Fantasy Amateur, v. 3, issue 4, July 1945
Page 4
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assessment seems to be indicated to take care of things until something more permanent can be done. Under Article 11 of the Constitution, I hereby assess each member of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, fifty cents, this assessment to be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer before the member is entitled to receive the October Mailing. This assessment being in the nature of an emergency measure, I have suggested to Bob Tucker that he work up an amendment to take care of things. This will probably be presented for discussion in the next Mailing, and then put up for vote either in a special ballot, or the time of the next annual election, according to the judgement of the new President. That seems to be about all. I've tried to straighten things up the best I can before passing them on to my successor, and if there is anything left hanging fire, I can only tender my regrets. In any member objects to any actions here taken, the new Vice-President will doubtless enjoy the opportunity to {illegible?} upon the question. Thanks for everything, and don't forget to vote! Al Ashley 27 June 45 VICE-PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE My intentions of providing Laureate Awards for each Mailing, with Grand Awards at the end of the year, seem to have gone awry. A marked lack of cooperation seems to have spoiled things in fine shape. However, I still hope to straighten the matter out enough to provide the usual annual Laureate Awards. In case, by the time this Mailing has been received, I have been unable to obtain the necessary action, I shall request the President to appoint another member to serve with Tucker & myself as the Laureate Committee. Thus, one way or another, the Laureate Awards for 1944-45 will appear in the October Fantasy Amateur. No requests for judicial decisions having been received, that sort winds things up. To my successor, best wishes for a less hectic term. Al Ashley 27 June 45 Quelquefois dans un beau jardin O{Alt 00F9} je tra{Alt 00EE}nais mon atonie J'ai seni, comme une ironie Le soliel d{Alt 00E9}chirer mon sein: Et le orintemps et la vendure Ont tant humili{Alt 00E9} mon couer Que j'ai puni sur une fluer L'insolence de la nature. -- Charles Baudelaire
assessment seems to be indicated to take care of things until something more permanent can be done. Under Article 11 of the Constitution, I hereby assess each member of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, fifty cents, this assessment to be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer before the member is entitled to receive the October Mailing. This assessment being in the nature of an emergency measure, I have suggested to Bob Tucker that he work up an amendment to take care of things. This will probably be presented for discussion in the next Mailing, and then put up for vote either in a special ballot, or the time of the next annual election, according to the judgement of the new President. That seems to be about all. I've tried to straighten things up the best I can before passing them on to my successor, and if there is anything left hanging fire, I can only tender my regrets. In any member objects to any actions here taken, the new Vice-President will doubtless enjoy the opportunity to {illegible?} upon the question. Thanks for everything, and don't forget to vote! Al Ashley 27 June 45 VICE-PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE My intentions of providing Laureate Awards for each Mailing, with Grand Awards at the end of the year, seem to have gone awry. A marked lack of cooperation seems to have spoiled things in fine shape. However, I still hope to straighten the matter out enough to provide the usual annual Laureate Awards. In case, by the time this Mailing has been received, I have been unable to obtain the necessary action, I shall request the President to appoint another member to serve with Tucker & myself as the Laureate Committee. Thus, one way or another, the Laureate Awards for 1944-45 will appear in the October Fantasy Amateur. No requests for judicial decisions having been received, that sort winds things up. To my successor, best wishes for a less hectic term. Al Ashley 27 June 45 Quelquefois dans un beau jardin O{Alt 00F9} je tra{Alt 00EE}nais mon atonie J'ai seni, comme une ironie Le soliel d{Alt 00E9}chirer mon sein: Et le orintemps et la vendure Ont tant humili{Alt 00E9} mon couer Que j'ai puni sur une fluer L'insolence de la nature. -- Charles Baudelaire
Hevelin Fanzines