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Welcome from President Howard R. Bowen Page 1
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#323488 May I join the members of the Interfraternity Council in extending to you a warm welcome to the University of Iowa. I hope that it will be possible for you to take advantage of the invitation to participate in the orientation afforded by the Rush Week activities. Whether this experience results in your decision to affiliate with a fraternity or not, it does afford an additional opportunity to learn about experiences outside the classroom and laboratories. Howard R. Bowen President WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA! Congratulations on your decision to attend The University of Iowa. You will find the first semesters of your college life hectic ones and the decisions you will be called upon to make in a short time will be important ones. Among them is the decision of whether or not to join a fraternity. It is a pleasue for me to say that I can recommend any one of our twenty national fraternities on the campus for your consideration. Each of our chapters has its unique manner of accomplishing the common objective—the total educational development of the members. It is for you to decide which, if any, of the groups offers you the greatest educational opportunities. It would be unrealistic for me to say that all students who attend The University of Iowa should join a fraternity. This decision must be your own personal choice. Before you can make a decision, however, you should give yourself the opportunity to base your decision on first-hand knowledge. Rush Week offers you this opportunity. Therefore, I encourage you to participate in Rush Week and see for yourself whether or not our fraternities offer the type of educational opportunities that appeal to you. View the various groups critically and wisely—then make your decision. If you have any questions concerning our fraternity program, please feel free to write me. David L. McKinney Fraternity Adviser 111 University Hall Iowa City, Iowa 52240 IFC WELCOME It is a privilege to join with the men of the fraternities in welcoming you to the University of Iowa. We hope that, as many new students in the past have done, you will take advantage of the opporutunities we offer through our fraternity program. A fraternity is a group of young men who sincerely care about one another and attempt to gain the most from their college experience. Assuming fraternity membership for purely social reasons or freedom to maintain mediocrity on an organized basis has no validity in our program. The best way to see our concepts and ideals in action is to visit us during Rush Week. See for yourself whether or not we offer you the kind of educational experiences that would be beneficial to you. This pamphlet has been prepared for you to provide some basic information about our program. While I think that you'll find this pamphlet very informative, the real basis for decision should be made only after you visit us during Rush Week. Let the men of the fraternity program be your test. I hope to see you during Rush Week and I wish you well for the future. Steve Wherry, IFC President HAWKEYE GREEK An Introduction to the Fraternity Program at The University of Iowa
#323488 May I join the members of the Interfraternity Council in extending to you a warm welcome to the University of Iowa. I hope that it will be possible for you to take advantage of the invitation to participate in the orientation afforded by the Rush Week activities. Whether this experience results in your decision to affiliate with a fraternity or not, it does afford an additional opportunity to learn about experiences outside the classroom and laboratories. Howard R. Bowen President WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA! Congratulations on your decision to attend The University of Iowa. You will find the first semesters of your college life hectic ones and the decisions you will be called upon to make in a short time will be important ones. Among them is the decision of whether or not to join a fraternity. It is a pleasue for me to say that I can recommend any one of our twenty national fraternities on the campus for your consideration. Each of our chapters has its unique manner of accomplishing the common objective—the total educational development of the members. It is for you to decide which, if any, of the groups offers you the greatest educational opportunities. It would be unrealistic for me to say that all students who attend The University of Iowa should join a fraternity. This decision must be your own personal choice. Before you can make a decision, however, you should give yourself the opportunity to base your decision on first-hand knowledge. Rush Week offers you this opportunity. Therefore, I encourage you to participate in Rush Week and see for yourself whether or not our fraternities offer the type of educational opportunities that appeal to you. View the various groups critically and wisely—then make your decision. If you have any questions concerning our fraternity program, please feel free to write me. David L. McKinney Fraternity Adviser 111 University Hall Iowa City, Iowa 52240 IFC WELCOME It is a privilege to join with the men of the fraternities in welcoming you to the University of Iowa. We hope that, as many new students in the past have done, you will take advantage of the opporutunities we offer through our fraternity program. A fraternity is a group of young men who sincerely care about one another and attempt to gain the most from their college experience. Assuming fraternity membership for purely social reasons or freedom to maintain mediocrity on an organized basis has no validity in our program. The best way to see our concepts and ideals in action is to visit us during Rush Week. See for yourself whether or not we offer you the kind of educational experiences that would be beneficial to you. This pamphlet has been prepared for you to provide some basic information about our program. While I think that you'll find this pamphlet very informative, the real basis for decision should be made only after you visit us during Rush Week. Let the men of the fraternity program be your test. I hope to see you during Rush Week and I wish you well for the future. Steve Wherry, IFC President HAWKEYE GREEK An Introduction to the Fraternity Program at The University of Iowa
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