Phanny, v. 3, issue 2, June 1944
Page 13
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13 PHANNY 13 to attain by other means in ten years. -- The comment on the tendency of present labor leadership to undermine the Labor movement is timely. The argument seems rather obvious to me, but apparently a good many millions of people don't consider it so. See the newspapers for confirmation on the point. -- "Imaginist" is good, but I still think a word with no other possible associations or connotations is better for a general term. In other words, acoined word. EN GARDE. -- Cover one of Jack's best, especially with the colors chosen. -- At last! Explanation of the so-called "exclusion act" at Degler's expense. Can't see why this was delayed so long, though. -- "Matters of Ethics." As a guide to newcomers, this might be valuable. But the tendency of all such formulations is to become too narrow and inelastic. Only a very general statement would seem to have a chance of general approval and acceptance, and such a general statement would require interpretation every time a new problem arose. There are several practices current among a few fans of which I strongly disapprove, but there isn't one that I would put on the verboten list that isn't already covered by civil and criminal law. And for all their imperfections, I scarcely think that all of Fandom together could frame a code capable of substituting effectively for these established laws. I realize that such is not the intent of the article, but I suspect that any attempt at codification would necessarily result in such attempt. And so we come to the end of the last mailing, for which hola! Viva la FAPA! cont'd from page 4) "More on Genius" in English Lit. worked on a similar plan. I did almost as much writing and a good good deal more thinking than I do in writing up these continuous bull-sessions which make up such a large part of FAPA activity. On the other hand, I had an instructor in Psychology (of all subjects!) who was as dogmatic as a medieval desciple of Aristotle. This article ought to have a conclusion, but there doesn't seem to be any, so I reckon it will just have to get along with nothing more than THE END Thisisjusttoinformyouthattherewasnointerlineationlikethisontheotherpage.surprised? SCIENCE FICTION PLOT (Plot II, Variation 3-B) On that bleak, far-distant sphere, Beyond Sol's attraction gravitic, Strange peoples dwell. Their tale would I tell Who have breathed the vapors mephitic That swathe that world of Fear. But my tongue is stopped. Sealed Are my thoughts by mentalities abysmic. Only this may I say: Set is the day For Terra's destruction cataclysmic By the measureless forces they wield. --D. B. Thompson ---o:0:o--- Since writing up the review of the last mailing, I have seen one more good movie of a fantasy nature; "A Guy Named Joe," starring Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunne. Those of you who failed to see it simply because there is nothing in the name to indicate its supernatural aspects, had better give it a try. It's O. K. Thisepidemicofwordsandmorewordsisgraduallyreachingitsforeordainedend.Ainchaglad!
13 PHANNY 13 to attain by other means in ten years. -- The comment on the tendency of present labor leadership to undermine the Labor movement is timely. The argument seems rather obvious to me, but apparently a good many millions of people don't consider it so. See the newspapers for confirmation on the point. -- "Imaginist" is good, but I still think a word with no other possible associations or connotations is better for a general term. In other words, acoined word. EN GARDE. -- Cover one of Jack's best, especially with the colors chosen. -- At last! Explanation of the so-called "exclusion act" at Degler's expense. Can't see why this was delayed so long, though. -- "Matters of Ethics." As a guide to newcomers, this might be valuable. But the tendency of all such formulations is to become too narrow and inelastic. Only a very general statement would seem to have a chance of general approval and acceptance, and such a general statement would require interpretation every time a new problem arose. There are several practices current among a few fans of which I strongly disapprove, but there isn't one that I would put on the verboten list that isn't already covered by civil and criminal law. And for all their imperfections, I scarcely think that all of Fandom together could frame a code capable of substituting effectively for these established laws. I realize that such is not the intent of the article, but I suspect that any attempt at codification would necessarily result in such attempt. And so we come to the end of the last mailing, for which hola! Viva la FAPA! cont'd from page 4) "More on Genius" in English Lit. worked on a similar plan. I did almost as much writing and a good good deal more thinking than I do in writing up these continuous bull-sessions which make up such a large part of FAPA activity. On the other hand, I had an instructor in Psychology (of all subjects!) who was as dogmatic as a medieval desciple of Aristotle. This article ought to have a conclusion, but there doesn't seem to be any, so I reckon it will just have to get along with nothing more than THE END Thisisjusttoinformyouthattherewasnointerlineationlikethisontheotherpage.surprised? SCIENCE FICTION PLOT (Plot II, Variation 3-B) On that bleak, far-distant sphere, Beyond Sol's attraction gravitic, Strange peoples dwell. Their tale would I tell Who have breathed the vapors mephitic That swathe that world of Fear. But my tongue is stopped. Sealed Are my thoughts by mentalities abysmic. Only this may I say: Set is the day For Terra's destruction cataclysmic By the measureless forces they wield. --D. B. Thompson ---o:0:o--- Since writing up the review of the last mailing, I have seen one more good movie of a fantasy nature; "A Guy Named Joe," starring Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunne. Those of you who failed to see it simply because there is nothing in the name to indicate its supernatural aspects, had better give it a try. It's O. K. Thisepidemicofwordsandmorewordsisgraduallyreachingitsforeordainedend.Ainchaglad!
Hevelin Fanzines