Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 1, whole no. 48, July-August 1942
Page 13
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(( cont. )) Cover: should have held title "Voice of the Imagination" and it should have had in the center a large foto of that inimitable fan, author, artist and pianist, Charles Nutt. Otherwise its okay. Back cover: Is there a panty and Brassiare shortage in China? And now for the inside material. Boring is the word that sums it up and while probing in the dark recesses of VOM for a spark of entertainment, I notice a line that is sickening and very untrue. Harry Schmarje definately is not resigning from fandom. Hell, he's only started, why he and I are going to put out a fan mag in a few weeks that will be emulated by no other fan mag. It'll have stuff by Hamling, Jameson, Tucker, Yerke, Todd, Ley, Dr Edward Podolsky M.D., and scads of others. Topped off with a cover by Ronald Clyne fandoms most talented artist. (You don't mind the plugs do you 4E ?) It will be called Starlit- Fantasy combined with Science Fiction Jr. Subscriptions will be 75¢ and........ but who this letter is to VOM and so to set the fans right I wish to state that Harry Schmarje is NOT retiring from fandom, instead he has just entered, so shudder about such stuff. (Even if Harry did write it. You see he was damn fed up with fandom because he had not been able to meet that great fan Charles Nutt?) Issue as a whole: Cover was only fair, back cover was demoralising, inside stuff was boring and by some strange quirk of I liked it immensely so carry on. Please print the lines ab about Harry because we don't wan't the fans misinformed. (( --??? -BT)) Thanking you ever so much I remain, "The Gloom Kid"" - Charles Mitt, 3025 Ainslie St., Chicago, Ill. Dear Bob: "Will you please write up for me the report of what Illinois Fandom has done the past year, for our Mid-West FFF report. Also, give me a list of your Illinois fans or hope-they-become-fans, so that when I get the reports of all four states for the Mid-West report, I can mimeo the complete reports with a letter from myself as Co-Ordinator, & send them out. We are about to get started on our publicity for this Fall's Conference., and we want to use that as the opening gun. ((You're too late chum -- we have just fired the gun. -- BT)) Also, at our next GR meeting the first week in July, we intend to bring this matter up, and get it started there. So please write any ideas you have as to what should be on the program, what we should do besides talk, pictures, etc. ((Frankly now, EEE, we are in favor of a lot of And if you or the other Illinois fans have any objections to the place, as talked about last year, or repeating it at Jackson. I say Jackson & not Battle Creek, because with the Fort there, hotel accommodations are not so good, and we might have trouble getting rooms." -- EE Evans. Dear Bob: "Jan/42 LeZ arrive a few days ago, when Sid Birchby was here. He fell in love with the calendar & insisted I hang it up. That makes 10 calendars in my room at present, cursizide. And almost a dozen promags I can't get rid of: woe! Seems I've missed LeZ 44; do you think you could shoot over another copy? This one was absolutely delovely: we howled with laughter. Re the Yearbook ... I put out a Fay just after Christmas to confound you, which would make it ( I suppose ) 4 issues for 41. If you didn't get it, let me know. And since Fido appears monthly, there were 12 issues for 41, the idea being that there should be one a month, and as there are 12 months... Otherwise why call it a monthly? (( So was LeZ, chum, but---! )) Further, there were 2 issues of Zenith, and have been two more so far this year. Good only know what good this news will do you. Maybe you'll reissue another Yearbook?" - Doug Website, Idlewild, Fountainhall Road, Aberdeen, Scotland. (( Not another YB chum -- just a correction sheet to fix those errors.))
(( cont. )) Cover: should have held title "Voice of the Imagination" and it should have had in the center a large foto of that inimitable fan, author, artist and pianist, Charles Nutt. Otherwise its okay. Back cover: Is there a panty and Brassiare shortage in China? And now for the inside material. Boring is the word that sums it up and while probing in the dark recesses of VOM for a spark of entertainment, I notice a line that is sickening and very untrue. Harry Schmarje definately is not resigning from fandom. Hell, he's only started, why he and I are going to put out a fan mag in a few weeks that will be emulated by no other fan mag. It'll have stuff by Hamling, Jameson, Tucker, Yerke, Todd, Ley, Dr Edward Podolsky M.D., and scads of others. Topped off with a cover by Ronald Clyne fandoms most talented artist. (You don't mind the plugs do you 4E ?) It will be called Starlit- Fantasy combined with Science Fiction Jr. Subscriptions will be 75¢ and........ but who this letter is to VOM and so to set the fans right I wish to state that Harry Schmarje is NOT retiring from fandom, instead he has just entered, so shudder about such stuff. (Even if Harry did write it. You see he was damn fed up with fandom because he had not been able to meet that great fan Charles Nutt?) Issue as a whole: Cover was only fair, back cover was demoralising, inside stuff was boring and by some strange quirk of I liked it immensely so carry on. Please print the lines ab about Harry because we don't wan't the fans misinformed. (( --??? -BT)) Thanking you ever so much I remain, "The Gloom Kid"" - Charles Mitt, 3025 Ainslie St., Chicago, Ill. Dear Bob: "Will you please write up for me the report of what Illinois Fandom has done the past year, for our Mid-West FFF report. Also, give me a list of your Illinois fans or hope-they-become-fans, so that when I get the reports of all four states for the Mid-West report, I can mimeo the complete reports with a letter from myself as Co-Ordinator, & send them out. We are about to get started on our publicity for this Fall's Conference., and we want to use that as the opening gun. ((You're too late chum -- we have just fired the gun. -- BT)) Also, at our next GR meeting the first week in July, we intend to bring this matter up, and get it started there. So please write any ideas you have as to what should be on the program, what we should do besides talk, pictures, etc. ((Frankly now, EEE, we are in favor of a lot of And if you or the other Illinois fans have any objections to the place, as talked about last year, or repeating it at Jackson. I say Jackson & not Battle Creek, because with the Fort there, hotel accommodations are not so good, and we might have trouble getting rooms." -- EE Evans. Dear Bob: "Jan/42 LeZ arrive a few days ago, when Sid Birchby was here. He fell in love with the calendar & insisted I hang it up. That makes 10 calendars in my room at present, cursizide. And almost a dozen promags I can't get rid of: woe! Seems I've missed LeZ 44; do you think you could shoot over another copy? This one was absolutely delovely: we howled with laughter. Re the Yearbook ... I put out a Fay just after Christmas to confound you, which would make it ( I suppose ) 4 issues for 41. If you didn't get it, let me know. And since Fido appears monthly, there were 12 issues for 41, the idea being that there should be one a month, and as there are 12 months... Otherwise why call it a monthly? (( So was LeZ, chum, but---! )) Further, there were 2 issues of Zenith, and have been two more so far this year. Good only know what good this news will do you. Maybe you'll reissue another Yearbook?" - Doug Website, Idlewild, Fountainhall Road, Aberdeen, Scotland. (( Not another YB chum -- just a correction sheet to fix those errors.))
Hevelin Fanzines