MSA Bulletin, v. 2, issue 4, May 1940
Page 4
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Page Four M S A BULLETIN May 1940 ------------------------------------------------------------------- MASS. FANS ORGANIZE We have news from Arthur L. Widner, Jr. of the organization of a new fan club in Massachusetts. Apparently New England is coming to the front in fandom. Maine has started to show itself, and now Mass. is gathering steam. The new Mass. club is reviving Francis Paro's FANFARE as the club organ, and are laying plans for making it a topnotch fanmag. The first meeting was held at the home of Chauvenet in Cambridge. There were seven present. Everybody got acquainted and talked more or less; nothing was accomplished by way of organizing. Widner played a game of chess with Chauvenet and was skunked. Paro fell asleep at the supper table. It sounds like a very (un) lively meeting; date was February 18, 1940. The second meeting was held at Swisher's home in Winchester on March 17th. A.D. Widner, Jr. was elected Director; Paro elected Sec.-Treasurer. It was decided to collect dues and use them to finance the club paper. Ten members present. Members were asked to bring material for consideration for publication at the next meeting. The Eastern Mass. Fantasy Society was selected as the official name of the club. Paro fell asleep on the way home in the bumpy-riding Skylark of Foo. What? Again? On April 7th the third meeting was held at the M.IT. dorms of Earl Singleton in Cambridge. Eleven members were present, including four newcomers, making the total membership fourteen. Name of the club was changed to the STRANGER CLUB. Material for the first club-sponsored issue of FANFARE was commented upon and acepted. Meeting adjourned temporarily to view a partial eclipse of the sun which was at its height about 5:00 P.M. Widner tabulated three more votes for his author poll from Singleton, Le, Maire, and Thomas. The meeting which lasted about two hours broke up at 5: 30, the remaining members adjourned to Singleton's rooms for discussion of various stf. topics. There is to be a fourth meeting at Singleton's place again on May 12th. Any MSA member is cordially invited to attend if able to do so. (What say, Phil?) "CRIMES OF THE YEAR 2000" This was a series of eight short stories which ran in the Munsey Detective Fiction Weekly in 1935. The first appeared in the July 6th issue, the rest following in July 20, Aug. 3. Aug. 17, Sept. 14, and 28, Oct. 26, and Nov. 30th iss's. This outstanding and unique series was written by Ray Cummings "Crimes against Law in the future." How many of you had hear of this series? It will be reprinted in Famous Fantastic Mysteries sometime in the future; be on the look-out for it. Van Onlooker Says: It's not every fan magazine that can make the boast that the BULLETIN can! For what other fanmag in the world is published on paper manufactured in the same city which it is edited? And I do mean just that! Van Onlooker will appreciate your comments and suggestions for material. Write c/o editor.
Page Four M S A BULLETIN May 1940 ------------------------------------------------------------------- MASS. FANS ORGANIZE We have news from Arthur L. Widner, Jr. of the organization of a new fan club in Massachusetts. Apparently New England is coming to the front in fandom. Maine has started to show itself, and now Mass. is gathering steam. The new Mass. club is reviving Francis Paro's FANFARE as the club organ, and are laying plans for making it a topnotch fanmag. The first meeting was held at the home of Chauvenet in Cambridge. There were seven present. Everybody got acquainted and talked more or less; nothing was accomplished by way of organizing. Widner played a game of chess with Chauvenet and was skunked. Paro fell asleep at the supper table. It sounds like a very (un) lively meeting; date was February 18, 1940. The second meeting was held at Swisher's home in Winchester on March 17th. A.D. Widner, Jr. was elected Director; Paro elected Sec.-Treasurer. It was decided to collect dues and use them to finance the club paper. Ten members present. Members were asked to bring material for consideration for publication at the next meeting. The Eastern Mass. Fantasy Society was selected as the official name of the club. Paro fell asleep on the way home in the bumpy-riding Skylark of Foo. What? Again? On April 7th the third meeting was held at the M.IT. dorms of Earl Singleton in Cambridge. Eleven members were present, including four newcomers, making the total membership fourteen. Name of the club was changed to the STRANGER CLUB. Material for the first club-sponsored issue of FANFARE was commented upon and acepted. Meeting adjourned temporarily to view a partial eclipse of the sun which was at its height about 5:00 P.M. Widner tabulated three more votes for his author poll from Singleton, Le, Maire, and Thomas. The meeting which lasted about two hours broke up at 5: 30, the remaining members adjourned to Singleton's rooms for discussion of various stf. topics. There is to be a fourth meeting at Singleton's place again on May 12th. Any MSA member is cordially invited to attend if able to do so. (What say, Phil?) "CRIMES OF THE YEAR 2000" This was a series of eight short stories which ran in the Munsey Detective Fiction Weekly in 1935. The first appeared in the July 6th issue, the rest following in July 20, Aug. 3. Aug. 17, Sept. 14, and 28, Oct. 26, and Nov. 30th iss's. This outstanding and unique series was written by Ray Cummings "Crimes against Law in the future." How many of you had hear of this series? It will be reprinted in Famous Fantastic Mysteries sometime in the future; be on the look-out for it. Van Onlooker Says: It's not every fan magazine that can make the boast that the BULLETIN can! For what other fanmag in the world is published on paper manufactured in the same city which it is edited? And I do mean just that! Van Onlooker will appreciate your comments and suggestions for material. Write c/o editor.
Hevelin Fanzines