Funtasy, v. 1, issue 1, Spring 1939
Page 13
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FUNTASY Page 13 EDITORIAL (Cont.) 'Scuse it, please. This isn't page 12 is it? In fact, as this is being typed, it has no page number. Wonder where we can squeeze it in? Then there's the story that going around in the better fantasy circles about the promising young author who submitted his latest brainstorm to Editor Campbell, asking him if he couldn't use a story like his in AST-SFN. "Yes," replied JWC dryly, "if it isn't too much like your's."....Well, you can't say we didn't try! Our public thanks goes to Bob the Tee of D'JOURNAL for his assistance in helping us turn out FUNTASY #1. And, incidentally, if you haven't tried D'J yet, do so by all means. It's fantasy fiction's first (but not the last!) fun-fan folio featurin funtastic foolery! For Gawd's sake, hasn't anyone got the January 1, 1938 copy of ARGOSY that they'll sell for full price plus postage? Address: Ed: F'SY. Imagine our (there I go using the traditional editorial "third person again) surprise upon opening the latest issue of FANTASY NEWS and not seeing an announcement of a new Sfn. mag.! Can it be that the blamed things have finally ceased being spawned! There i$ a little matter $ome of our advertiSer$ have $eeminglu forgotten. To u$ it i$ an important matter; it i$ nece$$ary in our bu$ine$$. We are very mode$t and don't wi$ to $peak about it. $ubtle, huh? Doc Lowndes sprung a new one on us the other month in the FAN when he revealed to us the singular term "barfly." Up here we refer to all who imbibe rather frequently in intoxicating beverages as either "boozehounds" or "rumsoaks." Best of the current crop of oneosheet fan pubs. is Bob Tucker's ZOMBIE. Bob says it will be published every time a Zombie wakens, so if anyone will kindly tell us watinyell a "zombie" is, we'll try to find something that'll wake 'em up more often. Gad! We've forgotten to list the contents....and what the heck are we doing way back here anyway! ADDENDA: Don't forget that FUNTASY is open at all times for manuscript contributions. And don't forget either to let us know what you think of this issue. There'll be a bona-fide reader's column or two or three coming up next time, with er-ah, clever comments! jsa - - - - - - FANTASY NEWS: The fan field's leading NEWS weekly, gives you complete news of both the fan and professional fields, both weird and science-fiction. It is the only weekly that it interviewed by STARTLING STORIES. We ask you to only try it. Send today for a trial subscription. FANTASY SCOUT: Published monthly, containing at least four pages of the most unusual fiction and articles of SCIENCE & WEIRD FICTION. Both the above publications are mimeographed. AND YOU GET BOTH for the price of one! Subscribe today to FANTASY NEWS, at the low price of 3 issues for 10¢ and every month get FREE FANTASY SCOUT: Write to: JAMES V. TAURASI, 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, New York....................Adv. ***** NOTICE: To all grammar teachers! We hereby apologize for split infinitive in above adv. Ed..
FUNTASY Page 13 EDITORIAL (Cont.) 'Scuse it, please. This isn't page 12 is it? In fact, as this is being typed, it has no page number. Wonder where we can squeeze it in? Then there's the story that going around in the better fantasy circles about the promising young author who submitted his latest brainstorm to Editor Campbell, asking him if he couldn't use a story like his in AST-SFN. "Yes," replied JWC dryly, "if it isn't too much like your's."....Well, you can't say we didn't try! Our public thanks goes to Bob the Tee of D'JOURNAL for his assistance in helping us turn out FUNTASY #1. And, incidentally, if you haven't tried D'J yet, do so by all means. It's fantasy fiction's first (but not the last!) fun-fan folio featurin funtastic foolery! For Gawd's sake, hasn't anyone got the January 1, 1938 copy of ARGOSY that they'll sell for full price plus postage? Address: Ed: F'SY. Imagine our (there I go using the traditional editorial "third person again) surprise upon opening the latest issue of FANTASY NEWS and not seeing an announcement of a new Sfn. mag.! Can it be that the blamed things have finally ceased being spawned! There i$ a little matter $ome of our advertiSer$ have $eeminglu forgotten. To u$ it i$ an important matter; it i$ nece$$ary in our bu$ine$$. We are very mode$t and don't wi$ to $peak about it. $ubtle, huh? Doc Lowndes sprung a new one on us the other month in the FAN when he revealed to us the singular term "barfly." Up here we refer to all who imbibe rather frequently in intoxicating beverages as either "boozehounds" or "rumsoaks." Best of the current crop of oneosheet fan pubs. is Bob Tucker's ZOMBIE. Bob says it will be published every time a Zombie wakens, so if anyone will kindly tell us watinyell a "zombie" is, we'll try to find something that'll wake 'em up more often. Gad! We've forgotten to list the contents....and what the heck are we doing way back here anyway! ADDENDA: Don't forget that FUNTASY is open at all times for manuscript contributions. And don't forget either to let us know what you think of this issue. There'll be a bona-fide reader's column or two or three coming up next time, with er-ah, clever comments! jsa - - - - - - FANTASY NEWS: The fan field's leading NEWS weekly, gives you complete news of both the fan and professional fields, both weird and science-fiction. It is the only weekly that it interviewed by STARTLING STORIES. We ask you to only try it. Send today for a trial subscription. FANTASY SCOUT: Published monthly, containing at least four pages of the most unusual fiction and articles of SCIENCE & WEIRD FICTION. Both the above publications are mimeographed. AND YOU GET BOTH for the price of one! Subscribe today to FANTASY NEWS, at the low price of 3 issues for 10¢ and every month get FREE FANTASY SCOUT: Write to: JAMES V. TAURASI, 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, New York....................Adv. ***** NOTICE: To all grammar teachers! We hereby apologize for split infinitive in above adv. Ed..
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