MSA Bulletin, v. 2, issue 4, May 1940
Page 12
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Page Twelve M S A BULLETIN May 1940 Just received the latest edition of the MSA Bulletin. Having seen all of your magazines so far, previously from Jim Avery, I think I can safely say this is one of the best to date, if not the best. Your material this time is more interesting, at least, being more varied and of greater interest to the outside world fan----though of course I realize you have to make most of the appeal to MSA members. (that's where you're wrong, Harry; we intend to have our material appeal also to the "outside" world fan. We are busy lining up contributors, material, newsleads, and what-not.---ed.) About the only criticism I can think of at present is that a bit more ink wouldn't do much harm here and there, especially around the edges. In case you don't know, on mimeo runs of 100 or less, it often works better to ink the pad from the outside---the side the stencil acutally lies against. Try it and see. (attention: printer-----ed.) Harry Warner, Jr. AMAZING STORIES QUARTERLY The tentative title of a quarterly science fiction magazine, soon to be published by Ziff-Davis, is Amazing Stories Quarterly. It will not be the oldtime quarterly revived, however; the format will be the same as that of the monthly; 250 pages of complete science and fantasy fiction. Editor Palmer states: "The magazine will be slanted to the general pulp readers; and, for that reason, I'm afraid the fans won't exactly be satisfied. The idea behind the quarterly is to introduce a whoel new group of readers to science fiction, and, in that way to benefit the entire-professional stf field, as well as ourselves." (Exchange, Mid-West News & Views, & Science Fiction Weekly.) DID YOU KNOW? THAT E. R. Burroughs use to lie awake nights telling stories to "himself". These are now read by millions as the Mars and Pellucidar series.... -advertisement- The following issues of Action Comics are wanted: Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17. Write care of this magazine , stating prices. Just received: the April 21st issue of SCIENCE FICTION WEEKLY. Very good; they are first again with news, two departments worth mention are "City Desk" and "Their Own Petard", the latter by H. C. Koenig. All in all, a very fine issue. This is a mag that the up-to-date fan shouldn't be without. 25c per 8 issues. 2574 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York..... Van Onlooker Says: I always get a great kick every time I read through an issue of ASTONISHING or SUPER-SCIENCE and see the names of my friends gayly cavorting throughout the tales as heroes, villains, and assorted drapings. Fr'instance in "Stepsons of Mars" (written strangely enough by one Ivar Towers) appeared the names of famous fans Lowndes, Bradbury, Wylie, and Speer while in other stories the names of various other Futuruians have appeared quite frequently. New we're only waiting for such chaps as Taurasi, Moskowitz, and Sykora to be worked into a yarn--or--even our humble self. -advertisement- 1st issue FUNTASY still available at 10c from Jim Avery, 55 Middle St., Skowhegan. Maine's First Fan Magazine--Winter '39.
Page Twelve M S A BULLETIN May 1940 Just received the latest edition of the MSA Bulletin. Having seen all of your magazines so far, previously from Jim Avery, I think I can safely say this is one of the best to date, if not the best. Your material this time is more interesting, at least, being more varied and of greater interest to the outside world fan----though of course I realize you have to make most of the appeal to MSA members. (that's where you're wrong, Harry; we intend to have our material appeal also to the "outside" world fan. We are busy lining up contributors, material, newsleads, and what-not.---ed.) About the only criticism I can think of at present is that a bit more ink wouldn't do much harm here and there, especially around the edges. In case you don't know, on mimeo runs of 100 or less, it often works better to ink the pad from the outside---the side the stencil acutally lies against. Try it and see. (attention: printer-----ed.) Harry Warner, Jr. AMAZING STORIES QUARTERLY The tentative title of a quarterly science fiction magazine, soon to be published by Ziff-Davis, is Amazing Stories Quarterly. It will not be the oldtime quarterly revived, however; the format will be the same as that of the monthly; 250 pages of complete science and fantasy fiction. Editor Palmer states: "The magazine will be slanted to the general pulp readers; and, for that reason, I'm afraid the fans won't exactly be satisfied. The idea behind the quarterly is to introduce a whoel new group of readers to science fiction, and, in that way to benefit the entire-professional stf field, as well as ourselves." (Exchange, Mid-West News & Views, & Science Fiction Weekly.) DID YOU KNOW? THAT E. R. Burroughs use to lie awake nights telling stories to "himself". These are now read by millions as the Mars and Pellucidar series.... -advertisement- The following issues of Action Comics are wanted: Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17. Write care of this magazine , stating prices. Just received: the April 21st issue of SCIENCE FICTION WEEKLY. Very good; they are first again with news, two departments worth mention are "City Desk" and "Their Own Petard", the latter by H. C. Koenig. All in all, a very fine issue. This is a mag that the up-to-date fan shouldn't be without. 25c per 8 issues. 2574 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York..... Van Onlooker Says: I always get a great kick every time I read through an issue of ASTONISHING or SUPER-SCIENCE and see the names of my friends gayly cavorting throughout the tales as heroes, villains, and assorted drapings. Fr'instance in "Stepsons of Mars" (written strangely enough by one Ivar Towers) appeared the names of famous fans Lowndes, Bradbury, Wylie, and Speer while in other stories the names of various other Futuruians have appeared quite frequently. New we're only waiting for such chaps as Taurasi, Moskowitz, and Sykora to be worked into a yarn--or--even our humble self. -advertisement- 1st issue FUNTASY still available at 10c from Jim Avery, 55 Middle St., Skowhegan. Maine's First Fan Magazine--Winter '39.
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