Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 6, April 1940
Page 12
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12 "Re th pros offering free copys fanmags in your behalf: Probably reason for not giving prices of each is that that'd make it advertising, & their publishers'd maks you all pay ad rates for the 'reviews'." (But SCIENCE FICTION publishes prices!) Doc Lowndes - le vombiteur, from le Ivoire Tur, 2574 Bedford Ave, Bkyn NY: WCMamikcj, glorius assassins of sorrow: - Come, come, Lowndes, put away your mss. and your dummies for Squeaky, and desist these perpetual plottings and connivings; out, out with this incessant humming of "I'm sorry for Myself" and give the martyr-complex a rest. Behold! Spring in the air and VOM in the wails! (Time out while we burst into inpromptu peratic-inclined disharmonies in minor keys.) Please retain the contents page: it it superb. However, I am just a wee bit disappointed in this issue: didn't you state in a recent column to SFW that you'd gone truly independent with VOM and were going to include real live, living, sacred,!! breathing VOMshells with each issh? (PS News: Science Fiction now has three live,! living, breathingm sacred quarterlies! Captain Future, Planet Stories, and Science H. (fooled you that time) Fiction. Pay little or no attention to this Mirta Forsto: tis just a jibe at Fantasy-News!) You'd never know, to look at his letter, that Joe Gilbert & I are now corresponding in the friendliest of ways, that his views on the Futurians are no longer bounded by Taurasi and the Mosk, and that he's no longer under the impressions as evidenced in aforementioned missive. No, you wouldn't. Which, alas is the one chick-roach in VOM ointement; often, by the time a letter is published, the matter expressed therein is out of date, or no longer describes the writer's views on account of because things happening since then have altered them. Which is why I thnk that what is needed in stfandom is a central mailing bureau, which will function at th very least once a month. It would not need to be centered around an organization; i t would need no officers. There would merely be one or two fans (depending upon the location of bureau) who would religiously mail out to all on the list everything they .. had in stock on (say) the 15th of the month. Fans would subscribe at a resonable ... rate per quarter, 1/2 year, or annum. Those wishing to use same could to pay a mailing fee which would not be great, yet enough to make it worth their while to use bureau rather than mail things out on their own. It would permit fan-writings to be circulated much more quickly, particularly in the cases of magazines which might not have regular appearance dates. The fly, of course, is building it up; initial substribers would have to be content with small returns for their money during the first months. It would hardly give the fans in charge a chance to gain "power" inasmuch as they'd have nothing they could gain from it; no constitution to twist around or fall over, no officers over... them or members below them. Sheer service for the sake of being useful. A truly stf-functional affair. Naturally, the fans in charge would have to be people who had proven their ability by years of past service and reliability. (Pay no attention to the little affairs at the end of lines, readers; tis but a diabolical scheme to enforce even right-hand edges on my letter.) Incidentally, just for the records, Technocrats. Doc Lowndes, Don Wollheim, John B. Michel, and Chet Cohen have received their cards in Technocracy, Inc. This will be anything but news by the time the next VOM shells out. Announcement: of particular import to QSFL members and ardent readers of Fantasy-News and New Fandom: The Futurians are: Donald A. Wollheim (please note two "l"s in that name) John B. Michel, (observe lack of either "a" or "t" in name), Doc Lowndes, FredPohl (heh heh) (No relalation to Fone-Pole.), Cyril Kornbluth, and Jack Gillespic. Accept no substitutes. (There's more Futurians, of course, but these are the ones who gtin print most often.) Of these six, three are Technocrats, one an editor, one a professional author, and one is Gillespie. Statements either saying or implying that the
12 "Re th pros offering free copys fanmags in your behalf: Probably reason for not giving prices of each is that that'd make it advertising, & their publishers'd maks you all pay ad rates for the 'reviews'." (But SCIENCE FICTION publishes prices!) Doc Lowndes - le vombiteur, from le Ivoire Tur, 2574 Bedford Ave, Bkyn NY: WCMamikcj, glorius assassins of sorrow: - Come, come, Lowndes, put away your mss. and your dummies for Squeaky, and desist these perpetual plottings and connivings; out, out with this incessant humming of "I'm sorry for Myself" and give the martyr-complex a rest. Behold! Spring in the air and VOM in the wails! (Time out while we burst into inpromptu peratic-inclined disharmonies in minor keys.) Please retain the contents page: it it superb. However, I am just a wee bit disappointed in this issue: didn't you state in a recent column to SFW that you'd gone truly independent with VOM and were going to include real live, living, sacred,!! breathing VOMshells with each issh? (PS News: Science Fiction now has three live,! living, breathingm sacred quarterlies! Captain Future, Planet Stories, and Science H. (fooled you that time) Fiction. Pay little or no attention to this Mirta Forsto: tis just a jibe at Fantasy-News!) You'd never know, to look at his letter, that Joe Gilbert & I are now corresponding in the friendliest of ways, that his views on the Futurians are no longer bounded by Taurasi and the Mosk, and that he's no longer under the impressions as evidenced in aforementioned missive. No, you wouldn't. Which, alas is the one chick-roach in VOM ointement; often, by the time a letter is published, the matter expressed therein is out of date, or no longer describes the writer's views on account of because things happening since then have altered them. Which is why I thnk that what is needed in stfandom is a central mailing bureau, which will function at th very least once a month. It would not need to be centered around an organization; i t would need no officers. There would merely be one or two fans (depending upon the location of bureau) who would religiously mail out to all on the list everything they .. had in stock on (say) the 15th of the month. Fans would subscribe at a resonable ... rate per quarter, 1/2 year, or annum. Those wishing to use same could to pay a mailing fee which would not be great, yet enough to make it worth their while to use bureau rather than mail things out on their own. It would permit fan-writings to be circulated much more quickly, particularly in the cases of magazines which might not have regular appearance dates. The fly, of course, is building it up; initial substribers would have to be content with small returns for their money during the first months. It would hardly give the fans in charge a chance to gain "power" inasmuch as they'd have nothing they could gain from it; no constitution to twist around or fall over, no officers over... them or members below them. Sheer service for the sake of being useful. A truly stf-functional affair. Naturally, the fans in charge would have to be people who had proven their ability by years of past service and reliability. (Pay no attention to the little affairs at the end of lines, readers; tis but a diabolical scheme to enforce even right-hand edges on my letter.) Incidentally, just for the records, Technocrats. Doc Lowndes, Don Wollheim, John B. Michel, and Chet Cohen have received their cards in Technocracy, Inc. This will be anything but news by the time the next VOM shells out. Announcement: of particular import to QSFL members and ardent readers of Fantasy-News and New Fandom: The Futurians are: Donald A. Wollheim (please note two "l"s in that name) John B. Michel, (observe lack of either "a" or "t" in name), Doc Lowndes, FredPohl (heh heh) (No relalation to Fone-Pole.), Cyril Kornbluth, and Jack Gillespic. Accept no substitutes. (There's more Futurians, of course, but these are the ones who gtin print most often.) Of these six, three are Technocrats, one an editor, one a professional author, and one is Gillespie. Statements either saying or implying that the
Hevelin Fanzines