Pluto, v. 1, issue 4, September 1940
Page 37
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PLUTO PRIZE LETTERS. 37 That's the principal reason I don't like PLUTO. Another reason is that it's in the pay of the Bolshevists. Just look on page 12, and see what half of the page is given over to. RED! You see? Now look on page 13. Look closely at that bit of poetry entitled the "Minuteness Of Man". Outside of the fact that it's in PLUTO, and like all PLUTO material can only be regarded with incredulous horror, it is a brazen attempt by these anarchists, (yeah, I know I said----they were Bolshevists, but dese guys are versatile) to undermine Democracy. Why it's childishly obvious. The purpose of the poem is to everybody an inferiority complex, so that the enemy can come over and take them, while they're brooding bitterly about the smallness of Man Why saluting the flag around these boys must be as dangerous as singing "God Bless America", around a FUTURIAN! The sickening rag PLUTO, is crammed to the brim with propaganda. You see all the business about being in CHICAGO in 1940? Betcha they blowed up the city, or something. And worse of all these radicals have the nerve to appear in print with the insinuation that they will publicly admit they are fifth columnists. Look at that Science thing that guy RAJOCZ does. He's already written one column. Four more will make five. So........ PLUTO, admits that it's punk, too. Gaze at all the puns in the nauseating mag. Doesn't that make it PUNk? I ask you! But the principal thing I don't like about PLUTO, is the fact that it stinks, stinks, stinks------- Joe Gilbert. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Lincoln, Nebraska Mr. D.B. Thompson, we are glad to announce that you are the winner of fifth prize in our GIGANTIC PRIZE CONTEST. One year subscription to PLUTO, (think you can stand to read it for a whole year?) and a year subscription to your favorite PRO mag; let us know-------------- I see in your paper PLUTO, that you are having a contest of some kind. I do not understand this contest; so if you do not understand, my entry, we are even. I think PLUTO, is the PUNKEST Fan Mag for two reasons, as follows-- Firstly;--lookut all them there colors. Would a good magazine have all them colors? No! Lookut the Puhleeze Gaze-atte;----does it have a lot of colors? No! Lookut "Buck Gordon In The Martian Morass", or even "Flash Rogers Flits Again". Them is swell cereals. Do they have a lotta colors? No! Jest plain black and white. Then lookut them PUNK pitchers like "PUNOKEEO" and "Dr. Fly Traps", (or some such silly name) They gotta lotta color! Do you want your PLUTO, to be like them-----? No! You wanta have a good paper. Secondly: PLUTO ain't serious! No, it ain't! It makes me think of that crazy thing that 4SJ & Morojo put out---I don't remember the name but the last one had a pitcher of a PRETZELOSAURUS on the cover. Did anyone ever see a PRETZELOSAURUS? No! Why? There ain't no sich nanimul, that's why! Do you want PLUTO to be like that? No! A good book, has gotta be serious! And that is why I think PLUTO is the PUNKEST fan mag. I know this ain't very good; but I don't care if I don't win first prize; FOURTH or even FIFTH, will be good enough for me. Respectfully yours, "The Voice Of Salt Creek" D.B. Thompson. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
PLUTO PRIZE LETTERS. 37 That's the principal reason I don't like PLUTO. Another reason is that it's in the pay of the Bolshevists. Just look on page 12, and see what half of the page is given over to. RED! You see? Now look on page 13. Look closely at that bit of poetry entitled the "Minuteness Of Man". Outside of the fact that it's in PLUTO, and like all PLUTO material can only be regarded with incredulous horror, it is a brazen attempt by these anarchists, (yeah, I know I said----they were Bolshevists, but dese guys are versatile) to undermine Democracy. Why it's childishly obvious. The purpose of the poem is to everybody an inferiority complex, so that the enemy can come over and take them, while they're brooding bitterly about the smallness of Man Why saluting the flag around these boys must be as dangerous as singing "God Bless America", around a FUTURIAN! The sickening rag PLUTO, is crammed to the brim with propaganda. You see all the business about being in CHICAGO in 1940? Betcha they blowed up the city, or something. And worse of all these radicals have the nerve to appear in print with the insinuation that they will publicly admit they are fifth columnists. Look at that Science thing that guy RAJOCZ does. He's already written one column. Four more will make five. So........ PLUTO, admits that it's punk, too. Gaze at all the puns in the nauseating mag. Doesn't that make it PUNk? I ask you! But the principal thing I don't like about PLUTO, is the fact that it stinks, stinks, stinks------- Joe Gilbert. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Lincoln, Nebraska Mr. D.B. Thompson, we are glad to announce that you are the winner of fifth prize in our GIGANTIC PRIZE CONTEST. One year subscription to PLUTO, (think you can stand to read it for a whole year?) and a year subscription to your favorite PRO mag; let us know-------------- I see in your paper PLUTO, that you are having a contest of some kind. I do not understand this contest; so if you do not understand, my entry, we are even. I think PLUTO, is the PUNKEST Fan Mag for two reasons, as follows-- Firstly;--lookut all them there colors. Would a good magazine have all them colors? No! Lookut the Puhleeze Gaze-atte;----does it have a lot of colors? No! Lookut "Buck Gordon In The Martian Morass", or even "Flash Rogers Flits Again". Them is swell cereals. Do they have a lotta colors? No! Jest plain black and white. Then lookut them PUNK pitchers like "PUNOKEEO" and "Dr. Fly Traps", (or some such silly name) They gotta lotta color! Do you want your PLUTO, to be like them-----? No! You wanta have a good paper. Secondly: PLUTO ain't serious! No, it ain't! It makes me think of that crazy thing that 4SJ & Morojo put out---I don't remember the name but the last one had a pitcher of a PRETZELOSAURUS on the cover. Did anyone ever see a PRETZELOSAURUS? No! Why? There ain't no sich nanimul, that's why! Do you want PLUTO to be like that? No! A good book, has gotta be serious! And that is why I think PLUTO is the PUNKEST fan mag. I know this ain't very good; but I don't care if I don't win first prize; FOURTH or even FIFTH, will be good enough for me. Respectfully yours, "The Voice Of Salt Creek" D.B. Thompson. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Hevelin Fanzines