Publicity for the Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations
""Missions Accomplished"" Page 9
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(Left) First Congressional Church of Temple, Arizona as it nears completion. (Right) A young parishioner joins in the dedication of the site (Below) Breaking ground for the new church. [photograph] interest at 3%. The money thus received then becomes immediately available for similar assistance to other churches. Grants during these two years amounted to $373,210. The grants bear no current interest and need not be repaid as long as the recipient church remains in active denominational fellowship. Churches in 38 states and in Puerto Rico have received this financial assistance, the larger amounts going naturally, to those sections of the country where the population is growing rapidly with the consequent need for new church buildings or the renovation and extension of those already in existence. That this fundamental work of construction will continue with increased vigor is now assured but the magnificent result of the Church Building Loan Fund campaign. The addition o $4,500,000 to the revolving funds of the Church Building Society is not only a response to a present urgent need but a great contribution to the permanent strength of the denomination. Here indeed is a "mission accomplished." Churches need more than financial assistance. Often they need vision, a new dynamic. This need has been met in part by field visitation through the studies and program of the Marginal Church Committee, through the development of pertinent literature, through seminars, through scholarships to various specialized schools, along with committee organization and activity on the conference level. Outstanding in importance have been the schools for pastors at Deering, New Hampshire, and La Foret, Colorado, which provide parish-centered refresher courses in theology, Bible, worship, care of the parish, religious education, preaching and other professional subjects. Each summer a hundred and more ministers from a cross section of our churches gather at the two schools. They come as individuals, they depart with a sense of fellowship along with new insights and new courage to be transmitted to their congregations. Two actions of utmost significance will take place as the biennium comes to a close on June 1st . The Convention of the SOuth composed of the Negro churches from Virginia to Texas, and the Southeast Convention, composed of the white churches of Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky and Tennessee, will assume autonomous status, joining the ranks of Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, the Intermountain District, Florida and Colorado which over recent years have become independent, financially and administratively. Generous subsidies have been provided in each case to make the transition from missionary to autonomous status orderly and successful. The record in each instance to date has been one of increased vitality and strength, abundantly justifying the faith that acceptance of full responsibility is the only sound basis for whole hearted participation. [photograph]
(Left) First Congressional Church of Temple, Arizona as it nears completion. (Right) A young parishioner joins in the dedication of the site (Below) Breaking ground for the new church. [photograph] interest at 3%. The money thus received then becomes immediately available for similar assistance to other churches. Grants during these two years amounted to $373,210. The grants bear no current interest and need not be repaid as long as the recipient church remains in active denominational fellowship. Churches in 38 states and in Puerto Rico have received this financial assistance, the larger amounts going naturally, to those sections of the country where the population is growing rapidly with the consequent need for new church buildings or the renovation and extension of those already in existence. That this fundamental work of construction will continue with increased vigor is now assured but the magnificent result of the Church Building Loan Fund campaign. The addition o $4,500,000 to the revolving funds of the Church Building Society is not only a response to a present urgent need but a great contribution to the permanent strength of the denomination. Here indeed is a "mission accomplished." Churches need more than financial assistance. Often they need vision, a new dynamic. This need has been met in part by field visitation through the studies and program of the Marginal Church Committee, through the development of pertinent literature, through seminars, through scholarships to various specialized schools, along with committee organization and activity on the conference level. Outstanding in importance have been the schools for pastors at Deering, New Hampshire, and La Foret, Colorado, which provide parish-centered refresher courses in theology, Bible, worship, care of the parish, religious education, preaching and other professional subjects. Each summer a hundred and more ministers from a cross section of our churches gather at the two schools. They come as individuals, they depart with a sense of fellowship along with new insights and new courage to be transmitted to their congregations. Two actions of utmost significance will take place as the biennium comes to a close on June 1st . The Convention of the SOuth composed of the Negro churches from Virginia to Texas, and the Southeast Convention, composed of the white churches of Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky and Tennessee, will assume autonomous status, joining the ranks of Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, the Intermountain District, Florida and Colorado which over recent years have become independent, financially and administratively. Generous subsidies have been provided in each case to make the transition from missionary to autonomous status orderly and successful. The record in each instance to date has been one of increased vitality and strength, abundantly justifying the faith that acceptance of full responsibility is the only sound basis for whole hearted participation. [photograph]
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