En Garde, whole no. 4, Winter 1942
Page 6
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page 6. FANZINE SERVICE FOR FANS IN SERVICE: A greatly needed and welcome project. Its sponsors are to be highly commended and should receive the wholehearted cooperation of all fan editors. WAR LOCK: We apparently didn't get this one. How come, we ask ourselves? THE NUCLEUS: This was very enjoyable. The dedicated quotations caused us to glee merrily in the approved Tucker fashion. We have only one plea regarding this mag -- please don't crowd so much on each page. At least a semblance of border is greatly to be desired. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS: My ghod! It gives another single-sheeter. And it's another good 'un. How we envy Walt his knowledge of fantasy and science fiction books. Also his knack for finding bargains. We have a hunch this mag is going to become one of the most popular in the mailing. HORIZONS: Ah! Mimeographed at last. But next time please put about four less lines to the page. Much neater and all that sorta thing. "Glancing Behind Us" was as usual nearly as interesting as the mags it commented upon. We envy you and some others your ability to write interesting comments. Review of Astounding was interesting, and On Dit was fascinating. Despite your warning, we are compelled to admit that we found Ark of Fire an exceptional story, and feel quite delighted to hear that FFM will feature it in the near future. SUSTAINING PROGRAM: Alpha and Beta is another of those excellent comment departments. One of the first things we look for in the mailing. None of us here have gotten over "The Poo is mightier than the yobber!" We called Walt Liebscher's attention to it when he was here, just before the last mailing went out, and he nearly went into hysterics. He has been muttering "Poo on the yobber" at five minute intervals ever since, accompanying it with a most peculiar giggle. Quoteworthy Quotes is most enjoyed from the standpoint of showing what most impressed you. That is one of the chief reasons we enjoy reading fanzines -- it is such a fascinating way to get acquainted with other fans. Perhaps that copy of Astounding you found was part of a special edition intended for JWC's professional scientist clientele. We were just barely able to read your page of fonetic spelling. When we went to school the old method of indicating pronunciation was still predominant. But now, with dictionaries leaning more and more to the fonetic method, it appears we'll have to buckle down and learn it. Therewillbearingingofthebellsbellsbellsbellsbellsbellsbellsbells When we were talking with Raymond A. Palmer recently, at his office, he announced that he was to be executed on Christmas day. We suddenly had visions of some fan carried away by the intensity of his prejudices and deciding he had been divinely appointed to perform the foul deed. Timidly, we asked RAP how it was to be done. He informed us he was to be strangled. Then he elucidated. He is to be married Christmas day. We were relieved, but noticed no change in him. Anyway, many happy RAP ol' boy. May you be very happy.
page 6. FANZINE SERVICE FOR FANS IN SERVICE: A greatly needed and welcome project. Its sponsors are to be highly commended and should receive the wholehearted cooperation of all fan editors. WAR LOCK: We apparently didn't get this one. How come, we ask ourselves? THE NUCLEUS: This was very enjoyable. The dedicated quotations caused us to glee merrily in the approved Tucker fashion. We have only one plea regarding this mag -- please don't crowd so much on each page. At least a semblance of border is greatly to be desired. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS: My ghod! It gives another single-sheeter. And it's another good 'un. How we envy Walt his knowledge of fantasy and science fiction books. Also his knack for finding bargains. We have a hunch this mag is going to become one of the most popular in the mailing. HORIZONS: Ah! Mimeographed at last. But next time please put about four less lines to the page. Much neater and all that sorta thing. "Glancing Behind Us" was as usual nearly as interesting as the mags it commented upon. We envy you and some others your ability to write interesting comments. Review of Astounding was interesting, and On Dit was fascinating. Despite your warning, we are compelled to admit that we found Ark of Fire an exceptional story, and feel quite delighted to hear that FFM will feature it in the near future. SUSTAINING PROGRAM: Alpha and Beta is another of those excellent comment departments. One of the first things we look for in the mailing. None of us here have gotten over "The Poo is mightier than the yobber!" We called Walt Liebscher's attention to it when he was here, just before the last mailing went out, and he nearly went into hysterics. He has been muttering "Poo on the yobber" at five minute intervals ever since, accompanying it with a most peculiar giggle. Quoteworthy Quotes is most enjoyed from the standpoint of showing what most impressed you. That is one of the chief reasons we enjoy reading fanzines -- it is such a fascinating way to get acquainted with other fans. Perhaps that copy of Astounding you found was part of a special edition intended for JWC's professional scientist clientele. We were just barely able to read your page of fonetic spelling. When we went to school the old method of indicating pronunciation was still predominant. But now, with dictionaries leaning more and more to the fonetic method, it appears we'll have to buckle down and learn it. Therewillbearingingofthebellsbellsbellsbellsbellsbellsbellsbells When we were talking with Raymond A. Palmer recently, at his office, he announced that he was to be executed on Christmas day. We suddenly had visions of some fan carried away by the intensity of his prejudices and deciding he had been divinely appointed to perform the foul deed. Timidly, we asked RAP how it was to be done. He informed us he was to be strangled. Then he elucidated. He is to be married Christmas day. We were relieved, but noticed no change in him. Anyway, many happy RAP ol' boy. May you be very happy.
Hevelin Fanzines