Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 6, April 1940
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CONFUCIUS SAY: "Foo's rush in where AngeleƱoes fear to tread!" Follywood Films presents: The Case of the Poison Pan Letter, starring of 1039W39 St, LA: "Dear Voice of Ackerman: Justa few words regarding Mr. Forrest J. Ackerman, the fellow, and a few choice words regarding FORREST J. ACKERMAN, the editor of the 'Voice of the Abomination' or whatever in the hell you call it. First, to avoid ill feelings, I would like to say regarding the fellow, you're okay by me personally as a regular guy. In fact, you have been very gracious in your assitance towards my venture into the fan world with the ROCKET by your written as well as verbal support. Whenever I have personally asked favors for same I have always met with gracious assent. Again I repeat, as afellow you're okay. BUT------ ~~Now to get down to brass-tacks and that thing you call a magazine. From the reading stand-point, it is interesting. The reason I say this is because other fans write nine-tenths of it. As far as the cover goes even a three year old child can write on a typewriter. Of course he would haveto age about four years to present the time-worn idea of the 1939, 1940 idea. (Our New Decade No., by Mooney) I turn the page (of #4). At last after ten minutes, I found the editorial so-help-me. It looks as if it were a portion of a page taken from the center of a book of cuneform writing. I notice Morojo was supposedly sewing. Is that her part toward the publication. (Our old-fashioned typerwriter accommodates only one operator at a time.) When she refers to you being sleepy, I think she must have meant that you were asleep because puns like those mentioned come only as a result of a nightmare. Turning to page 13, it is interesting to note the way you so professionaly end a page. According to the information which has come to my ears, 'Voice of the Whoosits' is an up and coming fan publication. Back in the corner of my alleged mind, question arises, just what is it coming to? It is possible; being a science-fictionist, you know that anything ispossible that the blabbering (I mean voice) could be a first class publication if it had a decent arrangment. Straighten it out, put in a table of contents, give us a more artistic arrangement, NO ACKERMANEASE, less Forrest J. and you will have a top magazine in the fan-field. ~~ That's my opinion, such as it is. Take, it, or as you probably will, leave it. That's all there is, there ain't no more. ~~ Progressively yours," (Dear Grouch: Ouch! U ask for LESS J, so I shall say as little as poss under the circumstances. A bonafide Table of Contents for an all-letter mag we feel woud be as foolish & unnecessary & unheard of as a ToC in say Astounding's Brass Tacks or any similar Dept. However, your recommendation gave us an idea for a farcial line-up which has proved quite popular, so that gripe was all to the good. As for our country, if U don't like it y don't U go back where U came from? The Condem-nation. -- As a person, I think U have some fine qualitys too. Progressively yours, Forrest J Ackerman) Editor of The Gargoyle, 14 Cotswold St, Liverpool 7, England, expresses "Many thanks for VOM which doth become, issue by issue, more elegant & captivating. Creative evolution?" he asks; & continues "VOM is the most carefully & beautifully produced fanmag it has been my pleasure to see. Keep up the good work -- and maybe some day we'll have the lady herself back in toto (have I got that right?) instead of just her paychic voicings from the astral plane. (Ah, for the return of the old era; we sometimes wonder if Madge is happy, there on the Era Plane. Or is that pun a plane error? Well, can we help it if we're aeronuts?) -- Nevertheless, her voicings are grand. -- The war has upset the even tenour of fan functions in this country, but individual fans are carrying on as best as they can under adverse conditions. Happy days." "I am hoping that you will put my scrawl in somewhere if you can" says EDGAR GILBERT of 2145 Ave L, Wichita Falls Tex. OK; it fits in all x!
CONFUCIUS SAY: "Foo's rush in where AngeleƱoes fear to tread!" Follywood Films presents: The Case of the Poison Pan Letter, starring of 1039W39 St, LA: "Dear Voice of Ackerman: Justa few words regarding Mr. Forrest J. Ackerman, the fellow, and a few choice words regarding FORREST J. ACKERMAN, the editor of the 'Voice of the Abomination' or whatever in the hell you call it. First, to avoid ill feelings, I would like to say regarding the fellow, you're okay by me personally as a regular guy. In fact, you have been very gracious in your assitance towards my venture into the fan world with the ROCKET by your written as well as verbal support. Whenever I have personally asked favors for same I have always met with gracious assent. Again I repeat, as afellow you're okay. BUT------ ~~Now to get down to brass-tacks and that thing you call a magazine. From the reading stand-point, it is interesting. The reason I say this is because other fans write nine-tenths of it. As far as the cover goes even a three year old child can write on a typewriter. Of course he would haveto age about four years to present the time-worn idea of the 1939, 1940 idea. (Our New Decade No., by Mooney) I turn the page (of #4). At last after ten minutes, I found the editorial so-help-me. It looks as if it were a portion of a page taken from the center of a book of cuneform writing. I notice Morojo was supposedly sewing. Is that her part toward the publication. (Our old-fashioned typerwriter accommodates only one operator at a time.) When she refers to you being sleepy, I think she must have meant that you were asleep because puns like those mentioned come only as a result of a nightmare. Turning to page 13, it is interesting to note the way you so professionaly end a page. According to the information which has come to my ears, 'Voice of the Whoosits' is an up and coming fan publication. Back in the corner of my alleged mind, question arises, just what is it coming to? It is possible; being a science-fictionist, you know that anything ispossible that the blabbering (I mean voice) could be a first class publication if it had a decent arrangment. Straighten it out, put in a table of contents, give us a more artistic arrangement, NO ACKERMANEASE, less Forrest J. and you will have a top magazine in the fan-field. ~~ That's my opinion, such as it is. Take, it, or as you probably will, leave it. That's all there is, there ain't no more. ~~ Progressively yours," (Dear Grouch: Ouch! U ask for LESS J, so I shall say as little as poss under the circumstances. A bonafide Table of Contents for an all-letter mag we feel woud be as foolish & unnecessary & unheard of as a ToC in say Astounding's Brass Tacks or any similar Dept. However, your recommendation gave us an idea for a farcial line-up which has proved quite popular, so that gripe was all to the good. As for our country, if U don't like it y don't U go back where U came from? The Condem-nation. -- As a person, I think U have some fine qualitys too. Progressively yours, Forrest J Ackerman) Editor of The Gargoyle, 14 Cotswold St, Liverpool 7, England, expresses "Many thanks for VOM which doth become, issue by issue, more elegant & captivating. Creative evolution?" he asks; & continues "VOM is the most carefully & beautifully produced fanmag it has been my pleasure to see. Keep up the good work -- and maybe some day we'll have the lady herself back in toto (have I got that right?) instead of just her paychic voicings from the astral plane. (Ah, for the return of the old era; we sometimes wonder if Madge is happy, there on the Era Plane. Or is that pun a plane error? Well, can we help it if we're aeronuts?) -- Nevertheless, her voicings are grand. -- The war has upset the even tenour of fan functions in this country, but individual fans are carrying on as best as they can under adverse conditions. Happy days." "I am hoping that you will put my scrawl in somewhere if you can" says EDGAR GILBERT of 2145 Ave L, Wichita Falls Tex. OK; it fits in all x!
Hevelin Fanzines