Wavelength, v. 1, issue 4, January-March 1942
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SCIENCE FICTION POTPOURRI Raymond J. Sienkiewicz This could be sub-titled "My Own Petard", since it is nothing more or less than a gathering of my mistakes and also a gathering of different things I have previously written in private letters to various fans. Don't be surprised if you find a lot of mistakes, for I am copying the "sayings" exactly as they were first written with all their mistakes. Comments in parantheses are those added while compiling the material and were not included in the original statement. -----:------:----- I've read "Spaceways" about a week ago and just found time to review it as asked by you in "From the Control Room". The illustrations in the last issue of "Fantascience Digest", I think the last issue is Volume Two, Number Five, are very good. While I'm writing this letter, you have already, "my detailed comment" and are no doubt confused by them. Well I'm remedying that by enclosing a post-script with this letter. I hope you don't mind my not being formal but all fans seem to act that way, or is it just natural with them? but since I'mm going to try to be a fan I might just as well act abnormal too. If you'll look in column two, paragraph two, page fourteen and then in column one paragraph six, page sixteen; and also column one, the last paragraph, page sixteen you'll see what I mean. The first paragraph mentioned contradicts the other two. When the present publishers took "Wonder" under their wing they announced that no change would be made in, the best feature of the magazine, the League. They wer right, the League was not changed, it is in the same condition it was when they took it over. It's going to do something for science fiction as a whole but has yet to do it. And what did "Thrilling Wonder" do to promote the Stf. Convention? Not much. "Amaxing", which does not sponsor any fan organization, did more for and had more about the convention than "Thrilling Wonder." (When I wrote the above, I was referring to the Nycon. The same also goes for the Chicon.) Yes sir, when it came to classifying them why I was surprised, am surprised, myself to learn that I like them; so many too, four not for, but five of the features! so much that they all tie for third place. Avout the only thing I would like to know is how old I am. Everything I do to ask my mother to tell me my age comes to nought. The only thing she tells me when I ask her my age is: "You were not born in the south, Not in the land of crystal and cotton, But where the north winds shout, In a town that is not forgotten." (When you find the number in the above riddle, add one to it and you shall have my age now.) How did politics get in stf? That has nothing to do with stf. I don't think that politics should enter stf. - I must confess that I have never read any of Verne's stories and only a few of Welles'. However, I did hear Orson Wells' "Hoax Broadcast" and thought it pretty good. Did you hear it?.. Practically all fans are egotistical or they wouldn't be makeing theirselves heard of, or from, so much. Everyone likes attention.
SCIENCE FICTION POTPOURRI Raymond J. Sienkiewicz This could be sub-titled "My Own Petard", since it is nothing more or less than a gathering of my mistakes and also a gathering of different things I have previously written in private letters to various fans. Don't be surprised if you find a lot of mistakes, for I am copying the "sayings" exactly as they were first written with all their mistakes. Comments in parantheses are those added while compiling the material and were not included in the original statement. -----:------:----- I've read "Spaceways" about a week ago and just found time to review it as asked by you in "From the Control Room". The illustrations in the last issue of "Fantascience Digest", I think the last issue is Volume Two, Number Five, are very good. While I'm writing this letter, you have already, "my detailed comment" and are no doubt confused by them. Well I'm remedying that by enclosing a post-script with this letter. I hope you don't mind my not being formal but all fans seem to act that way, or is it just natural with them? but since I'mm going to try to be a fan I might just as well act abnormal too. If you'll look in column two, paragraph two, page fourteen and then in column one paragraph six, page sixteen; and also column one, the last paragraph, page sixteen you'll see what I mean. The first paragraph mentioned contradicts the other two. When the present publishers took "Wonder" under their wing they announced that no change would be made in, the best feature of the magazine, the League. They wer right, the League was not changed, it is in the same condition it was when they took it over. It's going to do something for science fiction as a whole but has yet to do it. And what did "Thrilling Wonder" do to promote the Stf. Convention? Not much. "Amaxing", which does not sponsor any fan organization, did more for and had more about the convention than "Thrilling Wonder." (When I wrote the above, I was referring to the Nycon. The same also goes for the Chicon.) Yes sir, when it came to classifying them why I was surprised, am surprised, myself to learn that I like them; so many too, four not for, but five of the features! so much that they all tie for third place. Avout the only thing I would like to know is how old I am. Everything I do to ask my mother to tell me my age comes to nought. The only thing she tells me when I ask her my age is: "You were not born in the south, Not in the land of crystal and cotton, But where the north winds shout, In a town that is not forgotten." (When you find the number in the above riddle, add one to it and you shall have my age now.) How did politics get in stf? That has nothing to do with stf. I don't think that politics should enter stf. - I must confess that I have never read any of Verne's stories and only a few of Welles'. However, I did hear Orson Wells' "Hoax Broadcast" and thought it pretty good. Did you hear it?.. Practically all fans are egotistical or they wouldn't be makeing theirselves heard of, or from, so much. Everyone likes attention.
Hevelin Fanzines