Wavelength, v. 1, issue 4, January-March 1942
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WAVELENGTH Jan.-Feb.-Mar., 1942 Vol I. NO.4 CONTENTS ARTICLES Science Fiction Potpourri... Raymond J. Sienkiewicz..4 FICTION The Other One.. Basil E. Wells...1 POETRY A Forgetful Man... Matthew Prior...3 When Mars Was Near the Earth... Lawrence Lee..............5 House of Clay.. Bryon Herbert Reese,....6 The Spiders...Elizabeth Coatsworth...6 Ego... Louise McNeill....6 Itinerant Bird.. Witter Bynner....6 DEPARTMENTS Birth of a Fan.. D.B. Thompson...7 Merit Award....8 Science Fiction Briefs...9 Editor's Easy-Chair...The Editor...12 Index...12 Fantifilm Focus... Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr....13 IT's Whispered That...14 CARTOON BY BOB MEREDITH Notice: Opinions expressed by writers in this publication are not necessarily those of it's Editor. "Wavelength" is published wherever possible. Henry Andrew Ackermann, Editor and Publisher. Address all communications to 5200 Maple Ave., "Pimlico", Baltimore, Maryland, Single copies (mailed first), 10c; three issues for 25c; or six issues for 50c. Contributions of non-fiction material will be published if they are interesting or timely. Enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope when you do send us material. No rejected material returned unless you do. IT'S WHISPERED THAT. . . A new fanzine has made its debut. This time from Michigan. Its "nova". Al Ashley, Jack Wiedenbeck, E.E. Evans and Miss Abby Lu Ashley are its editors. Ye Ed thinks that this fanzine rivals (in format; not material) the great "Fantasia" of Lou Goldstone's. At any rate, it's a "must" for all active fans. Lon Chaney, Jr. is now making a picture in Hollywood called "Destiny." It's a story of werewolvery. This will be a real horror-pic with no compromises for those with squeamish stomachs. There is a love story, but even this ends tragically, It is considered by Hollywood studio execs as "the most gruesome, blood curdling picture ever filmed." Chaney's make-up man mad the actor look so much like a wolf that the real one used by the make-up man for a model slunk away in fear at seeing Lon.
WAVELENGTH Jan.-Feb.-Mar., 1942 Vol I. NO.4 CONTENTS ARTICLES Science Fiction Potpourri... Raymond J. Sienkiewicz..4 FICTION The Other One.. Basil E. Wells...1 POETRY A Forgetful Man... Matthew Prior...3 When Mars Was Near the Earth... Lawrence Lee..............5 House of Clay.. Bryon Herbert Reese,....6 The Spiders...Elizabeth Coatsworth...6 Ego... Louise McNeill....6 Itinerant Bird.. Witter Bynner....6 DEPARTMENTS Birth of a Fan.. D.B. Thompson...7 Merit Award....8 Science Fiction Briefs...9 Editor's Easy-Chair...The Editor...12 Index...12 Fantifilm Focus... Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr....13 IT's Whispered That...14 CARTOON BY BOB MEREDITH Notice: Opinions expressed by writers in this publication are not necessarily those of it's Editor. "Wavelength" is published wherever possible. Henry Andrew Ackermann, Editor and Publisher. Address all communications to 5200 Maple Ave., "Pimlico", Baltimore, Maryland, Single copies (mailed first), 10c; three issues for 25c; or six issues for 50c. Contributions of non-fiction material will be published if they are interesting or timely. Enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope when you do send us material. No rejected material returned unless you do. IT'S WHISPERED THAT. . . A new fanzine has made its debut. This time from Michigan. Its "nova". Al Ashley, Jack Wiedenbeck, E.E. Evans and Miss Abby Lu Ashley are its editors. Ye Ed thinks that this fanzine rivals (in format; not material) the great "Fantasia" of Lou Goldstone's. At any rate, it's a "must" for all active fans. Lon Chaney, Jr. is now making a picture in Hollywood called "Destiny." It's a story of werewolvery. This will be a real horror-pic with no compromises for those with squeamish stomachs. There is a love story, but even this ends tragically, It is considered by Hollywood studio execs as "the most gruesome, blood curdling picture ever filmed." Chaney's make-up man mad the actor look so much like a wolf that the real one used by the make-up man for a model slunk away in fear at seeing Lon.
Hevelin Fanzines