Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 1, whole no. 48, July-August 1942
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the ghouls ghazette Bob Tucker E E Evans LE ZOMBIE published six times yearly at box 260, bloomington, ill. per 5¢ copy Vol 5 No. 1 Whole No. 48 July-August 1942 Cover drawing by Walter Marconette Photographs by Tucker EDITORIALIES On the cover: at the top of the page we see Little Bismuth, the office shadow. This is the person who licks stamps, rejects manuscripts, and writes us highly complimentary letters, which we always print. He also swigs from a bottle of wood alcohol which we keep handy for cleaning. The photographs: the LeZ LovlieZ are, from left to right: (1) Kay Becker, (2) Smokey, a feline, (3) Jane Tucker, (4) Abby Lu Ashley, (5) Verna Smith Trestrail, and (6) Dorothy Tomkins. LeZ Miserables: (left to right, first row: (1) EEEvans and chicken leg, (2) Walt Liebscher and chicken leg, (3) Al Ashley and chicken leg, (4) sleeping-beauty Jack Wiedenbeck and no chicken leg, (5) EE Smith and a chicken leg. Behind them, reading from right to left: (6) Mrs EE Smith and chicken leg, (7) Verna again, minus chicken, (8) Jane again, ditto, and (9) Abby Lu again, with chicken leg. That makes a total of 7 chicken legs. Rather than leave a one-legged fowl running about, we will admit that the photographer was gnawing on the remaining stem. Hungry? The cover itself: far be it from us to sabotage Ackerman's service organization, but we believe we have discovered a photo-litho off-set firm that will print these covers for us far cheaper than Ackie's price. And believe us... not even our love for the #1 face itself will permit us to squander money needlessly... even if the money does come from Evans. Notice we say we "believe" we have discovered the place; you see, as we type this, we have not yet seen the finished product. If the cover you find hereon is nice, glee with us. If it is awful, or if there is none there at all, weep with us. In the latter event, we hope Ackie will accept us back minus sarcastic remarks and a sneering glance. There must be at least one apology in each editorial. Here is ours: we were royally rooked by a photographer, some months ago, which is why U found a blank space on page 5, last issue. We don't mind the guy making off with our money, for we have more of that, but we were terribly put-out by his pilfering of our Doc Barrett photo, for we have no more of those. The postoffice hounds are hot on the cur's trail. We weep. Free fanzines to fans in service: editors wishing to donate their product to this worthy cause (and many are doing so) may either send their fanzines directly to the fans listed in our War Dept; or they may send a bundle of same to Harry Warner. Harry makes up small packages & mails them out. We have placed an asterisk after the name of each person whose military address we know. You may have same by sending us a postcard, asking for the particular addresses you want. And as usual, we reserve the space to the right to inform you on the status of your subscription. If it is blank, you're okay.
the ghouls ghazette Bob Tucker E E Evans LE ZOMBIE published six times yearly at box 260, bloomington, ill. per 5¢ copy Vol 5 No. 1 Whole No. 48 July-August 1942 Cover drawing by Walter Marconette Photographs by Tucker EDITORIALIES On the cover: at the top of the page we see Little Bismuth, the office shadow. This is the person who licks stamps, rejects manuscripts, and writes us highly complimentary letters, which we always print. He also swigs from a bottle of wood alcohol which we keep handy for cleaning. The photographs: the LeZ LovlieZ are, from left to right: (1) Kay Becker, (2) Smokey, a feline, (3) Jane Tucker, (4) Abby Lu Ashley, (5) Verna Smith Trestrail, and (6) Dorothy Tomkins. LeZ Miserables: (left to right, first row: (1) EEEvans and chicken leg, (2) Walt Liebscher and chicken leg, (3) Al Ashley and chicken leg, (4) sleeping-beauty Jack Wiedenbeck and no chicken leg, (5) EE Smith and a chicken leg. Behind them, reading from right to left: (6) Mrs EE Smith and chicken leg, (7) Verna again, minus chicken, (8) Jane again, ditto, and (9) Abby Lu again, with chicken leg. That makes a total of 7 chicken legs. Rather than leave a one-legged fowl running about, we will admit that the photographer was gnawing on the remaining stem. Hungry? The cover itself: far be it from us to sabotage Ackerman's service organization, but we believe we have discovered a photo-litho off-set firm that will print these covers for us far cheaper than Ackie's price. And believe us... not even our love for the #1 face itself will permit us to squander money needlessly... even if the money does come from Evans. Notice we say we "believe" we have discovered the place; you see, as we type this, we have not yet seen the finished product. If the cover you find hereon is nice, glee with us. If it is awful, or if there is none there at all, weep with us. In the latter event, we hope Ackie will accept us back minus sarcastic remarks and a sneering glance. There must be at least one apology in each editorial. Here is ours: we were royally rooked by a photographer, some months ago, which is why U found a blank space on page 5, last issue. We don't mind the guy making off with our money, for we have more of that, but we were terribly put-out by his pilfering of our Doc Barrett photo, for we have no more of those. The postoffice hounds are hot on the cur's trail. We weep. Free fanzines to fans in service: editors wishing to donate their product to this worthy cause (and many are doing so) may either send their fanzines directly to the fans listed in our War Dept; or they may send a bundle of same to Harry Warner. Harry makes up small packages & mails them out. We have placed an asterisk after the name of each person whose military address we know. You may have same by sending us a postcard, asking for the particular addresses you want. And as usual, we reserve the space to the right to inform you on the status of your subscription. If it is blank, you're okay.
Hevelin Fanzines