Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
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62 general classification of types of services for the present coverage. The following table summarizes these data. Table 13. Number and Percentage Distribution of Firms Covered by Industry Type (1950) Compared With Percentage Distribution of All Employed Adult Workers by Industry Type in 1940: Burlington, Iowa. Type of Industry, Number of Firms, Percent of Firms, Percent of 1940 Employed Workers All types, 143,100.0, 100.0 Agriculture 1.3 Construction 3, 2.2, 4.1 Manufacturing 16, 11.3, 29.6 Transportation & Communication 12, 8.4,11.9 Wholesale & Retail Trade, 63, 44.0,25.8 Services, 38, 26.4, 21.1 Finance and Insurance, 2, 1.4, 2.5 Government, 7, 4.9, 3.7 Not Given, 2, 1.7 There is apparently considerable diversity of enterprise in Burlington. The largest concentrations of employed workers are found, in both the 1940 data and our coverage of fires, among the manufacturing, transportation and communication, wholesale and retail, and service fields. These areas describe the dominant character of business and industry in the city. There is a conspicuous absence of the single industry type pattern found in many small urban areas as the controlling feature of economic life.
62 general classification of types of services for the present coverage. The following table summarizes these data. Table 13. Number and Percentage Distribution of Firms Covered by Industry Type (1950) Compared With Percentage Distribution of All Employed Adult Workers by Industry Type in 1940: Burlington, Iowa. Type of Industry, Number of Firms, Percent of Firms, Percent of 1940 Employed Workers All types, 143,100.0, 100.0 Agriculture 1.3 Construction 3, 2.2, 4.1 Manufacturing 16, 11.3, 29.6 Transportation & Communication 12, 8.4,11.9 Wholesale & Retail Trade, 63, 44.0,25.8 Services, 38, 26.4, 21.1 Finance and Insurance, 2, 1.4, 2.5 Government, 7, 4.9, 3.7 Not Given, 2, 1.7 There is apparently considerable diversity of enterprise in Burlington. The largest concentrations of employed workers are found, in both the 1940 data and our coverage of fires, among the manufacturing, transportation and communication, wholesale and retail, and service fields. These areas describe the dominant character of business and industry in the city. There is a conspicuous absence of the single industry type pattern found in many small urban areas as the controlling feature of economic life.
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