Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 10, whole no. 45, January 1942
Page 16
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16A Tommy Tomkins: "This will enter my formal protest against the incorrect spelling of my name in latest misconception of a fan mag, to wit, the Le Zombie for November & December, 1941. Normally, I would say that such goings on were to be imagined from EEEvans, but not "the" Tucker. However, inasmuch as anyone that reads English should be able to copy correctly, the matter is inexcusable. Anyhow, enough people miss my name so that I am not worried about it -- provided you publish a retraction. Thanks again for the photo of the ship to Mars that you left with me when you were here. Hope you had a good a time as I did. Be sure to come again." -- Jackson, Michigan Lez sez: Hon. sir, we grovel at your feet, meanwhile slyly applying the hotfoot. Your second paragraph, above, is copied exactly from your letter. We glee. See the error, dear readers? D.B. Thompson: "Ah! The latest LeZ! Bob, never have I read anything so sincerely enthusiastic from your typer, as your write-up of the Michicon. It is a swell write-up, and makes me envious; but I think I can understand your enthusiasm, because I met (three of the) Galactic Romans ((sorry, we mean Roamers -- editor)) at the Denvention. (*) I think you will win your bet, in re the top ten. I don't expect the war to affect fan activity as seriously as you seem to think it will; there will, undoubtedly, be some curtailments. (*) I think all groups editing and publishing fanzines (*) should seriously consider uniting with other groups, if and when several members are forced to drop out, and then put out a joint magazine. For example, Nova and Eclipse might combine, that would be much better than dropping both of them. (*). That "Crisis of Utopia" pic in Doc (Smith's) Den is one of the hooks on which I hang my contention that Doc and (Norman L.) Knight are one and the same guy. Look at Knight's latest story; isn't that Doc all the way thru? (*) Sure glad you told me that Liebscher is wearing a bow tie in the pic -- ((cover picture last month)) in my copy, -- can just see his left ear, and the corner of his left eye; the tie is not in evidence. First place in the letter section goes to Kornbluth. I don't know what he means, either, but it's clever, anyway." -- Alexandria, La. Lez sez: The tale of the missing face: is our red...and was Liebscher's un-read! The stencil was finished before the photos came back from the photo studio, so of course we didn't know Walt would be censored. He is really a pretty guy, tho. We shall use another photo, soon, in which he is included in the middle, gnawing a chicken bone. L.R. Chauvenet: "Lez-ette: (1) Masterful villain, (2) P.S.D., (3) "You cad, sir!" Naturally you comprehend P.S.D. -- Pretty Scientist's Daughter. ((oh naturally -- editor)). As regards the N.J. (fan) map, Virginia can boast a much higher % of uncivilized areas! If there are any other Va. fans, I don't know them. ((we have readers in west Va. -- editor)) Note that I am at Esmont, Va. again. It's only temporary as I'm moving to Charlottesville in January, but I can always be reached here." -- Esmont, Va. E.E. Evans: "We had our annual election last night. ((Dec. 30, 1941 -- Galactic Roamers -- editor)) They made Dr. Alan Becker the Chief Pilot, and Abbu Du Ashley the Chief Communications Officer. And I am sure they will carry on in splendid shape. (LeZ please copy.)" Lez sez: Consider it copied chum. And congratulations to both officers!
16A Tommy Tomkins: "This will enter my formal protest against the incorrect spelling of my name in latest misconception of a fan mag, to wit, the Le Zombie for November & December, 1941. Normally, I would say that such goings on were to be imagined from EEEvans, but not "the" Tucker. However, inasmuch as anyone that reads English should be able to copy correctly, the matter is inexcusable. Anyhow, enough people miss my name so that I am not worried about it -- provided you publish a retraction. Thanks again for the photo of the ship to Mars that you left with me when you were here. Hope you had a good a time as I did. Be sure to come again." -- Jackson, Michigan Lez sez: Hon. sir, we grovel at your feet, meanwhile slyly applying the hotfoot. Your second paragraph, above, is copied exactly from your letter. We glee. See the error, dear readers? D.B. Thompson: "Ah! The latest LeZ! Bob, never have I read anything so sincerely enthusiastic from your typer, as your write-up of the Michicon. It is a swell write-up, and makes me envious; but I think I can understand your enthusiasm, because I met (three of the) Galactic Romans ((sorry, we mean Roamers -- editor)) at the Denvention. (*) I think you will win your bet, in re the top ten. I don't expect the war to affect fan activity as seriously as you seem to think it will; there will, undoubtedly, be some curtailments. (*) I think all groups editing and publishing fanzines (*) should seriously consider uniting with other groups, if and when several members are forced to drop out, and then put out a joint magazine. For example, Nova and Eclipse might combine, that would be much better than dropping both of them. (*). That "Crisis of Utopia" pic in Doc (Smith's) Den is one of the hooks on which I hang my contention that Doc and (Norman L.) Knight are one and the same guy. Look at Knight's latest story; isn't that Doc all the way thru? (*) Sure glad you told me that Liebscher is wearing a bow tie in the pic -- ((cover picture last month)) in my copy, -- can just see his left ear, and the corner of his left eye; the tie is not in evidence. First place in the letter section goes to Kornbluth. I don't know what he means, either, but it's clever, anyway." -- Alexandria, La. Lez sez: The tale of the missing face: is our red...and was Liebscher's un-read! The stencil was finished before the photos came back from the photo studio, so of course we didn't know Walt would be censored. He is really a pretty guy, tho. We shall use another photo, soon, in which he is included in the middle, gnawing a chicken bone. L.R. Chauvenet: "Lez-ette: (1) Masterful villain, (2) P.S.D., (3) "You cad, sir!" Naturally you comprehend P.S.D. -- Pretty Scientist's Daughter. ((oh naturally -- editor)). As regards the N.J. (fan) map, Virginia can boast a much higher % of uncivilized areas! If there are any other Va. fans, I don't know them. ((we have readers in west Va. -- editor)) Note that I am at Esmont, Va. again. It's only temporary as I'm moving to Charlottesville in January, but I can always be reached here." -- Esmont, Va. E.E. Evans: "We had our annual election last night. ((Dec. 30, 1941 -- Galactic Roamers -- editor)) They made Dr. Alan Becker the Chief Pilot, and Abbu Du Ashley the Chief Communications Officer. And I am sure they will carry on in splendid shape. (LeZ please copy.)" Lez sez: Consider it copied chum. And congratulations to both officers!
Hevelin Fanzines