Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
Page 59
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59 hospitalization among Negroes may be partially accounted for by economic conditions. The problem of inability to pay is certainly suggested in replies from physicians. Nursing and boarding homes studied admitted on Negroes in 1949. One Negro patient lived at the County Home during this year. Care of the convalescent, aged, and chronically ill among Negroes is revealed by the study to be an even greater community problem than the same problem among other racial segments of the population. The Des Moines County Health Center and Mental Health Center reported health services to Negroes at a rate considerably higher than their representation in the population. However, those services appear to be out patient service and cannot be expected to take the place of hospitalization or nursing home care. On the other hand, the figures for services to the general population were not requested from these two centers, and no conclusions are possible concerning the relative number of Negroes in comparison with the rest of the population. Replies from Burlington doctors are favorable concerning the availability of their services to the Negro population as a group. Not one doctor reported an unwillingness to serve Negroes. Twenty-four among 28 physicians replying indicated that they accommodated Negro patients in their offices; twenty-three reported that they served Negroes during their regular office hours. Everyone of the
59 hospitalization among Negroes may be partially accounted for by economic conditions. The problem of inability to pay is certainly suggested in replies from physicians. Nursing and boarding homes studied admitted on Negroes in 1949. One Negro patient lived at the County Home during this year. Care of the convalescent, aged, and chronically ill among Negroes is revealed by the study to be an even greater community problem than the same problem among other racial segments of the population. The Des Moines County Health Center and Mental Health Center reported health services to Negroes at a rate considerably higher than their representation in the population. However, those services appear to be out patient service and cannot be expected to take the place of hospitalization or nursing home care. On the other hand, the figures for services to the general population were not requested from these two centers, and no conclusions are possible concerning the relative number of Negroes in comparison with the rest of the population. Replies from Burlington doctors are favorable concerning the availability of their services to the Negro population as a group. Not one doctor reported an unwillingness to serve Negroes. Twenty-four among 28 physicians replying indicated that they accommodated Negro patients in their offices; twenty-three reported that they served Negroes during their regular office hours. Everyone of the
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