Chanticleer, v. 1, issue 3, December 1945
Page 11
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CHANTICLUCKS TUCKER I have just had the inestimable pleasure of reading the second issue of your wonderful publication, Chanticleer. May I offer you my heartiest congranulations? I fear that you have surpassed the greatness of my little effort, Lez, which I'm sure must have come your way. I have such a terrible time with Lez. My horrid old typewriter just won't function properly. The period doesn't work at all. It's a terrible drudgery to perforate the stencil with my buck tooth just to make periods, but I must admit that they are really pretty periods. The stencils one must work with nowadays are just too, too exasperating and I, for one, am just about fed up with the whole business. However, I've just purchased a new batch from Antoine's Super Mimeo Bazaar, and they look very promising. They are the new burnt-orange-red stencils, which are advertised so prominently in Mother Ashley's Home Journal. I do hope they will do. The next issue of my little effort, Lez, which I'm sure must have come your way, will feature an article by Ramona Wollheim, entitled "Love Among the Slans, or Futurian Wow", and, as your name is mentioned prominently ten or twenty times, I'm sure you will not want to miss it. The general motif of the next issue of my little effort, Lez, which I'm sure must have come your way, will be one of supreme simplicity. In fact, the whole issue will be so simple, it will astound you. The illustrations in the issue are by Countess Dorothy Di Widenbeck, and though I shouldn't utter a word, I must admit they are her most devastating creations yet. All in all, the next issue of my little effort, Lez, which I'm sure will come your way, will be utterly fornchy. I trust you will take the foregoing comments on your wonderful publication, Chanticleer, as constructive criticisms. Do trip on up when you get the chance. ((Thanks for a charming epistle, Bubbles. yesterday I dispatched a subtle combination of nitrates and acids, which I'm sure you'll get a bank out of, which I'm sure must have come your way.)) ROBERT BLOCH A couplet keeps wriggling in my head, to wit: "If the plural of "fan" is "flen" Then the plural of "man" is "mlen" What am I gonna do about it? I sit brooding over it for hours in the MLEN'S WLASHRLOOM --- where incidentally, I spent many of the best years of my life reading CHANTICLEER. Much impressed by its Chanticlarity, too --- and the poem, WHAT PRICE FANZINES? struck me as the highlight of a luminous issue. The idea of exposing particularly nauseous pieces of bilge masquerading in book form as "horror stories" or "fantasies" is very creditable. Would that someone pursued the same policy regard to motion pictures. . .though it is almost a waste of effort, insofar as 90% of all alleged "horror movies" are merely horrid, and the presence of a Columbia or Universal release-mark is almost a sure guarantee of their inanity nowadays. Just about the last real fantasy film I can recall seeing is DR CYCLOPS. . .and it always seems such a pity to me, in view of the fact that there are so many capable actors wading through the tripe now turned out. Illustration for book section is pretty, though I prefer less background and more foreground. . .and I don't think it's good for a young lady's eyesight to look down at printed matter from such a distance. Frankly, if I saw a nude female reading a copy of an s-f magazine in such a manner I would feel it my bounden duty to urge her to either put the magazine up to reasonable distance of her face, or else. . .ta hell with the magazine! (Unless, of course, she was reading CHANTICLEER, in which case I don't know what I'd do. . .or what she'd be liable to do, for that matter) (For that printed matter) Anyhow, CHANTICLEER chantickled my fancy immensely, and all thanks for the chance to peruse same. Regards to all the Michigan rummies and. . .remember the robot who wore tin pants! ((Ah, but my good man, flen's not the plural of fan, flen is the plural of flan, combo of fan and slan, if the plural of slan is slen, then more than one flan are flen.Thlank ylou flor a mlost intlerestling eplistle, Rlobert. You is my Flavorite Flunster))
CHANTICLUCKS TUCKER I have just had the inestimable pleasure of reading the second issue of your wonderful publication, Chanticleer. May I offer you my heartiest congranulations? I fear that you have surpassed the greatness of my little effort, Lez, which I'm sure must have come your way. I have such a terrible time with Lez. My horrid old typewriter just won't function properly. The period doesn't work at all. It's a terrible drudgery to perforate the stencil with my buck tooth just to make periods, but I must admit that they are really pretty periods. The stencils one must work with nowadays are just too, too exasperating and I, for one, am just about fed up with the whole business. However, I've just purchased a new batch from Antoine's Super Mimeo Bazaar, and they look very promising. They are the new burnt-orange-red stencils, which are advertised so prominently in Mother Ashley's Home Journal. I do hope they will do. The next issue of my little effort, Lez, which I'm sure must have come your way, will feature an article by Ramona Wollheim, entitled "Love Among the Slans, or Futurian Wow", and, as your name is mentioned prominently ten or twenty times, I'm sure you will not want to miss it. The general motif of the next issue of my little effort, Lez, which I'm sure must have come your way, will be one of supreme simplicity. In fact, the whole issue will be so simple, it will astound you. The illustrations in the issue are by Countess Dorothy Di Widenbeck, and though I shouldn't utter a word, I must admit they are her most devastating creations yet. All in all, the next issue of my little effort, Lez, which I'm sure will come your way, will be utterly fornchy. I trust you will take the foregoing comments on your wonderful publication, Chanticleer, as constructive criticisms. Do trip on up when you get the chance. ((Thanks for a charming epistle, Bubbles. yesterday I dispatched a subtle combination of nitrates and acids, which I'm sure you'll get a bank out of, which I'm sure must have come your way.)) ROBERT BLOCH A couplet keeps wriggling in my head, to wit: "If the plural of "fan" is "flen" Then the plural of "man" is "mlen" What am I gonna do about it? I sit brooding over it for hours in the MLEN'S WLASHRLOOM --- where incidentally, I spent many of the best years of my life reading CHANTICLEER. Much impressed by its Chanticlarity, too --- and the poem, WHAT PRICE FANZINES? struck me as the highlight of a luminous issue. The idea of exposing particularly nauseous pieces of bilge masquerading in book form as "horror stories" or "fantasies" is very creditable. Would that someone pursued the same policy regard to motion pictures. . .though it is almost a waste of effort, insofar as 90% of all alleged "horror movies" are merely horrid, and the presence of a Columbia or Universal release-mark is almost a sure guarantee of their inanity nowadays. Just about the last real fantasy film I can recall seeing is DR CYCLOPS. . .and it always seems such a pity to me, in view of the fact that there are so many capable actors wading through the tripe now turned out. Illustration for book section is pretty, though I prefer less background and more foreground. . .and I don't think it's good for a young lady's eyesight to look down at printed matter from such a distance. Frankly, if I saw a nude female reading a copy of an s-f magazine in such a manner I would feel it my bounden duty to urge her to either put the magazine up to reasonable distance of her face, or else. . .ta hell with the magazine! (Unless, of course, she was reading CHANTICLEER, in which case I don't know what I'd do. . .or what she'd be liable to do, for that matter) (For that printed matter) Anyhow, CHANTICLEER chantickled my fancy immensely, and all thanks for the chance to peruse same. Regards to all the Michigan rummies and. . .remember the robot who wore tin pants! ((Ah, but my good man, flen's not the plural of fan, flen is the plural of flan, combo of fan and slan, if the plural of slan is slen, then more than one flan are flen.Thlank ylou flor a mlost intlerestling eplistle, Rlobert. You is my Flavorite Flunster))
Hevelin Fanzines