Pluto, v. 1, issue 4, September 1940
Page 30
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30 WHO SAID THAT? PLUTO Paul: We're glad that you like PLUTO so well; Will it improve? Only time can tell. ********************************************************* From Scranton, Penn. Dear Plutonians, I presume you would like to have some more comments on PLUTO. Well well, we'll see----- The cover was an improvement over last issue. A wright cover is all rite with me. I hope you get the right meaning. More covers like the one on #3 & you you'll never have to worry about complaints on the cover. Editorial was not only interesting, but characteristically humorous. The Pup See Pi, (DPUPCPI) was interesting, but I had rec'd the impression that it was to be humorous. "Business Is Verse", and "Little Letdowns" & "And Behold" were all fair. "Minuteness of Man" was a fairly good piece of "-----" Yes Sir. FOO On The Flit, was the most humorous bit in the 3rd issue. I would say that you readers section was the longest ever presented by a fanag. Keep this feature long and you should have no trouble with your circulation. The joke on sound struck me as funny. I pulled it on quite a few people, & you would be surprised at the great number that tried to answer it. Some of the answers were: 100,000; 60,000; 10,000---and even as low as 100! I didn't get the "What makes the grass so green" joke? The scien note was funny. "Uncivilized" & "Gloobermory were both very good satires. News of the IFA was the best article in the issue. More like it. Prize Contest was humorous. Another better feature of PLUTO is "Bright Stuff". "Among The Hams & Pros" should not be discontinued, as some of the other fans would like it to be. Lew Martin's Joke from another Planet, was a good arrangement of an old, old Joke. My joke, after seeing it in print, was terrible; I'm afraid I shall never be a comedian. The back cover was as good as the front cover. On the whole, the 3rd issue is a big improvement over #2. It's funny what five colors can do to make a fan mag popular. It's nice to know that PLUTO, has at last become a success, by receiving the full support of fandom; ie. Material. Funtastically yours, Rajocz. In rajocz's Science column, You can place reliance. It's a mighty fine place To brush up on your science. ********************************************************* From Chapeltown, Leeds 7, England. Dear Mr., Manning, Don't know which, but you can work that out for yourselves. Just received PLUTO No. 3, & glanced through it. It then occurred, to me that so far I haven't given you an opinion on the magazine since I received the first copy, & By Jove, you deserve a spot of encouragement. So hastily brushing aside the debris of some dozen letters, waiting patiently to be answered & siezing a sheet of note-paper, I set down to pen this epistle. Firstly I do hope you will be able to continue sending PLUTO, to me; the poor old FUTURIAN has (temporarily) disappeared. I will of course send you each issue of the PSUEDO FUTURIAN, as appear, (did you get the first?) the second is enclosed. & hope these will suffice to continue the exchange. I would even consider sending you a subscrip-
30 WHO SAID THAT? PLUTO Paul: We're glad that you like PLUTO so well; Will it improve? Only time can tell. ********************************************************* From Scranton, Penn. Dear Plutonians, I presume you would like to have some more comments on PLUTO. Well well, we'll see----- The cover was an improvement over last issue. A wright cover is all rite with me. I hope you get the right meaning. More covers like the one on #3 & you you'll never have to worry about complaints on the cover. Editorial was not only interesting, but characteristically humorous. The Pup See Pi, (DPUPCPI) was interesting, but I had rec'd the impression that it was to be humorous. "Business Is Verse", and "Little Letdowns" & "And Behold" were all fair. "Minuteness of Man" was a fairly good piece of "-----" Yes Sir. FOO On The Flit, was the most humorous bit in the 3rd issue. I would say that you readers section was the longest ever presented by a fanag. Keep this feature long and you should have no trouble with your circulation. The joke on sound struck me as funny. I pulled it on quite a few people, & you would be surprised at the great number that tried to answer it. Some of the answers were: 100,000; 60,000; 10,000---and even as low as 100! I didn't get the "What makes the grass so green" joke? The scien note was funny. "Uncivilized" & "Gloobermory were both very good satires. News of the IFA was the best article in the issue. More like it. Prize Contest was humorous. Another better feature of PLUTO is "Bright Stuff". "Among The Hams & Pros" should not be discontinued, as some of the other fans would like it to be. Lew Martin's Joke from another Planet, was a good arrangement of an old, old Joke. My joke, after seeing it in print, was terrible; I'm afraid I shall never be a comedian. The back cover was as good as the front cover. On the whole, the 3rd issue is a big improvement over #2. It's funny what five colors can do to make a fan mag popular. It's nice to know that PLUTO, has at last become a success, by receiving the full support of fandom; ie. Material. Funtastically yours, Rajocz. In rajocz's Science column, You can place reliance. It's a mighty fine place To brush up on your science. ********************************************************* From Chapeltown, Leeds 7, England. Dear Mr., Manning, Don't know which, but you can work that out for yourselves. Just received PLUTO No. 3, & glanced through it. It then occurred, to me that so far I haven't given you an opinion on the magazine since I received the first copy, & By Jove, you deserve a spot of encouragement. So hastily brushing aside the debris of some dozen letters, waiting patiently to be answered & siezing a sheet of note-paper, I set down to pen this epistle. Firstly I do hope you will be able to continue sending PLUTO, to me; the poor old FUTURIAN has (temporarily) disappeared. I will of course send you each issue of the PSUEDO FUTURIAN, as appear, (did you get the first?) the second is enclosed. & hope these will suffice to continue the exchange. I would even consider sending you a subscrip-
Hevelin Fanzines