MSA Bulletin, v. 2, issue 4, May 1940
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MAY 1940 THE M.S.A. BULLETIN VOL. 2 NO. 4 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE MAINE SCIENTIFICTION ASSOCIATION RAMBLINGS from NORM STANLEY: Club Executive Sec.-Treas.: -- excerpts taken from a recent letter of his to Jim Avery... Have gotten the MSA records juggled around now so that they add up fairly well. Not that they were in bad shape--just my unfamiliarity with them..... I am going to get up a special bulletin of MSA finances and mail it out as soon as possible. This, I have hopes, will bring in some of those back dues. I am going to credit all payments on back dues at the 5p rate. I should think that since Waterville apparently has more fans per square mile than any other town in Maine, the boys there, MSA members and hangers-on, would get together and form a local organization, to be more-or-less associated with the statewide assoiation. (What about it, Waterville? --ed.) As for policy, I don't intend to introduce anything world-shaking. Unless a majority of the members choose otherwise, the MSA will continue its traditional policy of independence of other fan activities. No connections with other organizations, other, than the usual neutral relations. Affiliation with other organizations is a matter of choice among the individual members rather that the Association as a body. Those, of course, are my own views. If any members have a different proposal it will be brought before the MSA and put to a vote. (cont. next column) 'Tis indeed passing strange that the library is not used by the other members. The time limit has been removed and eight more volumes are to be added shortly. It is with surprise and sorrow that we learn of the death of Jerry Clarke's father. The club extends its sincere regrets. ANNOUNCING --- The start of a new monthly column by Leslie A. Croutch, entitled "This 'n' That". If you want to be well informed, turn to page 3 for the first in a new series. DID YOU KNOW? That Charles Hornig is running an authors service. We didn't either until we saw his quarter page adv in the May issue of the WRITER'S DIGEST. AVERY CAMPS ON EDITOR'S DOORSTEP! Stop presses! Flash! In the best tradition of fandom, Jim Avery (now on the dole) is happily sponging on Editor Meader and family for a few days. Jim arrived Sunday night via Jerry's car, and has since been reading, 'riting and turning a mimeograph crank. More of which we'll read about next issue, no doubt.
MAY 1940 THE M.S.A. BULLETIN VOL. 2 NO. 4 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE MAINE SCIENTIFICTION ASSOCIATION RAMBLINGS from NORM STANLEY: Club Executive Sec.-Treas.: -- excerpts taken from a recent letter of his to Jim Avery... Have gotten the MSA records juggled around now so that they add up fairly well. Not that they were in bad shape--just my unfamiliarity with them..... I am going to get up a special bulletin of MSA finances and mail it out as soon as possible. This, I have hopes, will bring in some of those back dues. I am going to credit all payments on back dues at the 5p rate. I should think that since Waterville apparently has more fans per square mile than any other town in Maine, the boys there, MSA members and hangers-on, would get together and form a local organization, to be more-or-less associated with the statewide assoiation. (What about it, Waterville? --ed.) As for policy, I don't intend to introduce anything world-shaking. Unless a majority of the members choose otherwise, the MSA will continue its traditional policy of independence of other fan activities. No connections with other organizations, other, than the usual neutral relations. Affiliation with other organizations is a matter of choice among the individual members rather that the Association as a body. Those, of course, are my own views. If any members have a different proposal it will be brought before the MSA and put to a vote. (cont. next column) 'Tis indeed passing strange that the library is not used by the other members. The time limit has been removed and eight more volumes are to be added shortly. It is with surprise and sorrow that we learn of the death of Jerry Clarke's father. The club extends its sincere regrets. ANNOUNCING --- The start of a new monthly column by Leslie A. Croutch, entitled "This 'n' That". If you want to be well informed, turn to page 3 for the first in a new series. DID YOU KNOW? That Charles Hornig is running an authors service. We didn't either until we saw his quarter page adv in the May issue of the WRITER'S DIGEST. AVERY CAMPS ON EDITOR'S DOORSTEP! Stop presses! Flash! In the best tradition of fandom, Jim Avery (now on the dole) is happily sponging on Editor Meader and family for a few days. Jim arrived Sunday night via Jerry's car, and has since been reading, 'riting and turning a mimeograph crank. More of which we'll read about next issue, no doubt.
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