Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
Page 75
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75 during their entire history. As compared with the distribution of all workers in the city by types of industry, the representation of Negroes in manufacturing is conspicuously small and their presence in the service enterprises disproportionately high. The utilization of Negro workers is predominately in the unskilled performances. There is a general willingness to employ Negro workers on the part of most of the firms not presently using them. Because of real or anticipated difficulties in using Negro workers, however, the business repair services and personal services show hesitation. The manufacturing firms, representing the area of conspicuous lack of Negro workers, are ambivalent in their expression toward fuller use of this sorrow of manpower. The concentration and restricted range of employment of Negro workers cannot be said in themselves to be evidence of exclusion.They are nevertheless possible symptoms, and considered with other evidence they are highly suggestive of the general situation. The attitudes of several firms however, are clearly unsympathetic, and there is a general trend toward accepting Negro workers only in the lower job classifications and not accepting them in higher ones. The real limits to Negro jobs and career opportunities seem to lie within this dimension.
75 during their entire history. As compared with the distribution of all workers in the city by types of industry, the representation of Negroes in manufacturing is conspicuously small and their presence in the service enterprises disproportionately high. The utilization of Negro workers is predominately in the unskilled performances. There is a general willingness to employ Negro workers on the part of most of the firms not presently using them. Because of real or anticipated difficulties in using Negro workers, however, the business repair services and personal services show hesitation. The manufacturing firms, representing the area of conspicuous lack of Negro workers, are ambivalent in their expression toward fuller use of this sorrow of manpower. The concentration and restricted range of employment of Negro workers cannot be said in themselves to be evidence of exclusion.They are nevertheless possible symptoms, and considered with other evidence they are highly suggestive of the general situation. The attitudes of several firms however, are clearly unsympathetic, and there is a general trend toward accepting Negro workers only in the lower job classifications and not accepting them in higher ones. The real limits to Negro jobs and career opportunities seem to lie within this dimension.
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