Phanny, v. 3, issue 2, June 1944
Page 8
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8 PHANNY 8 "BY THEIR WORKS YE SHALL KNOW THEM" FANTASY AMATEUR -- Laureate Awards; I think some small, lasting token of little intrinsic value would be most suitable. -- Degler. Let's just forget him. In this connection, however, it seems to me that a bare majority should not be accepted as sufficient for ousting. -- Censorship. Shouldn't be necessary, but in cases of serious doubt, postal rules should be followed. -- The Waiting List. Some very fine future members where; remember the days, not so long ago, when we had a string of vacancies, instead? I think it might be well to raise the entrance and activities requirements slightly, as a means of assuring greater participation by all members. Such an increase wouldn't affect any of the potential members on the list, so far as I know. -- List of FAPANS past and present appreciated. S-F DEMOCRAT -- There's a nigger in the woodpile somewhere. MATTERS OF OPINION -- As usual, carefully prepared and interesting. The point about rugged individualism and the inability of intellect youngsters to get an adequate education applies very closely to the discussion entitled "More on Genius" in this ish of PHANNY. SUS PRO .. Always plenty of food for thought here. -- I got my figures on pop from the local newspaper, but I read the stuff a couple years ago, and may have been mistaken about that 40%; I'm certain, however, that "under 50%" black is correct for all States. As for La. being "partly Southwest;" well, that is true, but the people consider themselves as typical of the "Deep South." The only important difference between La. and other Southern States that I can detect, is to be found in the high per centage of persons of French descent. -- The "Recession" seems curiously unimportant to the discussion. -- Comments on the Alfapet appreciated. All the reading involved took place in the winter of '39 or '40. I read three books, if I remember correctly, on the general subject of linguistics. I also messed around a little with Interlingua and with a simple little text on "Japanese Romanized" (written by a Japanese student in this country, whose English was only slightly reminiscent of the "Letters of a Japanese Schoolboy.") I took no notes. -- Review as a whole is all full of stuff and such, and genuinely interesting. I even agree with some of it! -- "Beyond These Limits" is timely, and it appears that both sides have erred more than slightly at times in the Degler business. -- Re comments on Degler and the Rosicrucians--Claude told me that he planned for the CC to be something like the Rosicrucians, and I warned him that fans wouldn't go for that stuff. -- "Catching up with Campbell" is enjoyable, but I reckon as haow I enjoy ASTOUNDING a little more than you do, Jack. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS -- A little more serious than usual, and improved in format. Starrett on Lovecraft highly appreciated. Like Starrett, I think the most intriguing of all Lovecraft's creations was Lovecraft himself. -- I rather like the very brief reviews, and wonder if you actually read all those books, and when. Cover dedication, Very Oogy. PHANTAGRAPH, Oct. '43 and Jan. '44. "Oil for the Lamps of Futuria" is interesting, although just today, I heard what was supposed to be an authoritative statement to the effect that the oil situation isn't nearly as bad as it had been painted. ("today" is May 3.) -- "Our Language and the Hiss" is good. I have always interpreted the pulp-writer's "hiss" in the fashion stated here. -- The Bronte poem indicates that in some ways at least, the world has progressed. THE FAPA FAN -- The catalog of titles was needed. GUTETO. "La Frenezulo de Marso!" First time I was ever genuinely glad that I can't read Esperanto fluently. -- I don't think Esperanto will get anywhere in t he future, but I can't see any basis whatever for considering it either difficult or incapable of literary usage. SARDONYX -- You get more for your money with your commercial mimeoing than I get for mine, LRC. You put more lines on a page, and that borrowed typer cuts better Thisguffgoesonforseveralpagesfolkss.Justturnthepagelikenicelittlechilluns,willya?
8 PHANNY 8 "BY THEIR WORKS YE SHALL KNOW THEM" FANTASY AMATEUR -- Laureate Awards; I think some small, lasting token of little intrinsic value would be most suitable. -- Degler. Let's just forget him. In this connection, however, it seems to me that a bare majority should not be accepted as sufficient for ousting. -- Censorship. Shouldn't be necessary, but in cases of serious doubt, postal rules should be followed. -- The Waiting List. Some very fine future members where; remember the days, not so long ago, when we had a string of vacancies, instead? I think it might be well to raise the entrance and activities requirements slightly, as a means of assuring greater participation by all members. Such an increase wouldn't affect any of the potential members on the list, so far as I know. -- List of FAPANS past and present appreciated. S-F DEMOCRAT -- There's a nigger in the woodpile somewhere. MATTERS OF OPINION -- As usual, carefully prepared and interesting. The point about rugged individualism and the inability of intellect youngsters to get an adequate education applies very closely to the discussion entitled "More on Genius" in this ish of PHANNY. SUS PRO .. Always plenty of food for thought here. -- I got my figures on pop from the local newspaper, but I read the stuff a couple years ago, and may have been mistaken about that 40%; I'm certain, however, that "under 50%" black is correct for all States. As for La. being "partly Southwest;" well, that is true, but the people consider themselves as typical of the "Deep South." The only important difference between La. and other Southern States that I can detect, is to be found in the high per centage of persons of French descent. -- The "Recession" seems curiously unimportant to the discussion. -- Comments on the Alfapet appreciated. All the reading involved took place in the winter of '39 or '40. I read three books, if I remember correctly, on the general subject of linguistics. I also messed around a little with Interlingua and with a simple little text on "Japanese Romanized" (written by a Japanese student in this country, whose English was only slightly reminiscent of the "Letters of a Japanese Schoolboy.") I took no notes. -- Review as a whole is all full of stuff and such, and genuinely interesting. I even agree with some of it! -- "Beyond These Limits" is timely, and it appears that both sides have erred more than slightly at times in the Degler business. -- Re comments on Degler and the Rosicrucians--Claude told me that he planned for the CC to be something like the Rosicrucians, and I warned him that fans wouldn't go for that stuff. -- "Catching up with Campbell" is enjoyable, but I reckon as haow I enjoy ASTOUNDING a little more than you do, Jack. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS -- A little more serious than usual, and improved in format. Starrett on Lovecraft highly appreciated. Like Starrett, I think the most intriguing of all Lovecraft's creations was Lovecraft himself. -- I rather like the very brief reviews, and wonder if you actually read all those books, and when. Cover dedication, Very Oogy. PHANTAGRAPH, Oct. '43 and Jan. '44. "Oil for the Lamps of Futuria" is interesting, although just today, I heard what was supposed to be an authoritative statement to the effect that the oil situation isn't nearly as bad as it had been painted. ("today" is May 3.) -- "Our Language and the Hiss" is good. I have always interpreted the pulp-writer's "hiss" in the fashion stated here. -- The Bronte poem indicates that in some ways at least, the world has progressed. THE FAPA FAN -- The catalog of titles was needed. GUTETO. "La Frenezulo de Marso!" First time I was ever genuinely glad that I can't read Esperanto fluently. -- I don't think Esperanto will get anywhere in t he future, but I can't see any basis whatever for considering it either difficult or incapable of literary usage. SARDONYX -- You get more for your money with your commercial mimeoing than I get for mine, LRC. You put more lines on a page, and that borrowed typer cuts better Thisguffgoesonforseveralpagesfolkss.Justturnthepagelikenicelittlechilluns,willya?
Hevelin Fanzines