Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 1, whole no. 48, July-August 1942
Page 4
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4 AGE: OCCUPATION: 14 student 22 Army (formerly office worker) 15 cobbler 22 photographer and operator of 15 student tourist camp 15 student 23 Navy 15 student 23 unemployed (formerly radio 15 student- "peddle papers" scripter) 16 machinist 23 Army (formerly dental tech.) 16 student 23 jr. observor in Meteorology) 16 student 24 Army 17 "work for construction co." 24 Army 17 student 24 laboratory technician 17 unemployed 24 editorial technician 17 student, unemployed 24 coca cola salesman 18 university student 25 varitypist 18 student 25 "North American Aviation" (*) 18 filling station attendant 26 banking 18 "free lance author" 26 editorial director ? Navy (formerly student) 27 shoe salesman, window decr. 19 mail clerk 27 foreman (silk-screening co.) 19 welder 28 coal loader (coal mine) 19 messenger 28 osteopathic physician 20 messenger 28 housewife 20 advertising clerk 28 "offense worker" ? clerk-typist 30 "aviation industry" 20 clerk (general store- p.o.) 32 service order planner (see: *) 21 "clothing factory worker" 32 coca cola promoter 21 assembler (electrical factory) 32 cashier-bookeeper 21 author 33 taxi driver 21 newspaper deskman 38 accountant 21 carpenter 38 draftsman 21 none (married; ex-secretary) 42 translator 22 Navy (formerly roofer) 46 unemployed 22 government clerk 48 statistical clerk What a motley crew! What nefarious jobs, we wonder, do those people who neglected to return the cards hold? Our personal bit of data to the above list is as follows: age, 27; occupation, movie projectionist. Many have wondered why we took the poll; searched fro some con game behind it. So we shall bare all! The above list is but one of the many items to be dovetailed into The Great Plan of 1946. And what is this great plan? Ah! In 1946 LeZ intends to launch the first space ship! Within a few days after this issue appears, the draftsman, the service order planner, the laboratory technician, the machinist, the construction worker, the welder, the assembler, and the carpenter will be sought out by the two messengers and told to report to Bloomington. There they will be given orders and rough plans for the space ship, and in an empty lot, set about constructing it. They will be finished by 1946. All fandom will be invited to make the journey, for a nominal fee. The cashier-bookeeper will have charge of collecting same, and the accountant will double-check to make sure Tucker isn't gypped. The banker will act as purser and store all marbles and penknives the passengers fear to leave in their cabins. There will be, in the ship, small offices for the cobbler, the dentist and the photographer for those passengers who wish to avail themselves of their services. Students wishing to observe extra-terrestrial flora and fauna will be granted reduced fares. (over)
4 AGE: OCCUPATION: 14 student 22 Army (formerly office worker) 15 cobbler 22 photographer and operator of 15 student tourist camp 15 student 23 Navy 15 student 23 unemployed (formerly radio 15 student- "peddle papers" scripter) 16 machinist 23 Army (formerly dental tech.) 16 student 23 jr. observor in Meteorology) 16 student 24 Army 17 "work for construction co." 24 Army 17 student 24 laboratory technician 17 unemployed 24 editorial technician 17 student, unemployed 24 coca cola salesman 18 university student 25 varitypist 18 student 25 "North American Aviation" (*) 18 filling station attendant 26 banking 18 "free lance author" 26 editorial director ? Navy (formerly student) 27 shoe salesman, window decr. 19 mail clerk 27 foreman (silk-screening co.) 19 welder 28 coal loader (coal mine) 19 messenger 28 osteopathic physician 20 messenger 28 housewife 20 advertising clerk 28 "offense worker" ? clerk-typist 30 "aviation industry" 20 clerk (general store- p.o.) 32 service order planner (see: *) 21 "clothing factory worker" 32 coca cola promoter 21 assembler (electrical factory) 32 cashier-bookeeper 21 author 33 taxi driver 21 newspaper deskman 38 accountant 21 carpenter 38 draftsman 21 none (married; ex-secretary) 42 translator 22 Navy (formerly roofer) 46 unemployed 22 government clerk 48 statistical clerk What a motley crew! What nefarious jobs, we wonder, do those people who neglected to return the cards hold? Our personal bit of data to the above list is as follows: age, 27; occupation, movie projectionist. Many have wondered why we took the poll; searched fro some con game behind it. So we shall bare all! The above list is but one of the many items to be dovetailed into The Great Plan of 1946. And what is this great plan? Ah! In 1946 LeZ intends to launch the first space ship! Within a few days after this issue appears, the draftsman, the service order planner, the laboratory technician, the machinist, the construction worker, the welder, the assembler, and the carpenter will be sought out by the two messengers and told to report to Bloomington. There they will be given orders and rough plans for the space ship, and in an empty lot, set about constructing it. They will be finished by 1946. All fandom will be invited to make the journey, for a nominal fee. The cashier-bookeeper will have charge of collecting same, and the accountant will double-check to make sure Tucker isn't gypped. The banker will act as purser and store all marbles and penknives the passengers fear to leave in their cabins. There will be, in the ship, small offices for the cobbler, the dentist and the photographer for those passengers who wish to avail themselves of their services. Students wishing to observe extra-terrestrial flora and fauna will be granted reduced fares. (over)
Hevelin Fanzines