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""Missions Accomplished"" Page 12
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Christian gospel. Beyond college, in young adult groups the Division is prepared to provide guidance, and when parenthood comes, this great experience, too, has been anticipated by the Division with thoughtful materials to keep the Christian faith at the center of family life. Through all these years, the Division keeps especially in mind those who are entrusted with the spiritual development of our children and youth. Nothing is stressed more than the adequate training of those who teach and counsel. We may pick out for illustration the work of our Department of Higher Education, through which the Division helps the churches follow their young people to college or university. The Department maintains contact with the Presidents of our church related colleges and with ministers in churches near independent and tax supported institutions of higher learning. It makes small appropriations toward the religious program of seventeen colleges and for the maintenance of a Christian program near 54 other campuses. It assists colleges in finding faculty members and recommends qualified men for the ministry to students at university centers. It sponsors and helps to make possible visits of Christian leaders for such occasions as Religious Emphasis Week and brings together ministers to students and college teachers in a summer seminar experience. The secretary of the Department counsels student groups, visits many campuses, advises individual students with reference to questions they put to him, serves as the administrative officer of the national denominational Student Fellowship, and cooperates with other Protestant workers in the activities of the Student Christian Movement. Colleges related to the Department of Higher Education are: Beloit College, Carleton College, Defiance College, Doane College, Drury College, Elon College, Grinnelll College, Illinois College, Knox College, Marietta College, Northland College, Olivet College, Pacific University, Piedmont College, Rocky Mountain College, Rockford College, Schauffler College, Yankton college, Junior colleges: Maunaolu Community College, Paia, Maui, Hawaii; Southern Union College, Wadley, Alabama. Extent of Educational Mission The scope of the assigned responsibility of our Division of Christian Education is revealed in these statistical totals: Number of Church School Pupils... 668.702; number of vacation church school pupils and leaders... 101,369; young people in Pilgrim Fellowship... 141,906; college students served... 50.,000... plus an additional 3,142 in AMA Negro colleges; number of copies of special literature distributed during a year.... 4,000,000.
Christian gospel. Beyond college, in young adult groups the Division is prepared to provide guidance, and when parenthood comes, this great experience, too, has been anticipated by the Division with thoughtful materials to keep the Christian faith at the center of family life. Through all these years, the Division keeps especially in mind those who are entrusted with the spiritual development of our children and youth. Nothing is stressed more than the adequate training of those who teach and counsel. We may pick out for illustration the work of our Department of Higher Education, through which the Division helps the churches follow their young people to college or university. The Department maintains contact with the Presidents of our church related colleges and with ministers in churches near independent and tax supported institutions of higher learning. It makes small appropriations toward the religious program of seventeen colleges and for the maintenance of a Christian program near 54 other campuses. It assists colleges in finding faculty members and recommends qualified men for the ministry to students at university centers. It sponsors and helps to make possible visits of Christian leaders for such occasions as Religious Emphasis Week and brings together ministers to students and college teachers in a summer seminar experience. The secretary of the Department counsels student groups, visits many campuses, advises individual students with reference to questions they put to him, serves as the administrative officer of the national denominational Student Fellowship, and cooperates with other Protestant workers in the activities of the Student Christian Movement. Colleges related to the Department of Higher Education are: Beloit College, Carleton College, Defiance College, Doane College, Drury College, Elon College, Grinnelll College, Illinois College, Knox College, Marietta College, Northland College, Olivet College, Pacific University, Piedmont College, Rocky Mountain College, Rockford College, Schauffler College, Yankton college, Junior colleges: Maunaolu Community College, Paia, Maui, Hawaii; Southern Union College, Wadley, Alabama. Extent of Educational Mission The scope of the assigned responsibility of our Division of Christian Education is revealed in these statistical totals: Number of Church School Pupils... 668.702; number of vacation church school pupils and leaders... 101,369; young people in Pilgrim Fellowship... 141,906; college students served... 50.,000... plus an additional 3,142 in AMA Negro colleges; number of copies of special literature distributed during a year.... 4,000,000.
Campus Culture