Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 1, whole no. 48, July-August 1942
Page 14
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LATE FAN NEWS as we go to press ECCO CONNORS, Peoria, Ill. now in the army. A postal from him July 18 brings the news. (This superceeds mention of him on page 8.) Good luck! WILLARD DEWEY, formerly of Everett, Washington, now in the army at Camp Roberts, California. Postal from Tom Ludowitz brings the news. & luck! MARK REINSBERG's trip to England off. A letter from ERLE KORSHAK this week informs that he and Mark are working as Forest Rangers at Shasta National Forest; headquarters at Redding, Cal. They plan to call on LA. BOB MADLE on Philadelphia drafted. (This news from newssheet Nebula.) ACKERMAN of Los Angeles receives midnight phone call from mysterious Mr. X. Reported in full below. (We do not provide translation services,) WHO CALLS? A telefunnyarn by Operator 4e So at 1:30 in the morning my phone rings &--Tarzanlike--I awake instantly, as the first ring, senses alert, in full possession of my fackultys &--slanlike--I ran down the hall (Edmond) to silence the instrument b-for anyone should be annoyd by its noise at this inhuman hour. (Of corse, if truth were be told, the fone rang about 13 times bfor I could rouse myself & Weaver my way to the bloody Bell.) Conversation started quite casually: "Hello, Forry, what were you doing?" -- "O, I was in bed asleep." After this events are hazy for about 5 mins while I automatcly lisnd & ansrd in my sleep, I guess. Any way, after I got woken up more better, I askt this guy if I were sposed to noe him, or what the score was? He said he had seen me last in Chicago. Once he called to a "Gertrude"--but Louis Kuslan was not at the Chicon. "Well, are U a famous fan?" I askt, seeking some clue to identity; "in the top 10, or 15?" -- "Oh, yes, I like to think so," he replyd; "about #3, with my friends, I should say." -- "Well, what are your initials?" -- "Initials? A.W." -- "Aw, come now--don't tell me U're Art Widner! U're marryd then." -- Don't believe the rumors--I'm just living with the girl." -- "O! Well, that will be very interesting info for fandom, I'm sure. May I quote U, Mr Widner?" -- "Well, I mean...Forrym--- you know you and I vowed to devote our lives to fandom..." Changing the subject, he" "What's your status in the draft?" Me: "Well, they called me cack a wk or so ago & stuck me a couple more times with a hyperdermic & had me say 'ah!' etc. Haven't had a report since tho. How about U?" He said something about being 28 & in & out with shifting age requirements & he was in town for 2 wks. -- "Ju say U're A.W. or A.W.O.L.?" I quipt (& at 1.30 am, mind U--aint I the on, tho?) -- "Oj, Acky, that's good!" "Does the club still meet at Clifton's?" -- "No, we've our own club room now at--" "Gertrude" got him a pencil & he copyd the address. (*)Fan X promist to put in an appearance at our next meeting, so U may hear more of this matter. Initial impression was that it was Fred Shroyer. Speech mannerisms during the conversation have strengthened my suspicion to a near conviction. At any rate, I checkt my copy of Stephen #2 in the morning, & found no signature there with initials A.W. other'n the Pollcat. And I don't think this call was in the nature of a Fine Poll...... GRRRR DEPT: 15 pages this issue. Readers who gripe at the "thin-ness" to the issue will be shot on sight-- or out of it. We glee.
LATE FAN NEWS as we go to press ECCO CONNORS, Peoria, Ill. now in the army. A postal from him July 18 brings the news. (This superceeds mention of him on page 8.) Good luck! WILLARD DEWEY, formerly of Everett, Washington, now in the army at Camp Roberts, California. Postal from Tom Ludowitz brings the news. & luck! MARK REINSBERG's trip to England off. A letter from ERLE KORSHAK this week informs that he and Mark are working as Forest Rangers at Shasta National Forest; headquarters at Redding, Cal. They plan to call on LA. BOB MADLE on Philadelphia drafted. (This news from newssheet Nebula.) ACKERMAN of Los Angeles receives midnight phone call from mysterious Mr. X. Reported in full below. (We do not provide translation services,) WHO CALLS? A telefunnyarn by Operator 4e So at 1:30 in the morning my phone rings &--Tarzanlike--I awake instantly, as the first ring, senses alert, in full possession of my fackultys &--slanlike--I ran down the hall (Edmond) to silence the instrument b-for anyone should be annoyd by its noise at this inhuman hour. (Of corse, if truth were be told, the fone rang about 13 times bfor I could rouse myself & Weaver my way to the bloody Bell.) Conversation started quite casually: "Hello, Forry, what were you doing?" -- "O, I was in bed asleep." After this events are hazy for about 5 mins while I automatcly lisnd & ansrd in my sleep, I guess. Any way, after I got woken up more better, I askt this guy if I were sposed to noe him, or what the score was? He said he had seen me last in Chicago. Once he called to a "Gertrude"--but Louis Kuslan was not at the Chicon. "Well, are U a famous fan?" I askt, seeking some clue to identity; "in the top 10, or 15?" -- "Oh, yes, I like to think so," he replyd; "about #3, with my friends, I should say." -- "Well, what are your initials?" -- "Initials? A.W." -- "Aw, come now--don't tell me U're Art Widner! U're marryd then." -- Don't believe the rumors--I'm just living with the girl." -- "O! Well, that will be very interesting info for fandom, I'm sure. May I quote U, Mr Widner?" -- "Well, I mean...Forrym--- you know you and I vowed to devote our lives to fandom..." Changing the subject, he" "What's your status in the draft?" Me: "Well, they called me cack a wk or so ago & stuck me a couple more times with a hyperdermic & had me say 'ah!' etc. Haven't had a report since tho. How about U?" He said something about being 28 & in & out with shifting age requirements & he was in town for 2 wks. -- "Ju say U're A.W. or A.W.O.L.?" I quipt (& at 1.30 am, mind U--aint I the on, tho?) -- "Oj, Acky, that's good!" "Does the club still meet at Clifton's?" -- "No, we've our own club room now at--" "Gertrude" got him a pencil & he copyd the address. (*)Fan X promist to put in an appearance at our next meeting, so U may hear more of this matter. Initial impression was that it was Fred Shroyer. Speech mannerisms during the conversation have strengthened my suspicion to a near conviction. At any rate, I checkt my copy of Stephen #2 in the morning, & found no signature there with initials A.W. other'n the Pollcat. And I don't think this call was in the nature of a Fine Poll...... GRRRR DEPT: 15 pages this issue. Readers who gripe at the "thin-ness" to the issue will be shot on sight-- or out of it. We glee.
Hevelin Fanzines