Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 6, April 1940
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION Excerpts from a letter dated 22 Mar 40. Joe's adres: 1836 - 39 Av, Oakland, Cal: "Having been out of the picture for a little while, I am restoring myself in fandom again. Lucky thing that some of my stuff was spread out over long periods. If it had been printed immediately, I wouldn't have been heard from for mon's and you can slip out of stfanism easily with so many changes going on. I am starting a stf-club up here, Northern California Futurians. All of the fellows have expressed their will-ingness to cooperate with the IFF by joining as soon as possible. The club will be a Science-Fictioneers chapter, and we will be in league with the Futurians Organization started in NY. If we ever hold a convention out here, all of the fellows up here will cooperate fully in helping you stage it, you LASFL (now LASFS: Los Angeles Science Fantasy Sociey) mems! ~~ I unpatiently await that panning letter to come in next VoM. Wonder who wrote it? Oh weel, guess al'll jus' hafta hol' ma horses. ~~ Sooo -- you have the nerve to insinuate that I owe you a little subscription! You must be right (you are Wright aren't you, Forry). (watt a revolting ing pun!) (Shocking indeed, but we shall try to make lite of the mazda.) Hated to see that letter printed which shows what a lousy typist I can be. Oh, yeh. Especially enjoyed were: Youd, Marky, Harry, Dick Wilson, Doc (my good friend), and -- ah Hell! They were all good....even to mine! ~~ I close now with -- hello Morojo -- terrificover by Bok -- cutile athend of the contents page -- swell edit-orial -- neat mag -- I've supported the Chicon, investigated Tech, learnt Esperanto (in a manner), and am spreading stf, but the rates are too high in the American Rockety Society for a thrifty guy like myself -- I like the sub-pics -- I've heard about the ROCKET -- I take FuFa -- and here is another dime for coming 'SHANGRI-LA' -- wondering where SaM is (hoping he's where I think he is -- but that is impossible) -- and deciding this is enough for one man, er, boy, er young fellow to say. ~~ Wishing you luck in your independt manner, I remain, Yours, another pacificoaster." MARTIN, co-ed of "Al", The Alchemist, from 1258 Race St, Denver, Colo, rites: "Read the Vom you sent which is really swell, can't help but notices the tremendous difference between it and the old Madge which I have several copies. This is the first VcM I've seen." "Kaor, coeds!" crys of Bx 122, Bryantville MASS, as he goes to Ackstremes in simplifyng spelng: "Th lonesum Cape Codr enjoyd his lst ish of MADGE (meaning Vom) very much. Meanin me, of cors. MADGE is 1 of th best fanmags out. "As U can c, Ive gon 4 streamlynd spelin in a big way, evn going U 1 betr in sum cases as Ull c. Anybody hu has trubl readin it, isnt much of a fan in my estimatn. Ill go as far as 2 say that itll graduly creep in2 rittn lingo (& its startin alredy--writness "thru" "tho", "nite", etc in ads) & eventualy altr it so that present day ritings wil b as absolete as th archaic "thee", "thou", etc. We cant eat archaic & hav it!(Not originl, in case sumone wants 2 acuse me of literary pilferin) So 4 cheers (Im no piker, wen it cums 2 passin out cheers--or jeers either) 4 Stsp, & long may it wave! "be I go any farther I want 2 thank U & all th rest of th Ellayessefellers & gals hu hav contribd 2 my poll. However, Russ & T-bone remain fujitivs. Wil U o wut U can do? (Nothn, aparntly. TB sez he cant think up 10 authrs he lyks & Russ was suplyd a postcard by th club & remyndd on 3 seprat ocasns.) "Hu is th Art mentnd inside front covr 4 a Happy Nu Decade? (Art refers ro #4) Offhand I cant think of any othr activ fans namd Art. (We meant Art Barnes, Art, but now that we'v bcom aquaintd with U defnitly wanto wish U an HDN toc!) "By th time this is printd (if) I may hav contactd Paro, Swisher, & Chauvenet, about organizin an Eastrn Mass SFL, & Ill b th LCC no longr--I hope!
