MSA Bulletin, v. 2, issue 4, May 1940
Page 13
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Page Thirteen M S A BULLETIN May 1940 ________ THE ROGUE's GALLERY PHIL GILBERT: hails from York Beach, stands 5.9 in his stocking feet, & is a 145 pounder. He was born in Botson and received his education there . His work has been varied; he has been a salesman, farmer's helper, gardener, and for a while worked on the Boston Fish Pier; he has been driving a truck for the past two years. He has three great loves; reading and music The semi-classics are his favorites with Strauss topping the list. Better call on the Primus, Phil. His 3rd great love is, of all things, a girl. (name Phil? ) They have been "going together" for ONLY eleven years and he has been "faithful forever" . He should be in line for either a promotion or a pension. Stf has taken up his spare moments for the past two and a hlaf years. His indulgences are cork-tipt ciggies and going to Boston. PRO MAGS ARGOSY had a short novel in the May 4th issue by Frederick Painton...The World That Drowned- an Atlantis story that is different. Introducing Joel Quaite, time detective. This seems to be the first of a series. ---Very good. RED STAF MYSTERY: another newcomer in the Nunsey group. Introducing Don Diavolo, the Scarlet Wizard, in the first of a series. For a mysetery series that is off the usual line..10c UNKNOWN: "The Roaring Trumpet" by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt; shouldn't be avoided. Amoung the old Norse Gods at the time of the Ragnorak (or Götterdammerung if you prefer Wagner ). FANTASTIC ADVENTURES: So this mag has not only gone small format, untrimmed edges, minus back illustration, but in the bargain has also gone bi-monthly. ALL at the "asking of" we readers! In the same convenient size as its sister magazine-(I was strong enough to hold up the larger mag-ed.)-----and what a cover!!! One redeaming feature was the Lancelot Biggs tales, if he doesn't appear to frequently. Van Onlooker told me it marks the beginning of the end--and the sooner the better. THRILLING WONDER STORIES: Dr. Cyclops: cover not bad. But what I would like to know is did the movies make the pic from the story by Kuttner, or vice versa? Pete Manx is very good---I could stand much more of this character. MUNSEY: announces that henceforth Famous Fantastic Mysteries will be a bi-monthly with the new Fantastic Novels filling in on the odd months. 'Nough said. You probably know this already, but I've got to fill space somehow. ed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COSMIC TALES Presenting material of the best type. You simply cannot miss the issues. It's a must on your list. It's 15c per copy 25c per 2 75c for six issue subscription Send all orders to: Richard B. Crain 1734 Willow Avenue Weehawkin, New Jersey Mimeo'd --30 pages -- illustrations. (exchange adv.) * * * * * * * * * * * * MSA'ers: Please give careful thought and study to the column by Norman Stanley on out front page. And also Phil Gilbert's letter on Page 11. (Subtle, huh?)
Page Thirteen M S A BULLETIN May 1940 ________ THE ROGUE's GALLERY PHIL GILBERT: hails from York Beach, stands 5.9 in his stocking feet, & is a 145 pounder. He was born in Botson and received his education there . His work has been varied; he has been a salesman, farmer's helper, gardener, and for a while worked on the Boston Fish Pier; he has been driving a truck for the past two years. He has three great loves; reading and music The semi-classics are his favorites with Strauss topping the list. Better call on the Primus, Phil. His 3rd great love is, of all things, a girl. (name Phil? ) They have been "going together" for ONLY eleven years and he has been "faithful forever" . He should be in line for either a promotion or a pension. Stf has taken up his spare moments for the past two and a hlaf years. His indulgences are cork-tipt ciggies and going to Boston. PRO MAGS ARGOSY had a short novel in the May 4th issue by Frederick Painton...The World That Drowned- an Atlantis story that is different. Introducing Joel Quaite, time detective. This seems to be the first of a series. ---Very good. RED STAF MYSTERY: another newcomer in the Nunsey group. Introducing Don Diavolo, the Scarlet Wizard, in the first of a series. For a mysetery series that is off the usual line..10c UNKNOWN: "The Roaring Trumpet" by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt; shouldn't be avoided. Amoung the old Norse Gods at the time of the Ragnorak (or Götterdammerung if you prefer Wagner ). FANTASTIC ADVENTURES: So this mag has not only gone small format, untrimmed edges, minus back illustration, but in the bargain has also gone bi-monthly. ALL at the "asking of" we readers! In the same convenient size as its sister magazine-(I was strong enough to hold up the larger mag-ed.)-----and what a cover!!! One redeaming feature was the Lancelot Biggs tales, if he doesn't appear to frequently. Van Onlooker told me it marks the beginning of the end--and the sooner the better. THRILLING WONDER STORIES: Dr. Cyclops: cover not bad. But what I would like to know is did the movies make the pic from the story by Kuttner, or vice versa? Pete Manx is very good---I could stand much more of this character. MUNSEY: announces that henceforth Famous Fantastic Mysteries will be a bi-monthly with the new Fantastic Novels filling in on the odd months. 'Nough said. You probably know this already, but I've got to fill space somehow. ed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COSMIC TALES Presenting material of the best type. You simply cannot miss the issues. It's a must on your list. It's 15c per copy 25c per 2 75c for six issue subscription Send all orders to: Richard B. Crain 1734 Willow Avenue Weehawkin, New Jersey Mimeo'd --30 pages -- illustrations. (exchange adv.) * * * * * * * * * * * * MSA'ers: Please give careful thought and study to the column by Norman Stanley on out front page. And also Phil Gilbert's letter on Page 11. (Subtle, huh?)
Hevelin Fanzines