D'Journal, v. 1, issue 1, January 1939
Page 12
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Beside a Martian water-tank, some million leagues away, Beneath a busted rocket, a dying space-man lay. His suit was cracked and dented; a U-bar'd crushed his head, And coughing a shower of Martian sand, those were the words he said: "Oh, I'm going to a better land where everything is bright, Where 'ditlin' grows on bushes and everyone stays tight. They've torn up all the schedules; they've busted all the clocks, And little whiffs of 'Venus-weed' come truckling thru the rocks." The space man breathed these last few gasps before he died that day, "I'll tell you how it happened -- I couldn't blast away. A meteor'd punctured the fuel tank, the jets were clogged with waste, Mar caught me in his awful grip -- by far the worst I've faced." "So I'm going to a better land, where jets are always clear, Where the hull plates never buckle, and the space suits never tear. Where you salary is doubled and your ship's engraved with gold---", The pilot stopped, his head fell back. In a minute he was cold. "Sciencefictionuts" by Hoy Pin Pong. Reprinted from Wonder Stories 1934 Green ones, red ones, purple, and yellow Dazzling, brilliant, or dark jade. To make you melt, freeze or bellow, Manufactured or home-made -- Rays! Rays! Rays! From Mars, Jupiter and Uranus And constellations of the Cosmos; Even from this Earth's guts They come forth to drive us nuts -- Invaders! Invaders! Invaders! I hope that I shal some day see A perfect science fiction story; Minus the invaders & their rays, So that I may live the rest O my days -- In Peace! Peace! Peace! D'Journal Worlds Fair Booth Going up! (PP): The D'Journal booth at the 1939 Worlds Fair in NYC is nearly completed; setting a modern pace for other industrial building near it. The D'Journal exhibit, built in super-modern 1950 architecture, will be commanding a prominent spot on the Fair Grounds, and be one of the major points of interest. Several fans has signified their intention of stooping into visit the D'Journal booth. Indeed, Mahatma Gitchee-Goomi, the Bombay fan, is travelling all the way from India on elephant-back to see the Fair, and has notified us of his inteiton to make our Booth his summer headquarters. American fans! Be sure to stop in at the gay D'Journal Booth while at the Fair and say 'Igwagih' to brother Gitchee-Goomi! Remember: "Who cares where you will be in 1939!"
Beside a Martian water-tank, some million leagues away, Beneath a busted rocket, a dying space-man lay. His suit was cracked and dented; a U-bar'd crushed his head, And coughing a shower of Martian sand, those were the words he said: "Oh, I'm going to a better land where everything is bright, Where 'ditlin' grows on bushes and everyone stays tight. They've torn up all the schedules; they've busted all the clocks, And little whiffs of 'Venus-weed' come truckling thru the rocks." The space man breathed these last few gasps before he died that day, "I'll tell you how it happened -- I couldn't blast away. A meteor'd punctured the fuel tank, the jets were clogged with waste, Mar caught me in his awful grip -- by far the worst I've faced." "So I'm going to a better land, where jets are always clear, Where the hull plates never buckle, and the space suits never tear. Where you salary is doubled and your ship's engraved with gold---", The pilot stopped, his head fell back. In a minute he was cold. "Sciencefictionuts" by Hoy Pin Pong. Reprinted from Wonder Stories 1934 Green ones, red ones, purple, and yellow Dazzling, brilliant, or dark jade. To make you melt, freeze or bellow, Manufactured or home-made -- Rays! Rays! Rays! From Mars, Jupiter and Uranus And constellations of the Cosmos; Even from this Earth's guts They come forth to drive us nuts -- Invaders! Invaders! Invaders! I hope that I shal some day see A perfect science fiction story; Minus the invaders & their rays, So that I may live the rest O my days -- In Peace! Peace! Peace! D'Journal Worlds Fair Booth Going up! (PP): The D'Journal booth at the 1939 Worlds Fair in NYC is nearly completed; setting a modern pace for other industrial building near it. The D'Journal exhibit, built in super-modern 1950 architecture, will be commanding a prominent spot on the Fair Grounds, and be one of the major points of interest. Several fans has signified their intention of stooping into visit the D'Journal booth. Indeed, Mahatma Gitchee-Goomi, the Bombay fan, is travelling all the way from India on elephant-back to see the Fair, and has notified us of his inteiton to make our Booth his summer headquarters. American fans! Be sure to stop in at the gay D'Journal Booth while at the Fair and say 'Igwagih' to brother Gitchee-Goomi! Remember: "Who cares where you will be in 1939!"
Hevelin Fanzines