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION Excerpts from a letter dated 22 Mar 40. Joe's adres: 1836 - 39 Av, Oakland, Cal: "Having been out of the picture for a little while, I am restoring myself in fandom again. Lucky thing that some of my stuff was spread out over long periods. If it had been printed immediately, I wouldn't have been heard from for mon's and you can slip out of stfanism easily with so many changes going on. I am starting a stf-club up here, Northern California Futurians. All of the fellows have expressed their will-ingness to cooperate with the IFF by joining as soon as possible. The club will be a Science-Fictioneers chapter, and we will be in league with the Futurians Organization started in NY. If we ever hold a convention out here, all of the fellows up here will cooperate fully in helping you stage it, you LASFL (now LASFS: Los Angeles Science Fantasy Sociey) mems! ~~ I unpatiently await that panning letter to come in next VoM. Wonder who wrote it? Oh weel, guess al'll jus' hafta hol' ma horses. ~~ Sooo -- you have the nerve to insinuate that I owe you a little subscription! You must be right (you are Wright aren't you, Forry). (watt a revolting ing pun!) (Shocking indeed, but we shall try to make lite of the mazda.) Hated to see that letter printed which shows what a lousy typist I can be. Oh, yeh. Especially enjoyed were: Youd, Marky, Harry, Dick Wilson, Doc (my good friend), and -- ah Hell! They were all good....even to mine! ~~ I close now with -- hello Morojo -- terrificover by Bok -- cutile athend of the contents page -- swell edit-orial -- neat mag -- I've supported the Chicon, investigated Tech, learnt Esperanto (in a manner), and am spreading stf, but the rates are too high in the American Rockety Society for a thrifty guy like myself -- I like the sub-pics -- I've heard about the ROCKET -- I take FuFa -- and here is another dime for coming 'SHANGRI-LA' -- wondering where SaM is (hoping he's where I think he is -- but that is impossible) -- and deciding this is enough for one man, er, boy, er young fellow to say. ~~ Wishing you luck in your independt manner, I remain, Yours, another pacificoaster." MARTIN, co-ed of "Al", The Alchemist, from 1258 Race St, Denver, Colo, rites: "Read the Vom you sent which is really swell, can't help but notices the tremendous difference between it and the old Madge which I have several copies. This is the first VcM I've seen." "Kaor, coeds!" crys of Bx 122, Bryantville MASS, as he goes to Ackstremes in simplifyng spelng: "Th lonesum Cape Codr enjoyd his lst ish of MADGE (meaning Vom) very much. Meanin me, of cors. MADGE is 1 of th best fanmags out. "As U can c, Ive gon 4 streamlynd spelin in a big way, evn going U 1 betr in sum cases as Ull c. Anybody hu has trubl readin it, isnt much of a fan in my estimatn. Ill go as far as 2 say that itll graduly creep in2 rittn lingo (& its startin alredy--writness "thru" "tho", "nite", etc in ads) & eventualy altr it so that present day ritings wil b as absolete as th archaic "thee", "thou", etc. We cant eat archaic & hav it!(Not originl, in case sumone wants 2 acuse me of literary pilferin) So 4 cheers (Im no piker, wen it cums 2 passin out cheers--or jeers either) 4 Stsp, & long may it wave! "be I go any farther I want 2 thank U & all th rest of th Ellayessefellers & gals hu hav contribd 2 my poll. However, Russ & T-bone remain fujitivs. Wil U o wut U can do? (Nothn, aparntly. TB sez he cant think up 10 authrs he lyks & Russ was suplyd a postcard by th club & remyndd on 3 seprat ocasns.) "Hu is th Art mentnd inside front covr 4 a Happy Nu Decade? (Art refers ro #4) Offhand I cant think of any othr activ fans namd Art. (We meant Art Barnes, Art, but now that we'v bcom aquaintd with U defnitly wanto wish U an HDN toc!) "By th time this is printd (if) I may hav contactd Paro, Swisher, & Chauvenet, about organizin an Eastrn Mass SFL, & Ill b th LCC no longr--I hope!
Hevelin Fanzines