En Garde, whole no. 8, December 1943
Page 12
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page 12. the fapictorial review By Jack Wiedenbeck FAN TODS: As an electrician the last issue gave me cover-colic; but as an artist I thought it hot stuff. Norm, you owe it to FAPA to give us some interior pics once in awhile. WUDGY TALES; Tillywish is a cannier (tin) artist than he will admit. Wish he would do better by this rag. SUSPRO: When Juffus visited Slan Shack recently I meant to congratulate him on his clever little stick men—they give me belly-laffs. I forgot to do so then—I'd like to now. PRESENTING R.C,: Clyne-—hmmmmm—I'm jealous. ..... YHOS: Art's art second to none. The cover idea is an old gag but neatly done, and the bacover is superb. What is Nelson's address? And Widner—how about giving us a straight drawing yourself? I like your covers, EN GARDE: Well—don't blame me I only cut the mask. I have nothing to do with the colors. FANDOMANIA: Damned clever cartoons. Why aren't there more of them in L.A. stuff? GOLDEN ATOM & DREAMS OF YITH: Since they are both illustrated by that indefatigable young artist, Roscoe E. Wright, Ross' only fault is the same as my own-—anatomical weakness (no wise snippers now) and I would like to pass on to him the names of a couple books that I find of vast service in that respect. Victor Perard's "Anatomy and Drawing", from Paul Struck, 415 Lexington Ave,, New York; price $3.50, but can be picked up for $1 second hand. And— "Figure Drawing For All It's Worth", by Andrew Loomis; also from Struck for $3.95. I believe that I owe you a pic, mon ami, and some day I'll really surprise you by sending it. FAN NOTES: Neat heading and Glyne again, who in my opinion is now top fan artist, succeeding Roy Hunt. YE OLDE SCIENCE FICTION FANNY: Such leafly art work! RAHUUN TA-KA: I always was a sucker for abstractions—especially the fried-egg variety. COSCIRC0MM: Enough to gag a buzzard! GUTETO: Format raised to high art. In my opinion the neatest of all fapazines. FA, Browsing, Inspiration, Have At Thee, Walt's Wramblings, Nucleus, Sardonyx, Fan Dango, We Had To Do It, Horizons, S.F. Savant, and Satyric: No art work and therefore no comment.
page 12. the fapictorial review By Jack Wiedenbeck FAN TODS: As an electrician the last issue gave me cover-colic; but as an artist I thought it hot stuff. Norm, you owe it to FAPA to give us some interior pics once in awhile. WUDGY TALES; Tillywish is a cannier (tin) artist than he will admit. Wish he would do better by this rag. SUSPRO: When Juffus visited Slan Shack recently I meant to congratulate him on his clever little stick men—they give me belly-laffs. I forgot to do so then—I'd like to now. PRESENTING R.C,: Clyne-—hmmmmm—I'm jealous. ..... YHOS: Art's art second to none. The cover idea is an old gag but neatly done, and the bacover is superb. What is Nelson's address? And Widner—how about giving us a straight drawing yourself? I like your covers, EN GARDE: Well—don't blame me I only cut the mask. I have nothing to do with the colors. FANDOMANIA: Damned clever cartoons. Why aren't there more of them in L.A. stuff? GOLDEN ATOM & DREAMS OF YITH: Since they are both illustrated by that indefatigable young artist, Roscoe E. Wright, Ross' only fault is the same as my own-—anatomical weakness (no wise snippers now) and I would like to pass on to him the names of a couple books that I find of vast service in that respect. Victor Perard's "Anatomy and Drawing", from Paul Struck, 415 Lexington Ave,, New York; price $3.50, but can be picked up for $1 second hand. And— "Figure Drawing For All It's Worth", by Andrew Loomis; also from Struck for $3.95. I believe that I owe you a pic, mon ami, and some day I'll really surprise you by sending it. FAN NOTES: Neat heading and Glyne again, who in my opinion is now top fan artist, succeeding Roy Hunt. YE OLDE SCIENCE FICTION FANNY: Such leafly art work! RAHUUN TA-KA: I always was a sucker for abstractions—especially the fried-egg variety. COSCIRC0MM: Enough to gag a buzzard! GUTETO: Format raised to high art. In my opinion the neatest of all fapazines. FA, Browsing, Inspiration, Have At Thee, Walt's Wramblings, Nucleus, Sardonyx, Fan Dango, We Had To Do It, Horizons, S.F. Savant, and Satyric: No art work and therefore no comment.
Hevelin Fanzines