Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 10, whole no. 45, January 1942
Page 18
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18A DEPT OF THE REAR-TERIOR winding up the issue CHICAGO CHAT DEPT: Organized in Chicago (the first club since the Chicon days) is the "Windy City Wampires", as follows: Walt Liebscher, Paul Klingbiel, Niel De Jack, Howard Funk, Bob Camden, Ronal Clyne, and Joe Mayhew. They have adopted as their official organ the well-known Frontier, and magazine will soon be mimeographed. Clyne illustrates, and has had cartoons in Amazing. NEVER A DULL MOMENT DEPT: Out in San Francisco there exists a genius who reads small print. And thereby hangs a tail. A few weeks ago the NFFF brought forth it's proposed constitution. We have the word of an officer that the const. is being rapidly accepted by the voting body as a whole. Now here is where the genius comes in. (Apparently the rest of us found the const. dull reading.) Lou Goldstone read the thing, and discovered that the NFFF will have the privilege of taxing fanzine editors, writers and artists because they produced a fanzine. He is circulating a two-page bulletin on the wacky business, attached to which are amendments for nulling certain sections of the const. We weep. CREDIT DEPT: Raym Washington jr. (of the Star Flecked Cosmos) rises in firey wrath and demands that we give him credit for the Lez-ettes on pg 7 of the last issue. Woe is us, we forgot to mention that he, and not the Battle Creek bullets, supplied those. We'll leave it up to you dear readers: should we give him public credit for them? CHAIN LETTER DEPT: There are lots of them going the rounds now. Harry Warner jr has just (a month ago) started three of them. Walt Liebscher started another while he was visiting at our house Jan. 12-14. So we may as well tell you our experience with one. We began one which was designed to produce material for LeZ. Each fan getting the letter was to dash off an article for us. We sent the letter first to Dick Wilson and damon knight. So what happened? Well, Doc Lowndes informs that the last he heard of the letter, it was shuttling back and forth between England and Australia. Some genius (?) apparently destroyed the original names and addresses (all in the U.S.) and substituted a list of fans in those two countries. Therefore our letter is now wearily plying back and forth across many thousands of miles of water...wet water too...from England to Australia to England to Australia to England to Aus///// ------------------------------------- LEZ-ETTES chapter 1: Amoeba chapter 2: Vacation chapter 3: Gone fission chapter 1: Brain chapter 2: Rain chapter 3: Hydrocephalic chapter 1: Dog-Star chapter 2: Pole-Star chapter 3: Who's all wet? chapter 1: Yngvi chapter 2: Dog-Star chapter 3: Scratch! ------------------------------------- LEZ-LOUSYS ERG: "I must -- you on to bigger and better things!" -- WL ATOM: "Up and --, boys!" ORBIT: "-- you didn't know that!" URANUS: "-- all over town looking for that book!" NEPTUNE: "Well, I guess that's -- the bud! -- RB OHM: "-- not feeling so good." ------------------------------------
18A DEPT OF THE REAR-TERIOR winding up the issue CHICAGO CHAT DEPT: Organized in Chicago (the first club since the Chicon days) is the "Windy City Wampires", as follows: Walt Liebscher, Paul Klingbiel, Niel De Jack, Howard Funk, Bob Camden, Ronal Clyne, and Joe Mayhew. They have adopted as their official organ the well-known Frontier, and magazine will soon be mimeographed. Clyne illustrates, and has had cartoons in Amazing. NEVER A DULL MOMENT DEPT: Out in San Francisco there exists a genius who reads small print. And thereby hangs a tail. A few weeks ago the NFFF brought forth it's proposed constitution. We have the word of an officer that the const. is being rapidly accepted by the voting body as a whole. Now here is where the genius comes in. (Apparently the rest of us found the const. dull reading.) Lou Goldstone read the thing, and discovered that the NFFF will have the privilege of taxing fanzine editors, writers and artists because they produced a fanzine. He is circulating a two-page bulletin on the wacky business, attached to which are amendments for nulling certain sections of the const. We weep. CREDIT DEPT: Raym Washington jr. (of the Star Flecked Cosmos) rises in firey wrath and demands that we give him credit for the Lez-ettes on pg 7 of the last issue. Woe is us, we forgot to mention that he, and not the Battle Creek bullets, supplied those. We'll leave it up to you dear readers: should we give him public credit for them? CHAIN LETTER DEPT: There are lots of them going the rounds now. Harry Warner jr has just (a month ago) started three of them. Walt Liebscher started another while he was visiting at our house Jan. 12-14. So we may as well tell you our experience with one. We began one which was designed to produce material for LeZ. Each fan getting the letter was to dash off an article for us. We sent the letter first to Dick Wilson and damon knight. So what happened? Well, Doc Lowndes informs that the last he heard of the letter, it was shuttling back and forth between England and Australia. Some genius (?) apparently destroyed the original names and addresses (all in the U.S.) and substituted a list of fans in those two countries. Therefore our letter is now wearily plying back and forth across many thousands of miles of water...wet water too...from England to Australia to England to Australia to England to Aus///// ------------------------------------- LEZ-ETTES chapter 1: Amoeba chapter 2: Vacation chapter 3: Gone fission chapter 1: Brain chapter 2: Rain chapter 3: Hydrocephalic chapter 1: Dog-Star chapter 2: Pole-Star chapter 3: Who's all wet? chapter 1: Yngvi chapter 2: Dog-Star chapter 3: Scratch! ------------------------------------- LEZ-LOUSYS ERG: "I must -- you on to bigger and better things!" -- WL ATOM: "Up and --, boys!" ORBIT: "-- you didn't know that!" URANUS: "-- all over town looking for that book!" NEPTUNE: "Well, I guess that's -- the bud! -- RB OHM: "-- not feeling so good." ------------------------------------
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