Publicity for the Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations
""Missions Accomplished"" Page 3
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Missions Accomplished FROM ONE VIEWPOINT the Church's mission is never accomplished. All Christian action, individual or corporate has a radically unfinished character. The Mission will be accomplished only when "all things" are accomplished, in God's final fulfilment of His purpose. Yet there is another sense in which the accomplishment of a mission is the summons and opportunity of the Christian and the Church in every moment of their life. While we are never able to fulfil the whole commandment of love to God and neighbour yet at the same time "he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." The following report of "Mission Accomplished" is not offered in a spirit of organizational self satisfaction and boastfulness. It is offered in gratitude - that by acts of human faithfulness, compassionate service and self forgetful love. God's kingdom actually comes, moment by moment. The complete design of His purpose is beyond our sight. Yet wherever the living Word is spoken and calls forth its response of faith a mission is accomplished. Wherever a child is received into the care and nurture of the Christian fellowship, a mission is accomplished. Wherever in a churchless community there rises a house of prayer... of the Christian faith is forthrightly and competently set forth in the midst of the conflict of intellects and faiths on a university campus... or God's truth and comfort fund their way via radio or television to a needy heart... or a person who thought himself forgotten learns there is one who cares.... or some brokenness of body or mind is healed.. or an enmity reconciled... or the hopeless led to an open door of hope... there an authentic mission, one that we have learned from Christ is accomplished. To all who by labor gift, prayer, or any service of hand and heart have been fellow workers in the Mission, this record of effort and accomplishment is dedicated. TRUMAN B. DOUGLASS The Biennial Report 1953-1954 THE BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS OF THE CONGREGATIONAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 287 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 10, N.Y.
Missions Accomplished FROM ONE VIEWPOINT the Church's mission is never accomplished. All Christian action, individual or corporate has a radically unfinished character. The Mission will be accomplished only when "all things" are accomplished, in God's final fulfilment of His purpose. Yet there is another sense in which the accomplishment of a mission is the summons and opportunity of the Christian and the Church in every moment of their life. While we are never able to fulfil the whole commandment of love to God and neighbour yet at the same time "he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." The following report of "Mission Accomplished" is not offered in a spirit of organizational self satisfaction and boastfulness. It is offered in gratitude - that by acts of human faithfulness, compassionate service and self forgetful love. God's kingdom actually comes, moment by moment. The complete design of His purpose is beyond our sight. Yet wherever the living Word is spoken and calls forth its response of faith a mission is accomplished. Wherever a child is received into the care and nurture of the Christian fellowship, a mission is accomplished. Wherever in a churchless community there rises a house of prayer... of the Christian faith is forthrightly and competently set forth in the midst of the conflict of intellects and faiths on a university campus... or God's truth and comfort fund their way via radio or television to a needy heart... or a person who thought himself forgotten learns there is one who cares.... or some brokenness of body or mind is healed.. or an enmity reconciled... or the hopeless led to an open door of hope... there an authentic mission, one that we have learned from Christ is accomplished. To all who by labor gift, prayer, or any service of hand and heart have been fellow workers in the Mission, this record of effort and accomplishment is dedicated. TRUMAN B. DOUGLASS The Biennial Report 1953-1954 THE BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS OF THE CONGREGATIONAL AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 287 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 10, N.Y.
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