Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations: Final report, 1950
Page 85
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SUMMARY-CONCLUSION The housing of Negro citizens of Burlington, as revealed through this analysis, does not present a picture of extremely critical proportions. At the dame time, however, there are certain features of the Negro housing situation which constitute important problems to be solved in any effort to improve the housing of the general community. On the positive side, the distribution of the gross housing supply does not appear to have placed Negroes at a special disadvantage. In addition, the pattern of residence has not followed typical lines of rigid racial segregation, there being small proportions of Negro families in all but one of the seven wards of the city. There is, however, some suggestion of a traditional and benign type of a segregation pattern in the spotty contractions of Negro housing within the wards of their location, and in the pattern of occupancy succession--namely, Negroes following Negroes in dwellings traditionally used by them. Expansion of Negro residence into new housing of either public or private source been limited in occurrence. This, along with other more important features, is a negative aspect of the housing picture. The extremely high incidence of Negro-owned dwellings is a favorable economic and social factor, but the disproportionately high figure strongly suggests that ownership has been the only safe basis for acquiring housing during a period of housing stringency, and under market conditions unfavorable to Negro rental business. The negative side of the Negro housing picture is most clearly expressed in the quality of housing and in the policies and practices of
SUMMARY-CONCLUSION The housing of Negro citizens of Burlington, as revealed through this analysis, does not present a picture of extremely critical proportions. At the dame time, however, there are certain features of the Negro housing situation which constitute important problems to be solved in any effort to improve the housing of the general community. On the positive side, the distribution of the gross housing supply does not appear to have placed Negroes at a special disadvantage. In addition, the pattern of residence has not followed typical lines of rigid racial segregation, there being small proportions of Negro families in all but one of the seven wards of the city. There is, however, some suggestion of a traditional and benign type of a segregation pattern in the spotty contractions of Negro housing within the wards of their location, and in the pattern of occupancy succession--namely, Negroes following Negroes in dwellings traditionally used by them. Expansion of Negro residence into new housing of either public or private source been limited in occurrence. This, along with other more important features, is a negative aspect of the housing picture. The extremely high incidence of Negro-owned dwellings is a favorable economic and social factor, but the disproportionately high figure strongly suggests that ownership has been the only safe basis for acquiring housing during a period of housing stringency, and under market conditions unfavorable to Negro rental business. The negative side of the Negro housing picture is most clearly expressed in the quality of housing and in the policies and practices of
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