Take Back the Night meeting notes and plans, 1982
Possible Agenda Items Page 3
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a very incomplete TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE Needs additions SUNDAY: Make phone calls for leafleters, put up posters, run off more leaflets get T-shirt amount $$ Meeting 4:30 OTHER: MONDAY: Leaflet, put up posters, RVAP Phone Calls, LSO t-shirt $$, Material for Hand-out due to Carol tomorrow, OTHER: TUESDAY: Packet Material to Carol, run off hand-out, mail press statement??, Leaflet Put up posters, Facilitator's Mtg 6:30 and Staff Phone 5-9, OTHER: WEDNESDAY: T-shirts ready need to be picked up and paid for, Leaflet, posters Security Meetig 6:30, OTHER: mail press statement THURSDAY: Leaflet, poster, Staff Phones 5-9 OTHER: FRIDAY: Leaflet-Poster, Staff Phones 9-5 OTHER: Pick-up Sound Get Stage Material, Pick-up Lanterns SATURDAY: Emotional Security Mtg 2:00, Press Confrence 4:00, Set-up, Stage, 6:30-Security Rally 7:30, March Clean-up SUN: 2:00 Press Confr. Things to do but don't know who and/or when: Set-up: sound, lights, flatbed, tables for lit. tables, lit. for lit. tables, [tent?], perhaps a mailing to Wm's Sts. What about Sororities... OTHER: --> that day --> 9 helping --> we go vicera 2053 2055
a very incomplete TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE Needs additions SUNDAY: Make phone calls for leafleters, put up posters, run off more leaflets get T-shirt amount $$ Meeting 4:30 OTHER: MONDAY: Leaflet, put up posters, RVAP Phone Calls, LSO t-shirt $$, Material for Hand-out due to Carol tomorrow, OTHER: TUESDAY: Packet Material to Carol, run off hand-out, mail press statement??, Leaflet Put up posters, Facilitator's Mtg 6:30 and Staff Phone 5-9, OTHER: WEDNESDAY: T-shirts ready need to be picked up and paid for, Leaflet, posters Security Meetig 6:30, OTHER: mail press statement THURSDAY: Leaflet, poster, Staff Phones 5-9 OTHER: FRIDAY: Leaflet-Poster, Staff Phones 9-5 OTHER: Pick-up Sound Get Stage Material, Pick-up Lanterns SATURDAY: Emotional Security Mtg 2:00, Press Confrence 4:00, Set-up, Stage, 6:30-Security Rally 7:30, March Clean-up SUN: 2:00 Press Confr. Things to do but don't know who and/or when: Set-up: sound, lights, flatbed, tables for lit. tables, lit. for lit. tables, [tent?], perhaps a mailing to Wm's Sts. What about Sororities... OTHER: --> that day --> 9 helping --> we go vicera 2053 2055
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