Publicity for the Burlington Self-Survey on Human Relations
""Missions Accomplished"" Page 35
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The Board of Home Missions of the Congregational and Christian Churches 287 Fourth Avenue, New York 10 , New York (All offices in New York except where otherwise noted) Executive Vice President - TRUMAN B. DOUGLAS Treasurer - WILLIAM F. FRAZIER Assistant Treasurers - ALFRED BOSER, JR., WILLIAM J. NELSON, GERTRUDE B. RICHARDS The American Missionary Association Division General Secretary - Philip M. Widenhouse Department of Race Relations (Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee) Herman H. Long, Director Galen R. Weaver, Religion and Race (new York) John Hope II Labor and Race Relations Robert Sweet, Education and Publicity Charles S. Johnson, Director of Annual Institute of Race Relations. Puerto Rico Mission (c/o Ryder Hospital, Humacao, Puerto Rico) Howard E. Spragg, Director (New York) Joseph Bevilacqua, Church Counselor The Division of Christian Education 14 Beacon Street, Boston 8, Massachusetts 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois General Secretary - Harry Thomas Stock Secretary of Leadership and Field Program - Mildred C. Widlber* Editor-in-Chief - Merle L. Easton Secretary of Children's Work - Grace E. Storma Editor of Children's Publications - Ruth E. Curry Editor of CHILDREN'S RELIGION- Frances W. Eastman Secretary of Junior High Work - Editor of Junior and Junior High School Publications - Dorothy E. ClaypooL Secretary of Young People's Work - Henry R. Rust Editor of Young People's Publications- J. Elliott Finlay Secretary of Adult Work and Family Life - Walter E. Dobler Secretary of Higher Education - Bryant Drake* Secretary of Weekday Religious Education - Erwin :L., Shaver Research Secretary in Missionary Education - W. Armstrong Hunter Field Representative - Leila W. Anderson* *Chicago The Division of Church Extension and Evangelism General Secretary - Stanley U. North Church Building Department- William Kincaid Newman, Secretary Department of Church Finance Advisory Service - Curtis R. Schumacher, Director; LeRoy E. Eide, Associate Town and Country Department - Thomas Alfred Tripp, Director Department of City Work - Ira D. Black, Director Department of Field Research - Wesley A. Hotchkiss Director Commission on Evangelism- The Ministerial Relief Division General Secretary - Frank J. Scribner Associate - Samuel W. Keck The Pilgrim Press Division 14 Beacon Street, Boston 8, Massachusetts 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois General Manager-- Charles A. Butts (Boston) Editor of ADVANCE- Andrew Vance McCracken (New York) Bookstore Manager (Boston) - Dora J. Brown Bookstore Manager (Chicago) - Mrs. Marjorie L. Kniffin The Promotion and Missionary Education Division Minister and Executive Secretary, Missions Council - Henry Smith Leiper* Associate Minister and Executive Secretary - R. Norris Wilson* Associate Executive Secretary - Jennie M. Dodge** Associate Executive Secretary - David H. Sandstrom *** Friendly Service Secretary- Marjory A. Martin * Program Secretary for Missionary Education - Ione Catton *** Project Secretary - Ralph R. Shrader ** Research Secretary - W. Armstrong Hunter** Special Promotion Secretary - Walter C. Giersbach * Secretary of Publicity - Dorothy Cushing ** Secretary of Women's Work - Margaret Hargrove * Associate Secretary of Women's Work - Lillian Gregory Editorial Secretary -William K. Wilson * Office secretary and Assistant Treasurer - Lucy V. Seidler* *287 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, New York ** 14 Beacon Street, Boston 8, Massachusetts ***19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois The Laymen's Fellowship ( Pembroke Kentucky) National Executive Director - Walter A. Graham
The Board of Home Missions of the Congregational and Christian Churches 287 Fourth Avenue, New York 10 , New York (All offices in New York except where otherwise noted) Executive Vice President - TRUMAN B. DOUGLAS Treasurer - WILLIAM F. FRAZIER Assistant Treasurers - ALFRED BOSER, JR., WILLIAM J. NELSON, GERTRUDE B. RICHARDS The American Missionary Association Division General Secretary - Philip M. Widenhouse Department of Race Relations (Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee) Herman H. Long, Director Galen R. Weaver, Religion and Race (new York) John Hope II Labor and Race Relations Robert Sweet, Education and Publicity Charles S. Johnson, Director of Annual Institute of Race Relations. Puerto Rico Mission (c/o Ryder Hospital, Humacao, Puerto Rico) Howard E. Spragg, Director (New York) Joseph Bevilacqua, Church Counselor The Division of Christian Education 14 Beacon Street, Boston 8, Massachusetts 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois General Secretary - Harry Thomas Stock Secretary of Leadership and Field Program - Mildred C. Widlber* Editor-in-Chief - Merle L. Easton Secretary of Children's Work - Grace E. Storma Editor of Children's Publications - Ruth E. Curry Editor of CHILDREN'S RELIGION- Frances W. Eastman Secretary of Junior High Work - Editor of Junior and Junior High School Publications - Dorothy E. ClaypooL Secretary of Young People's Work - Henry R. Rust Editor of Young People's Publications- J. Elliott Finlay Secretary of Adult Work and Family Life - Walter E. Dobler Secretary of Higher Education - Bryant Drake* Secretary of Weekday Religious Education - Erwin :L., Shaver Research Secretary in Missionary Education - W. Armstrong Hunter Field Representative - Leila W. Anderson* *Chicago The Division of Church Extension and Evangelism General Secretary - Stanley U. North Church Building Department- William Kincaid Newman, Secretary Department of Church Finance Advisory Service - Curtis R. Schumacher, Director; LeRoy E. Eide, Associate Town and Country Department - Thomas Alfred Tripp, Director Department of City Work - Ira D. Black, Director Department of Field Research - Wesley A. Hotchkiss Director Commission on Evangelism- The Ministerial Relief Division General Secretary - Frank J. Scribner Associate - Samuel W. Keck The Pilgrim Press Division 14 Beacon Street, Boston 8, Massachusetts 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois General Manager-- Charles A. Butts (Boston) Editor of ADVANCE- Andrew Vance McCracken (New York) Bookstore Manager (Boston) - Dora J. Brown Bookstore Manager (Chicago) - Mrs. Marjorie L. Kniffin The Promotion and Missionary Education Division Minister and Executive Secretary, Missions Council - Henry Smith Leiper* Associate Minister and Executive Secretary - R. Norris Wilson* Associate Executive Secretary - Jennie M. Dodge** Associate Executive Secretary - David H. Sandstrom *** Friendly Service Secretary- Marjory A. Martin * Program Secretary for Missionary Education - Ione Catton *** Project Secretary - Ralph R. Shrader ** Research Secretary - W. Armstrong Hunter** Special Promotion Secretary - Walter C. Giersbach * Secretary of Publicity - Dorothy Cushing ** Secretary of Women's Work - Margaret Hargrove * Associate Secretary of Women's Work - Lillian Gregory Editorial Secretary -William K. Wilson * Office secretary and Assistant Treasurer - Lucy V. Seidler* *287 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, New York ** 14 Beacon Street, Boston 8, Massachusetts ***19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois The Laymen's Fellowship ( Pembroke Kentucky) National Executive Director - Walter A. Graham
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