Spaceways, v. 3, issue 4, May 1941
Page 24
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24 SPACEWAYS THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE Paul Vogenitz writes: Here are a few perhaps belated ratings. (By the way, I see how your system of rating has been adopted by at least one "letters-to-the-editor" addict.)'''''From the Control Room takes first place with 9.44.'''''As requested, I will refrain from rating Earl Singleton's last contribution. Altho I never met him, I feel like a kindred spirit, because I once saw one of his poems criticized in the same paragraph with one of mine.'''''Learn To Type is out of my line, as I am not even a professional fan, much less a writer. Mr. Pohl is right, however, in saying that neat typing is not a drawback in any profession. Let him have 7.50.'''''.....Fantasy--1919 Style and More Fantastic Films each rate 5.00. I never was strong for prediges ted reviews, preferring to draw my own conclusions.'''''.....Fantasy Music. Not being a musician, and preferring Johann to Richard Strauss, my opinion might be prejudiced. "Danse Macabre" always did appeal to me. Let it go for 5.00.'''''The Readers Always Write: 9.43 (I think thou art one penny worser than thyself). P. S.: I can't help feeling that I am a better man for having been criticized in the same breath (figuratively) with Singleton. By the same token, i can't help wondering what happened to the poor fellow. Poll Results: Pretty crowded this issue, so--short and snappy--Confidential Notes on Editors: 9.1: ties for 2nd highest since ratings have been kept. Readers Always Write and Control Room: 8.1; Learn to Type!: 8.0; Beacon Light: 7.7; More Fantastic Films: 7.45; Farasci's Commentary and Cover: 7.3. Fantasy--1919 Style: 7.0; Ode to Kaleidoscope: 6.5; Ads: 6.4; Fantasy Music. 6.3; What They're About: ditto. Are Classics Classical?: 6.1; Back Cover: 5.9; Martian Idol: 5.0. Whole issue: 7.23, a big rise over last time. Thanks to Wollheim, Chauvenet, Lowndes, Senour, Brown, Gilbeert, farsaci, Bridges, Thompson, Freehafer, Schmarje, Jones, Jenkins, Bronson, Croutch, Mulrain, Fortier, Goldman, Vogenitz, Widner, Wright, and Swisher. There'll be foom for more detailed results next time, so we have hopes of hearing from you all again. A postal will do. Each item from 1 to 10--you know the system, or should by this time! BEACON LIGHT (concluded from page 19) roughs works. Lighter stuff than Raymond, on the whole, and it probably won't be remembered as long, with a few exceptions such as "Phoenix Planet", perhaps. I wouldn't bet on that, either, though it did strike me as a particularly well done yarn. Just for the helluvit, I'd like to know if anyone can add to this list of published Lovecraft yarns which did not appear in the Memorial Volume. Leaving out the new "case of Charles Dexter Ward" and "Dream Quest of Unknown Kadith", of course, I can recall the following, all from Weird Tales. "The White Ship", from "From Beyond", "The Tree", "The Other Gods", "The Doom that Came to Sarnath", "The Wicked Clergyman", "Beyond the Wall of Sleep", and "In the walls of Eryx". This, I think, about winds us up for the moment. Turning off the beacon, chums, and see you next issue, I hope. ADVERTISEMENT Have you tried The California Mercury yet? No? Well, you're missing something! The First Anniversary Issue, out April 1, will contain 24 pages, of fine two-color mimeographing, and all the best columnists in stfandom! Lew Martin, harry Jenkins, Walt Daugherty, Forrest J Ackerman, and innumerable others! It's fandom's streamlined newsmagazine, and one you musn't miss. The big Anniversary Issue sells for a dime a copy, but you'll save money by sending fifty cents for a year's quota of six bi-monthly issues. Address:-- J. J. Fortier, 1836 39th Ave. Oakland, California.
24 SPACEWAYS THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE Paul Vogenitz writes: Here are a few perhaps belated ratings. (By the way, I see how your system of rating has been adopted by at least one "letters-to-the-editor" addict.)'''''From the Control Room takes first place with 9.44.'''''As requested, I will refrain from rating Earl Singleton's last contribution. Altho I never met him, I feel like a kindred spirit, because I once saw one of his poems criticized in the same paragraph with one of mine.'''''Learn To Type is out of my line, as I am not even a professional fan, much less a writer. Mr. Pohl is right, however, in saying that neat typing is not a drawback in any profession. Let him have 7.50.'''''.....Fantasy--1919 Style and More Fantastic Films each rate 5.00. I never was strong for prediges ted reviews, preferring to draw my own conclusions.'''''.....Fantasy Music. Not being a musician, and preferring Johann to Richard Strauss, my opinion might be prejudiced. "Danse Macabre" always did appeal to me. Let it go for 5.00.'''''The Readers Always Write: 9.43 (I think thou art one penny worser than thyself). P. S.: I can't help feeling that I am a better man for having been criticized in the same breath (figuratively) with Singleton. By the same token, i can't help wondering what happened to the poor fellow. Poll Results: Pretty crowded this issue, so--short and snappy--Confidential Notes on Editors: 9.1: ties for 2nd highest since ratings have been kept. Readers Always Write and Control Room: 8.1; Learn to Type!: 8.0; Beacon Light: 7.7; More Fantastic Films: 7.45; Farasci's Commentary and Cover: 7.3. Fantasy--1919 Style: 7.0; Ode to Kaleidoscope: 6.5; Ads: 6.4; Fantasy Music. 6.3; What They're About: ditto. Are Classics Classical?: 6.1; Back Cover: 5.9; Martian Idol: 5.0. Whole issue: 7.23, a big rise over last time. Thanks to Wollheim, Chauvenet, Lowndes, Senour, Brown, Gilbeert, farsaci, Bridges, Thompson, Freehafer, Schmarje, Jones, Jenkins, Bronson, Croutch, Mulrain, Fortier, Goldman, Vogenitz, Widner, Wright, and Swisher. There'll be foom for more detailed results next time, so we have hopes of hearing from you all again. A postal will do. Each item from 1 to 10--you know the system, or should by this time! BEACON LIGHT (concluded from page 19) roughs works. Lighter stuff than Raymond, on the whole, and it probably won't be remembered as long, with a few exceptions such as "Phoenix Planet", perhaps. I wouldn't bet on that, either, though it did strike me as a particularly well done yarn. Just for the helluvit, I'd like to know if anyone can add to this list of published Lovecraft yarns which did not appear in the Memorial Volume. Leaving out the new "case of Charles Dexter Ward" and "Dream Quest of Unknown Kadith", of course, I can recall the following, all from Weird Tales. "The White Ship", from "From Beyond", "The Tree", "The Other Gods", "The Doom that Came to Sarnath", "The Wicked Clergyman", "Beyond the Wall of Sleep", and "In the walls of Eryx". This, I think, about winds us up for the moment. Turning off the beacon, chums, and see you next issue, I hope. ADVERTISEMENT Have you tried The California Mercury yet? No? Well, you're missing something! The First Anniversary Issue, out April 1, will contain 24 pages, of fine two-color mimeographing, and all the best columnists in stfandom! Lew Martin, harry Jenkins, Walt Daugherty, Forrest J Ackerman, and innumerable others! It's fandom's streamlined newsmagazine, and one you musn't miss. The big Anniversary Issue sells for a dime a copy, but you'll save money by sending fifty cents for a year's quota of six bi-monthly issues. Address:-- J. J. Fortier, 1836 39th Ave. Oakland, California.
Hevelin Fanzines