Scientifictionist, issue 2, after 1945
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of some sort' "They looked their 'stonishment then, and one of 'em said, 'We'll grant all that, but how about their tallness, and the seven fingers?' That was what really got 'em. "Jack grinned again. 'Notice that bench thing there by the wall?' They all run over to look at it. 'It's about six inches higher than would be comfortable even for a tall man,' Jack pointed out. 'So they must have been taller than us. And those scratches on the wall -- that shows that they have seven fingers.' "An' he walked away, leavin' a still puzzled bunch of Spec-Techs, who even then didn't tumble at first, as they looked at those wall-scratchin's." Bill stopped, and finished off that glass, while the audience clamored for the explanation. He looked his scorn of them. "Gosh, you're as dumb as the Spec-Techs," he said, and spat in disgust. "Here, somebody give me a pencil." He drew some marks on a piece of paper, then got up and walked away, while the group crowded about the paper to see: (For 'EM and Agin 'EM -- cont's from 18) with such a slant as STFIST ... unless you plan to change the name to POLITICAL THEORIZER or something of the sort. AMONG THE CLASSICS gives a much more pleasant example of material. Idea of the column is excellent, and Stanley seems to me to be just the guy to do it. Would like to see the column lengthened, so as to include at least 2 or 3 tales each issue -- something in the manner of your column in AD INFINITUM. STF IDEA CORNER: This fellow Coslet is amazing -- from his published material so far, he looks like the new A.L. Searles of pulp stf. The Author-index of PZ was entertaining as well as being a worthwhile bibliographical feature. REDOUBLED is typically PZ, and very readable. Another nugget added to the growing pile of evidence against the possibility of time travel! That's just about all the remarks on STFIST # 2. It's a blamed good fan mag as it is -- but it could be hyper. -- Joe Kennedy, 84 Baker Ave., Dover, N.J. From: SCIENTIFICTIONIST -- The A Fanzine 13618 Cedar Grove Detriot 5, Michigan Return Postage Gtd. Contents: Printed Matter TO: C. L. Barrett, M.D., 119 So. Madriver St., Bellefontaine, Ohio
of some sort' "They looked their 'stonishment then, and one of 'em said, 'We'll grant all that, but how about their tallness, and the seven fingers?' That was what really got 'em. "Jack grinned again. 'Notice that bench thing there by the wall?' They all run over to look at it. 'It's about six inches higher than would be comfortable even for a tall man,' Jack pointed out. 'So they must have been taller than us. And those scratches on the wall -- that shows that they have seven fingers.' "An' he walked away, leavin' a still puzzled bunch of Spec-Techs, who even then didn't tumble at first, as they looked at those wall-scratchin's." Bill stopped, and finished off that glass, while the audience clamored for the explanation. He looked his scorn of them. "Gosh, you're as dumb as the Spec-Techs," he said, and spat in disgust. "Here, somebody give me a pencil." He drew some marks on a piece of paper, then got up and walked away, while the group crowded about the paper to see: (For 'EM and Agin 'EM -- cont's from 18) with such a slant as STFIST ... unless you plan to change the name to POLITICAL THEORIZER or something of the sort. AMONG THE CLASSICS gives a much more pleasant example of material. Idea of the column is excellent, and Stanley seems to me to be just the guy to do it. Would like to see the column lengthened, so as to include at least 2 or 3 tales each issue -- something in the manner of your column in AD INFINITUM. STF IDEA CORNER: This fellow Coslet is amazing -- from his published material so far, he looks like the new A.L. Searles of pulp stf. The Author-index of PZ was entertaining as well as being a worthwhile bibliographical feature. REDOUBLED is typically PZ, and very readable. Another nugget added to the growing pile of evidence against the possibility of time travel! That's just about all the remarks on STFIST # 2. It's a blamed good fan mag as it is -- but it could be hyper. -- Joe Kennedy, 84 Baker Ave., Dover, N.J. From: SCIENTIFICTIONIST -- The A Fanzine 13618 Cedar Grove Detriot 5, Michigan Return Postage Gtd. Contents: Printed Matter TO: C. L. Barrett, M.D., 119 So. Madriver St., Bellefontaine, Ohio
Hevelin Fanzines