Action Studies Program, 1967-1968
1971-12-14 Compost Page 32
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AUDIOTAPE LIBRARY Audiovisual Center Media Library East Hall (Iowa and Linn) 353-5885; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays They have a collection of over 3,000 tapes for all ages on all subjects. You can buy duplicates on any tape, on either open reel tape or cassette, for $3.75 per hour. Write to them, or go down and get their catalog of titles. Example: (not necessarily recommended) The Quick and the Dead, Bob Hope discusses the Atomic Bomb, 30 minutes. International Teenage Social Customs, 15 minutes. FREE MOVIES Check the DAILY IOWAN "Campus Notes" section daily where various departments in the University (especially language) list the time and place where they will be showing a film. Usually they are free and no one minds if non-departmental people come. Film classes have their own list of films for their own study. If there is room, and no one cares if non-members come, then the films are available. Check in the TV-Film office (in the Old Armory) to see which instructors have a list, and which instructors object to your coming. FACILITIES PLANNING (Formerly Office of Space Assignment) 102 Jessup Hall 353-5866 Will distribute 50 posters on bulletin boards around the campus, for one week. The posters must be no larger than 11 by 14, with the sponsor's name printed on it. The sponsor should be a department or an approved student group, but if it is of general student interest, they will probably accept them. The posters should be brought in by 10 in the morning to get out that day. JOHNSON COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Post Office Bldg. 2nd floor 8-12, 1-5 weekdays An extension of the Iowa State University in Ames. They have a lot of free and useful pamphlets put out by the Department of Agriculture and ISU available at the Extension office or through Publications Distribution Center Printing and publications Bldg. Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50010 Examples: Preventing Prussic Acid Poisoning, Finishing Exterior Wood Surfaces, Water Supply Sources for the Farmstead and Rural Homes, Wise Ways to Can Fruits and Vegetables, How to Fit Pants, and Pickles. They also offer a variety of courses, conferences and newsletters on farm and business management, livestock and crop production, community affairs and home economics. Some examples: a lecture on House Plant Care, and a one-day workshop on Land Purchase Decision. The Extension Service will also test your soil (for a nominal fee) for any imbalance in nutrients. [bold]Hello Again, I've had many requests for canning recipes that would use green tomatoes. i hope this newsletter reaches you before the frost reaches the tomatoes as I've included some ideas for you.[/bold] MRS. CHARLES FRANZEN OF WASHINGTON shared this green tomato sandwich recipe. She says it has a rather strong mustard taste so you may want to cut the amount of mustard used. 24 green or red peppers, 12 green tomatoes, 3 large onions, 3 cups sugar, 1 quart vinegar, 1/3 cup salt, 1 pint prepared mustard, 4 tablespoons flour, 3 teaspoons celery seed, 1 quart salad dressing. Grind vegetables and sprinkle with salt. Let stand overnight. Drain. Add sugar, flour, vinegar, celery seed and mustard. Cook slowly for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and add salad dressing. Pour into jars and seal. Makes about 8 pints. From "Tips and Topics," a County Extension newsletter. PAGE 32
AUDIOTAPE LIBRARY Audiovisual Center Media Library East Hall (Iowa and Linn) 353-5885; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays They have a collection of over 3,000 tapes for all ages on all subjects. You can buy duplicates on any tape, on either open reel tape or cassette, for $3.75 per hour. Write to them, or go down and get their catalog of titles. Example: (not necessarily recommended) The Quick and the Dead, Bob Hope discusses the Atomic Bomb, 30 minutes. International Teenage Social Customs, 15 minutes. FREE MOVIES Check the DAILY IOWAN "Campus Notes" section daily where various departments in the University (especially language) list the time and place where they will be showing a film. Usually they are free and no one minds if non-departmental people come. Film classes have their own list of films for their own study. If there is room, and no one cares if non-members come, then the films are available. Check in the TV-Film office (in the Old Armory) to see which instructors have a list, and which instructors object to your coming. FACILITIES PLANNING (Formerly Office of Space Assignment) 102 Jessup Hall 353-5866 Will distribute 50 posters on bulletin boards around the campus, for one week. The posters must be no larger than 11 by 14, with the sponsor's name printed on it. The sponsor should be a department or an approved student group, but if it is of general student interest, they will probably accept them. The posters should be brought in by 10 in the morning to get out that day. JOHNSON COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Post Office Bldg. 2nd floor 8-12, 1-5 weekdays An extension of the Iowa State University in Ames. They have a lot of free and useful pamphlets put out by the Department of Agriculture and ISU available at the Extension office or through Publications Distribution Center Printing and publications Bldg. Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50010 Examples: Preventing Prussic Acid Poisoning, Finishing Exterior Wood Surfaces, Water Supply Sources for the Farmstead and Rural Homes, Wise Ways to Can Fruits and Vegetables, How to Fit Pants, and Pickles. They also offer a variety of courses, conferences and newsletters on farm and business management, livestock and crop production, community affairs and home economics. Some examples: a lecture on House Plant Care, and a one-day workshop on Land Purchase Decision. The Extension Service will also test your soil (for a nominal fee) for any imbalance in nutrients. [bold]Hello Again, I've had many requests for canning recipes that would use green tomatoes. i hope this newsletter reaches you before the frost reaches the tomatoes as I've included some ideas for you.[/bold] MRS. CHARLES FRANZEN OF WASHINGTON shared this green tomato sandwich recipe. She says it has a rather strong mustard taste so you may want to cut the amount of mustard used. 24 green or red peppers, 12 green tomatoes, 3 large onions, 3 cups sugar, 1 quart vinegar, 1/3 cup salt, 1 pint prepared mustard, 4 tablespoons flour, 3 teaspoons celery seed, 1 quart salad dressing. Grind vegetables and sprinkle with salt. Let stand overnight. Drain. Add sugar, flour, vinegar, celery seed and mustard. Cook slowly for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and add salad dressing. Pour into jars and seal. Makes about 8 pints. From "Tips and Topics," a County Extension newsletter. PAGE 32
Campus Culture