Pluto, v. 1, issue 4, September 1940
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AMONG THE HAMS & PROS Hard work this summer--hot weather--and preparations the past few weeks for making ready to attend the CHICON, (which has now blended gloriously with the past,) has been the cause of skimping on & condensing this, the "PROS" section, of "THE HAMS & PROS". In the next (Nov.) issue, we are going to try to arrange this section of the department in a different manner; drawing on suggestions of many fans who have written us. However, we submit, briefly the following as our selections of the outstanding material in recent issues of the "PROS "The Face In The Abyss", by A. Merritt, (reprint) also a poem by Robert W. Lowndes, with the name of the story above, in the Oct. FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES. "Slan" by A.E.Van Vogt, starting serially, in the September, ASTOUNDING. "The Moon Conquerors" by R.H. Romans, in, the Science Fiction Quarterly, summer, 1940. FANTASTIC NOVELS, for September carries the reprint, "People Of The Golden Atom", by A. Merritt. "The Ultimate Salient", by Nelson S. Bond, Fall 1940 PLANET STORIES. "The Girl In The Bottle" by Jack Williamson, in the SEPT, SUPER SCIENCE. "The Worlds Of Tomorrow," by Manly Wade Wellman, in October, THRILLING WONDER STORIES. "The Man Who Sold The Earth", by Thornton Ayre, in October SCIENCE FICTION. "The World Without",----by Benson Herbert, in September, STARTLING. "Deadly Swarm", by Edwin K. Sloat, in August ASTONISHING. "The Devil Makes The Law", by Robert A. Heinlein, in the September 1940, UNKNOWN. HAMS As has been our policy in the "HAMS" section, the past two issues--we are listing in this number, mags which we have not heretofore given a review. Beginning in the next number, a new system will be tried our for reviewing the "HAMS"; our idea being to review mags having the better material, or something of unusual interest to the fans. We will also continue our reviews of newcomers, as fast as we receive them. FANTASY FICTION PICTORIAL FANTASY FICTION PICTORIAL, issue dated Fall 1939--Winter 1940, is a 12 page, neatly hectographed, mag containing as the name implies, drawings by various fans. Edited & published by J.V. Baltadonis, at 1900 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia Penn. Some GOOD, some Mediocre, amateur art. Price 10¢ a copy, from the EDITOR. I.F.A. REVIEW It's brand new; the official organ of The Indiana Fantasy Association. Vol 1 #1. August 1940, has material introducing the new organization, & fine art work by Jenkinson. Neatly Hectoed. Published by Ted Dikty, 3136 Smith St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. ESCAPE ESCAPE, dated Vol 1--#7, January 1940, & styled Convention Issue
AMONG THE HAMS & PROS Hard work this summer--hot weather--and preparations the past few weeks for making ready to attend the CHICON, (which has now blended gloriously with the past,) has been the cause of skimping on & condensing this, the "PROS" section, of "THE HAMS & PROS". In the next (Nov.) issue, we are going to try to arrange this section of the department in a different manner; drawing on suggestions of many fans who have written us. However, we submit, briefly the following as our selections of the outstanding material in recent issues of the "PROS "The Face In The Abyss", by A. Merritt, (reprint) also a poem by Robert W. Lowndes, with the name of the story above, in the Oct. FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES. "Slan" by A.E.Van Vogt, starting serially, in the September, ASTOUNDING. "The Moon Conquerors" by R.H. Romans, in, the Science Fiction Quarterly, summer, 1940. FANTASTIC NOVELS, for September carries the reprint, "People Of The Golden Atom", by A. Merritt. "The Ultimate Salient", by Nelson S. Bond, Fall 1940 PLANET STORIES. "The Girl In The Bottle" by Jack Williamson, in the SEPT, SUPER SCIENCE. "The Worlds Of Tomorrow," by Manly Wade Wellman, in October, THRILLING WONDER STORIES. "The Man Who Sold The Earth", by Thornton Ayre, in October SCIENCE FICTION. "The World Without",----by Benson Herbert, in September, STARTLING. "Deadly Swarm", by Edwin K. Sloat, in August ASTONISHING. "The Devil Makes The Law", by Robert A. Heinlein, in the September 1940, UNKNOWN. HAMS As has been our policy in the "HAMS" section, the past two issues--we are listing in this number, mags which we have not heretofore given a review. Beginning in the next number, a new system will be tried our for reviewing the "HAMS"; our idea being to review mags having the better material, or something of unusual interest to the fans. We will also continue our reviews of newcomers, as fast as we receive them. FANTASY FICTION PICTORIAL FANTASY FICTION PICTORIAL, issue dated Fall 1939--Winter 1940, is a 12 page, neatly hectographed, mag containing as the name implies, drawings by various fans. Edited & published by J.V. Baltadonis, at 1900 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia Penn. Some GOOD, some Mediocre, amateur art. Price 10¢ a copy, from the EDITOR. I.F.A. REVIEW It's brand new; the official organ of The Indiana Fantasy Association. Vol 1 #1. August 1940, has material introducing the new organization, & fine art work by Jenkinson. Neatly Hectoed. Published by Ted Dikty, 3136 Smith St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. ESCAPE ESCAPE, dated Vol 1--#7, January 1940, & styled Convention Issue
Hevelin Fanzines