Wavelength, v. 1, issue 4, January-March 1942
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KUMMER, Frederic Arnold, Jr. Astral Books By Departed Authors...I-2 Fantifilm Focus...III-10, IV-13 LEE, Lawrence When Mars Was Near The Earth.. IV-5 LOWNDES, Robert W. Baptism of Fire... III-1 McNEILL, Louise Ego....IV-6 MEREDITH, Robert Cartoons... II-8, III-12, IV-13 MERIT AWARD....IV-8 POHL. Frederik Birth of a Pro.... II-3 PRIOR, Matthew A Forgetful Man... IV-3 REE, Gerry de la , Jr. My Pet Peeve in Science-Fiction... II-9 REESE, Bryon Herbert House of Clay... IV-6 SCIENCE CORRESPONDENT Construct An Astrolabe, How To... I-9 Real Star of Bethlehem, The....I-8 SCIENCE FICTION BRIEFS (Letters).. III-13, IV-9 SCIENCE FICTION CONSCIENCE.. II-7 SIENKIEWICZ, Raymond J. Science Fiction Potpourri.. IV-4 There's Nothing Like An Old Fool... II-5 STAFF, The Conscience Has No Conscience, The....II-7 Wavelength, The Magazine Electrifying....I-12 THOMSON. D.B Birth of a Fan...IV-7 WELLS, Basil E. Other One, The...IV-1 WETZEL, GEORGE T. Beware The Cynic... I-10 Columbia Camp Tries To Become Wise.. III-7 WIDNER, Art. Jr. Birth of a Fan...III-11 WITTER, Bynner Itinerant Bird... IV-6 WYN. A.A. Special Article: Pulps Have a Loyal Public, The ...I-4 FANTIFILM FOCUS F.A. Kummer. Jr. here comes mister jordan This is the best fantasy film of the year. Robert Montgomery, a prize-fighter, dies in a plane crash and his soul is taken by the inexperienced and over-zealous Messenger 7013 (Edward Everett Horton) to Mr. Jordan, the Heavenly Dispatcher (Claude Rains) . But a mistake has been made; it is not the fighter's turn to die. And the fighter, returned to Earth, finds that his body has been cremated by his old friend and manager (James Gleason). How he finally returns to life is just too good to explain with mere words. MARS [?] BUSTER SEE THE FREAK 10c BOB MEREDITH Space Travel- Phooey!XCV$#%&"# The picture is worth seeing for the settings alone. The scene in the stratosphere, for example, is eerie and startling. This isn't all ; a touch of subtle comedy in places amuses. Don't miss this !
KUMMER, Frederic Arnold, Jr. Astral Books By Departed Authors...I-2 Fantifilm Focus...III-10, IV-13 LEE, Lawrence When Mars Was Near The Earth.. IV-5 LOWNDES, Robert W. Baptism of Fire... III-1 McNEILL, Louise Ego....IV-6 MEREDITH, Robert Cartoons... II-8, III-12, IV-13 MERIT AWARD....IV-8 POHL. Frederik Birth of a Pro.... II-3 PRIOR, Matthew A Forgetful Man... IV-3 REE, Gerry de la , Jr. My Pet Peeve in Science-Fiction... II-9 REESE, Bryon Herbert House of Clay... IV-6 SCIENCE CORRESPONDENT Construct An Astrolabe, How To... I-9 Real Star of Bethlehem, The....I-8 SCIENCE FICTION BRIEFS (Letters).. III-13, IV-9 SCIENCE FICTION CONSCIENCE.. II-7 SIENKIEWICZ, Raymond J. Science Fiction Potpourri.. IV-4 There's Nothing Like An Old Fool... II-5 STAFF, The Conscience Has No Conscience, The....II-7 Wavelength, The Magazine Electrifying....I-12 THOMSON. D.B Birth of a Fan...IV-7 WELLS, Basil E. Other One, The...IV-1 WETZEL, GEORGE T. Beware The Cynic... I-10 Columbia Camp Tries To Become Wise.. III-7 WIDNER, Art. Jr. Birth of a Fan...III-11 WITTER, Bynner Itinerant Bird... IV-6 WYN. A.A. Special Article: Pulps Have a Loyal Public, The ...I-4 FANTIFILM FOCUS F.A. Kummer. Jr. here comes mister jordan This is the best fantasy film of the year. Robert Montgomery, a prize-fighter, dies in a plane crash and his soul is taken by the inexperienced and over-zealous Messenger 7013 (Edward Everett Horton) to Mr. Jordan, the Heavenly Dispatcher (Claude Rains) . But a mistake has been made; it is not the fighter's turn to die. And the fighter, returned to Earth, finds that his body has been cremated by his old friend and manager (James Gleason). How he finally returns to life is just too good to explain with mere words. MARS [?] BUSTER SEE THE FREAK 10c BOB MEREDITH Space Travel- Phooey!XCV$#%&"# The picture is worth seeing for the settings alone. The scene in the stratosphere, for example, is eerie and startling. This isn't all ; a touch of subtle comedy in places amuses. Don't miss this !
Hevelin Fanzines