MSA Bulletin, v. 2, issue 4, May 1940
Page 5
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Page Five M S A BULLETIN May 1940 --------------------------------------------------------------- THE "DEAN" OF SAD TALES by, of course -jacques dean- The slender package was warmly received into my devout hands and borne upstairs with more tenderness than would have accorded a new-born infant. The wrapper was removed with delicate care. I held my breath, thrilled beyond all comprehension at the sight of those glorious purples, yellows and reds that decorated Vol. XIX, No. 8 of Fantastic Confusing Stories. Those long years of searching were all behind me now. In my stout, steel, combination-locked cabinet would now repose every issue of science-fiction magazines ever printed. I was broke, but happy. Now I could rest after the long years of struggle and search; my reward was contentment and a serene peace of mine. I unlocked the door and stood for a time in admiration of the orderly rows of famous magazine - fantastic Confusing Stories, Amazing Wheezy Tales, Famous Franric-Fanatic Tales, Silly Blunder Stories, and those five ultra-rare issue of Looney Lunar Stories; ah! Paradise! My life's work was completed. But - - -, Horrors! Could it be true? An empty space? There it was - - -, Vol. XXVIX, No. 58 of Confounding Science Mixtures was missing! (interval for a frantic but careful search) Shortly calmness returned and with it a resolution to go at the thing in an orderly fashion, and with a level head. A domestic inquiry and search revealed nothing, so I sent double the face-value to Hungry Joe Ginsberg
Page Five M S A BULLETIN May 1940 --------------------------------------------------------------- THE "DEAN" OF SAD TALES by, of course -jacques dean- The slender package was warmly received into my devout hands and borne upstairs with more tenderness than would have accorded a new-born infant. The wrapper was removed with delicate care. I held my breath, thrilled beyond all comprehension at the sight of those glorious purples, yellows and reds that decorated Vol. XIX, No. 8 of Fantastic Confusing Stories. Those long years of searching were all behind me now. In my stout, steel, combination-locked cabinet would now repose every issue of science-fiction magazines ever printed. I was broke, but happy. Now I could rest after the long years of struggle and search; my reward was contentment and a serene peace of mine. I unlocked the door and stood for a time in admiration of the orderly rows of famous magazine - fantastic Confusing Stories, Amazing Wheezy Tales, Famous Franric-Fanatic Tales, Silly Blunder Stories, and those five ultra-rare issue of Looney Lunar Stories; ah! Paradise! My life's work was completed. But - - -, Horrors! Could it be true? An empty space? There it was - - -, Vol. XXVIX, No. 58 of Confounding Science Mixtures was missing! (interval for a frantic but careful search) Shortly calmness returned and with it a resolution to go at the thing in an orderly fashion, and with a level head. A domestic inquiry and search revealed nothing, so I sent double the face-value to Hungry Joe Ginsberg
Hevelin Fanzines