Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 1, whole no. 48, July-August 1942
Page 12
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(The following letter, mailed from New Caledonia on June 14, has been passed by the Army censor, hence any information it might contain is of no harmful nature. The writer formerly lived at Mountain Home, Idaho.) Dear Bob: "While doing a bit of bunk fatigue today I ran across an old issue of Lez in my barracks bag, and once more chuckled at the "Dippy Doings at Denver", "The Star Stomper" column, -- chuckled and laughed until the tears began to flow as I suddenly realised I had let my subscription to Lez expire long ago without doing a thing about it! Seems that my interest in fandom became dormant after my induction into the army about a year ago; a sad story, isn't it? As you can see by the crossed-out heading at the top of the page I was formerly in the 7th Medical Bn, at Fort Ord. After war was declared however I was transferred to the med. det. of 164th inf., followed by our embarkation for service overseas, it was a long time with lots of time to kill besides eating and sleeping. Reading matter was not to plentiful, but what we had made the rounds. I remember passing around the Apr. issue of Unknown Worlds which I had brought to read during the voyage. Most of the readers agreed with me that "The Compleat Werewolf" was the best story in the magazine. I have some pleasant memories of Australia too tho our stay there was quite brief. One afternoon I was walking down Elizabeth st. -- oops, I'm afraid the censor will cut that st. name out (( he didn't )) -- mostly window shopping when coming to a book store and magazine rack I decided to look over the stock. Here I see some Astoundings and Unknowns, over there some old Gernsbeck Wonders, and then a pleasant shock ran thru me for there, staring me in the face, was a first issue of FFM and right in back of it the second issue! Yes -- I picked them up -- and laid them right down again, for I already had the issues in my files back home. (( At this point Evans lost his chance to become a millionaire. - BT )) Some future Aussie fan may get a thrill if he ever runs across these issues. Got a letter from home the other day saying fire and water had damaged my collection of science fiction magazines, so perhaps I should have exchanged a half dollar for the two issues after all.When we have licked the Axis powers I'll probably be in the market to rebuild and expand my collection. Well Bob, I see by Unger's newsweekly that you have been celebrating All Fools Day again (yes, the mail service is very slow here). I remember the time I bit on that Invisible Stories of yours! I see mention of the Fannual to be published June 1st. Hope I can buy a copy somewhere if there are any left at this late date." (( full address follows: )) Put. Emrys H. Evans; Med Det., 2nd Bn., 164th Inf.; Force 6814; APO No. 502, in care Postmaster, San Fransisco, California. (Comes now the mystery letter of the month, LeZ will award five match-book covers to the first reader telling us the fanzine the following was intended for, and how the letter fell into our foul clutches. Carry on) "VOM La Dear great grand nephew of Aphrodite: The following is a suitable exerpt from a lengthly, and extremely "brick batty" letter. Please allow me to hasten and explain: Sure, yeah I was going to send the original innuendo verbatim but due to unfortunate circumstances I discovered what could and could not pass through the mails, sooooo... the exerpt. The new issue of VOM arrived snugly packed in its paper, and upon eagerly tearing said paper off I discover....... VOM! (( next page ))
(The following letter, mailed from New Caledonia on June 14, has been passed by the Army censor, hence any information it might contain is of no harmful nature. The writer formerly lived at Mountain Home, Idaho.) Dear Bob: "While doing a bit of bunk fatigue today I ran across an old issue of Lez in my barracks bag, and once more chuckled at the "Dippy Doings at Denver", "The Star Stomper" column, -- chuckled and laughed until the tears began to flow as I suddenly realised I had let my subscription to Lez expire long ago without doing a thing about it! Seems that my interest in fandom became dormant after my induction into the army about a year ago; a sad story, isn't it? As you can see by the crossed-out heading at the top of the page I was formerly in the 7th Medical Bn, at Fort Ord. After war was declared however I was transferred to the med. det. of 164th inf., followed by our embarkation for service overseas, it was a long time with lots of time to kill besides eating and sleeping. Reading matter was not to plentiful, but what we had made the rounds. I remember passing around the Apr. issue of Unknown Worlds which I had brought to read during the voyage. Most of the readers agreed with me that "The Compleat Werewolf" was the best story in the magazine. I have some pleasant memories of Australia too tho our stay there was quite brief. One afternoon I was walking down Elizabeth st. -- oops, I'm afraid the censor will cut that st. name out (( he didn't )) -- mostly window shopping when coming to a book store and magazine rack I decided to look over the stock. Here I see some Astoundings and Unknowns, over there some old Gernsbeck Wonders, and then a pleasant shock ran thru me for there, staring me in the face, was a first issue of FFM and right in back of it the second issue! Yes -- I picked them up -- and laid them right down again, for I already had the issues in my files back home. (( At this point Evans lost his chance to become a millionaire. - BT )) Some future Aussie fan may get a thrill if he ever runs across these issues. Got a letter from home the other day saying fire and water had damaged my collection of science fiction magazines, so perhaps I should have exchanged a half dollar for the two issues after all.When we have licked the Axis powers I'll probably be in the market to rebuild and expand my collection. Well Bob, I see by Unger's newsweekly that you have been celebrating All Fools Day again (yes, the mail service is very slow here). I remember the time I bit on that Invisible Stories of yours! I see mention of the Fannual to be published June 1st. Hope I can buy a copy somewhere if there are any left at this late date." (( full address follows: )) Put. Emrys H. Evans; Med Det., 2nd Bn., 164th Inf.; Force 6814; APO No. 502, in care Postmaster, San Fransisco, California. (Comes now the mystery letter of the month, LeZ will award five match-book covers to the first reader telling us the fanzine the following was intended for, and how the letter fell into our foul clutches. Carry on) "VOM La Dear great grand nephew of Aphrodite: The following is a suitable exerpt from a lengthly, and extremely "brick batty" letter. Please allow me to hasten and explain: Sure, yeah I was going to send the original innuendo verbatim but due to unfortunate circumstances I discovered what could and could not pass through the mails, sooooo... the exerpt. The new issue of VOM arrived snugly packed in its paper, and upon eagerly tearing said paper off I discover....... VOM! (( next page ))
Hevelin Fanzines