fantastic of today may be the common every day knowledge of tomorrow, and it's exciting to try to go at least half a step ahead to meet it. ~~ The magazine is great. I can imagine the fun they had preparing the table of contents. The editorial was very clever, only wish since both 4s and Morojo are such talented writers, and must know so many fascinating new things all the time that they would write either a longer editorial or an article each beside the editorial. ~~ All the letters in the Apr 6 issue gave me an interesting peek into an amazing field of thought. Wonder if anyone anywhere would like to correspond with a sincere new scientifiction fan? (Bev's adres: 6689 Yucca St, H'wood, Cal.) ~~ Attached is a little help to keep the publication rolling. (Merely a dollar bill! Anybody else wanna lend a li'l similar help?) Was able to read your unusual spelling without difficulty but as yet haven't mastered writing it. Shall conscientiously practice tho." (Thanku, Bev'y; U r a gentlewoman & a scholar. --4e) LEONARD GIPSON, Sta Anna Tex: "Quite a neat rag! Clever eh! I dropt out of stf for awhile but with the arrival of a check from Ziff-Davis buying my manuscript 'Sports in the Year 2000 A.D' I am back again with great gusto in the fourth dimension, space travel, technocracy, extra-sensory perception, and all things vital to stf. I hope my stf sports article appears in an early issue and the fellows don't climb on my neck too much for some of the controversial stuff that is in my opus. Now that I have made a sale, my fingers will fly over the typewriter keys with the speed of the African deer bot fly. ~~ Once I get settled I will subscribe to a flock of fanmags, among them being VOM. You LA boys seem to be about the hottest stf fans in the country according to fan notes in stf mags. I would like to meet Ackerman, Hornig, Bradbury, et al. ~~ Liked 'Science Fiction is Escape Literature', and all the letters. Having lived in the sticks all my life and not attending any stf conventions or fan gatherings, I am slightly confused as to Michelism, rival fan organizations, etc. I am an old time technocrat and in all probability I would be interested in the activities of the Futurians. Several good puns in this issue of VOM. All bouquets and no bricks!" A long overdue PERDUE (ELmer, of 1735 Eye St NW, Wn/DC) returns with: "Arrived it this morning the latest VOM Popolij Madje, containing within her self a notification that my stock of credit had expired....and it grieves me sorely to find that you are muchly in error, by six months at least. ~~ For it has been at least that time since whatever stock I'd built up, had expired. Or at least, so memory tells me, insmuchs 'tis not been later than last May that I've sent you anything; and yet, you, or some kindly-disposed agency whose existence I am forced to doubt, has sent me since then fan-mags and more serious works virtually innumerable. ~~ You will kindly, then, take the writer's most well-meant apologies, at having been so long out of work, that he has been unable to render equitable return on your investment, and you will also, please, accept his profuse thanks for your courtesy. ~~ Now for the more sordid details; I enclose a dollar bill, which is all that I can spare from the current pay. You will kindly accept half-a-dollar thereof as payment on those overdrawn copies--and the balance, you will apply to any and all forthcoming LASFL pubs--yea, I shall not even draw the line at Sweetness and Light." From Canada comes a communication from one "RANDY" VICKERS, 626 Constance Ave, Victoria, British Columbia: Having counted up and found you use an average of eighty-four spaces to a line, I am now going to present you with a straight-edge letter that is not only straight-edge, but is all set up for using in V-M. So now you know why I'm typing across the paper
Hevelin Fanzines