Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 6, April 1940
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION enjoyed VOM very much. i wos annoied and irr-itated at furst bi thu peekulyar spellyng, yet, havyng mastured thu idee -- welllll. Perhaps you can tell me if Trudy is Caroline F erber before I go nuts. (Ferber, fer worse; fer richer, fer pooer--yes, that is Trudy's seudy.) ~~ A few personal partics. - was born at home when my mother was at the pics. -IIth Oct. '19....first interested in s.f. when the illfated ' Scoops ' came out... studied Etyptology as a hobby since I was fifteen or before..... at sixteen became interested in seventeen-eighteen began to study ceremonial I practise it... Am keenly interested in technocracy, but so far haven't been able to identify myself with any particular group because I never heard of any.... neo-technics is my line of thought in that direction, the aesthetics of the machine....Likes: Thomas Wolfe's books, HG.Wells, Algernon Blackwood, John Gardner... editing MACABRE...being alone....poetry (modern) both composing and reading. Dislike:'human'being....ugliness..politics and politicians ( without exception ) communism and toryism, democracy, autocracy, or what have you...Ambition: to write on philosophy. ~~ I don't know, by the way, who 'MOROJO' and 'POGO' is. ( is this a record ?) (Record? Mr Rathbone, that is an OUTRAGE!) (We're only April-foolin'.) ~~ ...government has called me up, and I, having made my conscientiously objectionable self attempt an appeal, was registered for 'non-combatant duties' - whatenever that may mean. However, I hope to issue a newsletter at intervals until this becomes absolutely impossible. Ackerman review of ' I accuse ', by the way, goes into newsletter no. 1. ~~ If you or any of your friends care to keep in touch with me, I think I can promise fairly interesting letters. Write if you can. I don't bite. (Attn FRAS Daugherty: another Egyptologuy!) ~~ Question to incite wrath: what's wrong with Latin as a Universalanguage? ~~ Yours for weird till it grows out of our ears," (PS: "U notice they didnt have anything to say in defense of Esperanto vs Latin. either that ot they didnt have a pg to devote to it!") --whose 3 pg letter we regretably have to cut considerably but who reapers at greater lenght later in this ish declares from DC: "Some of 'Happy New Decade' initials didn't register with me. Incidentally, a complete exposure of this 'decades' matter will be in the next Sustaining Program (Fapamag). Meanwhile, I'm surprised at you for making such a vulgar mistake. "You talk a lot about the new machine you have for stenciling, but the difference is not very noticeable in the finished magazine. Also, is it true that VOM is being done in green ink now? (Verdure really like to noe?) My color sense is rather defective, and under the artificial lite & all, I can't tell........ "Might Mark's letter to you shows a rather new facet of his nature; let's see more of this side of his mentality. I've taken up German too, and I don't yet know the German for Mark's four words. I will say, tho, that studying their language makes me understand the Germans a lot better. I think their basic trouble is a perhaps justified superiority complex; certainly the German who has been speaking that vigorous language all his life would require no proof that he is superior to the French, and probably all other peoples. Contrast the sound of 'Was haben Sie dort?' with 'Qu'est-ce que vous y avez?' (Or "Kion vi havas tie?" or "Whatcha got there?") "Here're Gilbert's comments on the SFL, reminding me to tell Acky that I think his action in resigning from the 'Board of Directors' very ill-advised. For heaven's (or Science') sake, Ackerman, quit trying to aggravate te already serious schism in the new fan world. It doesn't help you, and it certainly hurts fandom. Your actions since September seem to have been directed rather by blind emotion than any organized, forward-looking plan of action.
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION enjoyed VOM very much. i wos annoied and irr-itated at furst bi thu peekulyar spellyng, yet, havyng mastured thu idee -- welllll. Perhaps you can tell me if Trudy is Caroline F erber before I go nuts. (Ferber, fer worse; fer richer, fer pooer--yes, that is Trudy's seudy.) ~~ A few personal partics. - was born at home when my mother was at the pics. -IIth Oct. '19....first interested in s.f. when the illfated ' Scoops ' came out... studied Etyptology as a hobby since I was fifteen or before..... at sixteen became interested in seventeen-eighteen began to study ceremonial I practise it... Am keenly interested in technocracy, but so far haven't been able to identify myself with any particular group because I never heard of any.... neo-technics is my line of thought in that direction, the aesthetics of the machine....Likes: Thomas Wolfe's books, HG.Wells, Algernon Blackwood, John Gardner... editing MACABRE...being alone....poetry (modern) both composing and reading. Dislike:'human'being....ugliness..politics and politicians ( without exception ) communism and toryism, democracy, autocracy, or what have you...Ambition: to write on philosophy. ~~ I don't know, by the way, who 'MOROJO' and 'POGO' is. ( is this a record ?) (Record? Mr Rathbone, that is an OUTRAGE!) (We're only April-foolin'.) ~~ ...government has called me up, and I, having made my conscientiously objectionable self attempt an appeal, was registered for 'non-combatant duties' - whatenever that may mean. However, I hope to issue a newsletter at intervals until this becomes absolutely impossible. Ackerman review of ' I accuse ', by the way, goes into newsletter no. 1. ~~ If you or any of your friends care to keep in touch with me, I think I can promise fairly interesting letters. Write if you can. I don't bite. (Attn FRAS Daugherty: another Egyptologuy!) ~~ Question to incite wrath: what's wrong with Latin as a Universalanguage? ~~ Yours for weird till it grows out of our ears," (PS: "U notice they didnt have anything to say in defense of Esperanto vs Latin. either that ot they didnt have a pg to devote to it!") --whose 3 pg letter we regretably have to cut considerably but who reapers at greater lenght later in this ish declares from DC: "Some of 'Happy New Decade' initials didn't register with me. Incidentally, a complete exposure of this 'decades' matter will be in the next Sustaining Program (Fapamag). Meanwhile, I'm surprised at you for making such a vulgar mistake. "You talk a lot about the new machine you have for stenciling, but the difference is not very noticeable in the finished magazine. Also, is it true that VOM is being done in green ink now? (Verdure really like to noe?) My color sense is rather defective, and under the artificial lite & all, I can't tell........ "Might Mark's letter to you shows a rather new facet of his nature; let's see more of this side of his mentality. I've taken up German too, and I don't yet know the German for Mark's four words. I will say, tho, that studying their language makes me understand the Germans a lot better. I think their basic trouble is a perhaps justified superiority complex; certainly the German who has been speaking that vigorous language all his life would require no proof that he is superior to the French, and probably all other peoples. Contrast the sound of 'Was haben Sie dort?' with 'Qu'est-ce que vous y avez?' (Or "Kion vi havas tie?" or "Whatcha got there?") "Here're Gilbert's comments on the SFL, reminding me to tell Acky that I think his action in resigning from the 'Board of Directors' very ill-advised. For heaven's (or Science') sake, Ackerman, quit trying to aggravate te already serious schism in the new fan world. It doesn't help you, and it certainly hurts fandom. Your actions since September seem to have been directed rather by blind emotion than any organized, forward-looking plan of action.
Hevelin Fanzines