Miscellaneous Fraternity and Sorority Information
Welcome from President Howard R. Bowen Page 2
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SCHOLARSHIP As knowledge and learning are the cornerstones of education, scholastic ideals and achievement are the foundations of fraternal living. Fraternity men realize the importance of scholastic excellence and act in a manner to promote these in their membership. Every fraternity has some form of big brother program, whereby each new pledge becomes the personal responsibility of an older member. This program works well in enabling the pledge to benefit from the experience of his big brother and to become better adjusted to the University environment. Also, the Interfraternity Council provides a free tutoring program for all pledges as a supplement to their classroom work. The results of the fraternities' emphasis on scholarship may be demonstrated through the fact that, for the past ten years, the annual All-Fraternity average has been higher than the All-Men's average. Also, a recent study conducted at The University of Iowa showed that 72 percent of the freshmen joining fraternities remained at the University for four years and graduated or continued in professional colleges. The All-University average indicates that only 49 per cent remain at the University this long. The fraternity program is certainly aware and concerned for the scholastic achievement of its individual members, as the above facts indicate. Dr. Luther L. Terry "More Complete Education" Surgeon General of the United States Pi Kappa Alpha "Fraternities offer the copanionship, the interest in one's academic endeavors, and enthusiasm in one's achievements that make for a more complete education." LEADERSHIP Opportunities for developing one's capacities for leadership are greatly enhanced by fraternity membership. From the moment of pledgeship you become deeply involved in the total life of your chapter. Positions such as pledge-class officers offer an immediate stepping-stone and orientation to future positions as high as you are willing to strive to attain. Through the fraternity, the support and guidance of its more experienced members will enable you to gain chairmanship of a comittee or eventually presidency of the chapter itself. Also, one can further assert himself in a myriad of campus activities which will offer invaluable experience as well as entry into a countless number of campus positions. This is not to say, and should not be interpreted as saying, that fraternity membership will automatically guarantee a highly esteemed position of fraternity or campus leadership. The word leadership in itself implies personal initiative, drive, self-confidence, and the all-important ability to get along with people. This is where your fraternity comes in. Through the close association with a group of men who are, in all respects, your true brothers, these necessary leadership traits can be fully developed. In your endeavors, this group will back you and encourage you. The fraternity, like no other organization, will prepare you for college leadership, for cooperative efforts later in life, in your professional field and in your personal management. It is no accident that many heads of great corporations were fraternity members and leaders in their chapters and respective campuses. Ronald Reagan "The Uncommon Man" Governor, State of California Tau Kappa Epsilon "The fraternity builds its prestige by encouraging each individual member to become an uncommon man. Those who place their faith in regimentation and mass movements decry this, but theirs is not the way to freedom." ATHLETICS Intramural athletics play a vital role itn he fraternity's efforts to build a well-rounded individual. Although most of us are not capable of competition on the varsity level, there are certain sports that we enjoy and would be willing to participate in duirng our college days. The fraternity intramural program gives all members of the fraternity program a chance to participate in competitive sports on a group basis. This program also brings the men in each fraternity closer together through team effort—winning in athletics, as well as in other forms of competition. Intramurals, as well as being stimulating and enjoyable, are another benefit the fraternities offer each of their members. Roger W. Jones "Group Participation" Chairman, U.S. Civil Service Commission "The effectiveness of group particiaptionin a nationwide program of character building among young men of college age has always been prominent in the role of the fraternity on the college campus."
SCHOLARSHIP As knowledge and learning are the cornerstones of education, scholastic ideals and achievement are the foundations of fraternal living. Fraternity men realize the importance of scholastic excellence and act in a manner to promote these in their membership. Every fraternity has some form of big brother program, whereby each new pledge becomes the personal responsibility of an older member. This program works well in enabling the pledge to benefit from the experience of his big brother and to become better adjusted to the University environment. Also, the Interfraternity Council provides a free tutoring program for all pledges as a supplement to their classroom work. The results of the fraternities' emphasis on scholarship may be demonstrated through the fact that, for the past ten years, the annual All-Fraternity average has been higher than the All-Men's average. Also, a recent study conducted at The University of Iowa showed that 72 percent of the freshmen joining fraternities remained at the University for four years and graduated or continued in professional colleges. The All-University average indicates that only 49 per cent remain at the University this long. The fraternity program is certainly aware and concerned for the scholastic achievement of its individual members, as the above facts indicate. Dr. Luther L. Terry "More Complete Education" Surgeon General of the United States Pi Kappa Alpha "Fraternities offer the copanionship, the interest in one's academic endeavors, and enthusiasm in one's achievements that make for a more complete education." LEADERSHIP Opportunities for developing one's capacities for leadership are greatly enhanced by fraternity membership. From the moment of pledgeship you become deeply involved in the total life of your chapter. Positions such as pledge-class officers offer an immediate stepping-stone and orientation to future positions as high as you are willing to strive to attain. Through the fraternity, the support and guidance of its more experienced members will enable you to gain chairmanship of a comittee or eventually presidency of the chapter itself. Also, one can further assert himself in a myriad of campus activities which will offer invaluable experience as well as entry into a countless number of campus positions. This is not to say, and should not be interpreted as saying, that fraternity membership will automatically guarantee a highly esteemed position of fraternity or campus leadership. The word leadership in itself implies personal initiative, drive, self-confidence, and the all-important ability to get along with people. This is where your fraternity comes in. Through the close association with a group of men who are, in all respects, your true brothers, these necessary leadership traits can be fully developed. In your endeavors, this group will back you and encourage you. The fraternity, like no other organization, will prepare you for college leadership, for cooperative efforts later in life, in your professional field and in your personal management. It is no accident that many heads of great corporations were fraternity members and leaders in their chapters and respective campuses. Ronald Reagan "The Uncommon Man" Governor, State of California Tau Kappa Epsilon "The fraternity builds its prestige by encouraging each individual member to become an uncommon man. Those who place their faith in regimentation and mass movements decry this, but theirs is not the way to freedom." ATHLETICS Intramural athletics play a vital role itn he fraternity's efforts to build a well-rounded individual. Although most of us are not capable of competition on the varsity level, there are certain sports that we enjoy and would be willing to participate in duirng our college days. The fraternity intramural program gives all members of the fraternity program a chance to participate in competitive sports on a group basis. This program also brings the men in each fraternity closer together through team effort—winning in athletics, as well as in other forms of competition. Intramurals, as well as being stimulating and enjoyable, are another benefit the fraternities offer each of their members. Roger W. Jones "Group Participation" Chairman, U.S. Civil Service Commission "The effectiveness of group particiaptionin a nationwide program of character building among young men of college age has always been prominent in the role of the fraternity on the college campus."
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