Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
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19 than the midwest. The educational, cultural and social status of the group, therefore, has its roots within the area. As seen through the heads of families, the educational status if the Negro group of the city, though slightly better than that of urban Negroes for the state of Iowa as a whole, is below the average for the nation at large and substantially below that of the white population of the state. There were almost three times as many Negro family heads in Burlington who had obtained only 7 grades or less of the formal education as there were urban whites 25 years old and over for the state in 1940. At the same time 15 percent more white had gone to high school and more than twice as many went to college. 3. The level of employment of Negro family heads was rather high (89%), approximately the same as the situation generally in Burlington in June 1950. But the occupational distribution of the Negro families revealed a narrow and limited pattern; six out of every ten Negro families' heads are employed in common labor and service occupations, whereas the state as a whole in 1940, only 4 percent of all urban workers were in domestic service and 9 percent in other service occupations. There is practically no representation of Negro families in manufacturing; yet this is the industry which yields the highest average wage. Forty percent of the Negro family heads depend on jobs in wholesale and retail establishments, as compared with 26 percent of all adult workers in Burlington in 1940. These jobs are largely in unskilled classifications. 4. Under these general influences, the Negro family of Burlington is not undergoing an extreme amount of disorganization, although some signs
19 than the midwest. The educational, cultural and social status of the group, therefore, has its roots within the area. As seen through the heads of families, the educational status if the Negro group of the city, though slightly better than that of urban Negroes for the state of Iowa as a whole, is below the average for the nation at large and substantially below that of the white population of the state. There were almost three times as many Negro family heads in Burlington who had obtained only 7 grades or less of the formal education as there were urban whites 25 years old and over for the state in 1940. At the same time 15 percent more white had gone to high school and more than twice as many went to college. 3. The level of employment of Negro family heads was rather high (89%), approximately the same as the situation generally in Burlington in June 1950. But the occupational distribution of the Negro families revealed a narrow and limited pattern; six out of every ten Negro families' heads are employed in common labor and service occupations, whereas the state as a whole in 1940, only 4 percent of all urban workers were in domestic service and 9 percent in other service occupations. There is practically no representation of Negro families in manufacturing; yet this is the industry which yields the highest average wage. Forty percent of the Negro family heads depend on jobs in wholesale and retail establishments, as compared with 26 percent of all adult workers in Burlington in 1940. These jobs are largely in unskilled classifications. 4. Under these general influences, the Negro family of Burlington is not undergoing an extreme amount of disorganization, although some signs
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