Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 6, April 1940
Page 11
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 11 "What is the new 'independent' setup of Novacious pubs? How different from pevious? (For first 4 issues VOM was financed by LASFL & edited for club by us. Correspondence to VOM was read at club meetings. VOM was the official organ for the club to adres itself to fandom. Often, considering conservatives in our rester, we pulled punches. Now The Voice is publisht at the expense of the 2 of us & is our personal property to present as we see fit. & our slogan is "Vom for all & all for Vom --the magazine for misfits!) "It's awful, the duplication of names that is showing up more & more in stf & stfandom. Not merely story titles, nor mag titles (frinstance, ASF and SF, & th two Astonishings, & Marvel), but also in fanmag names & fan slubs. Like the Futurian mixup--Leeds, NSW (New South Wales), & NY, all calling themselves or a mag that, and all non-connected. Or this 'The Rocket' that's coming out (is out). McPhail gave up that title for his FAPA sheet because it was the name of the official organ of the Manchester Interplanetary Society, or something. " 'Murder mines' says Ted. Gad, what propaganda ca do to intelligent minds. "What was that item in the Lee Lantern about Kussie's college? "If the impression I got frem his letter in the FAPA Cor was correct, the 'Father of Fantast' is a little young to be a father. Said he (CSYoud) was ten in 1932, I believe. "I note two Ackermanese words in which it seems the spelng could be just as brief and clearer: 'unike' gives the impression of long i (diphthong i --yaaa, Miske!); seems 'uniq' or some such would be better. And I think 'kno' would be much more easily recognizable than 'noe'. (4e sez no to "kno" but all x to "uniq".) "Doesn't the circonflex go over 'i' in 'S'il tu plait'? (Peut-etre; wir wissen night.) "There may be new things under the sun, but usually there's been something before that was almost the thing. Frinstance, Marky's idea is slightly anticipated by the 'S-F Caout-Chouc' meantioned in the first 'Cell It What You Wish' (a FAPA dish). "Wanna bet? I'll betcha get at least two letters with drawings or cartoons or somesuch that the writer wants published, after duplicating MAR's sketch. "Three cheers for Barrett! NY is decadent; shall fandom continue to be poisoned therefrom? I don't think Youd right in saying that the LAers are American fandom's one hope, but it is obvious that westward the star of fandom cakes its way. "...And I've come east... " obviously mad at Gilbert. He writes just like I did when I useta be mad at someone and trying to get his geat. ...Sure, there were inaccuracies in the monograph, despite my sincere efforts to get the truth about things. But I'll sight 'n' unseen lay it against Don's history of fandom, if and when such ever forthcomes. "Ted's story is 'Lynn Foster Is Dead'. I happen to remember it, because it was abt the firstory in WT I'd read since some bound serials horrowed from Louis Clarck longlongago. "Suggestion to AWTuckerecently that he says he can't follow, & which I now pass on to you: Issuance of a serious almanac or calendar of fandom, giving important anniversaries (such as past convs, founding of prominent fanmags, deaths of outstanding scientifictionists), and perhaps what was supposed to happen on that date according to a story written back in the 20's, where such data is available, plus coming events like annual Phila conf, Chicon, & what haveyou. Maybe some possibilities in it, maybe not.
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 11 "What is the new 'independent' setup of Novacious pubs? How different from pevious? (For first 4 issues VOM was financed by LASFL & edited for club by us. Correspondence to VOM was read at club meetings. VOM was the official organ for the club to adres itself to fandom. Often, considering conservatives in our rester, we pulled punches. Now The Voice is publisht at the expense of the 2 of us & is our personal property to present as we see fit. & our slogan is "Vom for all & all for Vom --the magazine for misfits!) "It's awful, the duplication of names that is showing up more & more in stf & stfandom. Not merely story titles, nor mag titles (frinstance, ASF and SF, & th two Astonishings, & Marvel), but also in fanmag names & fan slubs. Like the Futurian mixup--Leeds, NSW (New South Wales), & NY, all calling themselves or a mag that, and all non-connected. Or this 'The Rocket' that's coming out (is out). McPhail gave up that title for his FAPA sheet because it was the name of the official organ of the Manchester Interplanetary Society, or something. " 'Murder mines' says Ted. Gad, what propaganda ca do to intelligent minds. "What was that item in the Lee Lantern about Kussie's college? "If the impression I got frem his letter in the FAPA Cor was correct, the 'Father of Fantast' is a little young to be a father. Said he (CSYoud) was ten in 1932, I believe. "I note two Ackermanese words in which it seems the spelng could be just as brief and clearer: 'unike' gives the impression of long i (diphthong i --yaaa, Miske!); seems 'uniq' or some such would be better. And I think 'kno' would be much more easily recognizable than 'noe'. (4e sez no to "kno" but all x to "uniq".) "Doesn't the circonflex go over 'i' in 'S'il tu plait'? (Peut-etre; wir wissen night.) "There may be new things under the sun, but usually there's been something before that was almost the thing. Frinstance, Marky's idea is slightly anticipated by the 'S-F Caout-Chouc' meantioned in the first 'Cell It What You Wish' (a FAPA dish). "Wanna bet? I'll betcha get at least two letters with drawings or cartoons or somesuch that the writer wants published, after duplicating MAR's sketch. "Three cheers for Barrett! NY is decadent; shall fandom continue to be poisoned therefrom? I don't think Youd right in saying that the LAers are American fandom's one hope, but it is obvious that westward the star of fandom cakes its way. "...And I've come east... " obviously mad at Gilbert. He writes just like I did when I useta be mad at someone and trying to get his geat. ...Sure, there were inaccuracies in the monograph, despite my sincere efforts to get the truth about things. But I'll sight 'n' unseen lay it against Don's history of fandom, if and when such ever forthcomes. "Ted's story is 'Lynn Foster Is Dead'. I happen to remember it, because it was abt the firstory in WT I'd read since some bound serials horrowed from Louis Clarck longlongago. "Suggestion to AWTuckerecently that he says he can't follow, & which I now pass on to you: Issuance of a serious almanac or calendar of fandom, giving important anniversaries (such as past convs, founding of prominent fanmags, deaths of outstanding scientifictionists), and perhaps what was supposed to happen on that date according to a story written back in the 20's, where such data is available, plus coming events like annual Phila conf, Chicon, & what haveyou. Maybe some possibilities in it, maybe not.
Hevelin Fanzines