Fantascience Digest, v. 1, issue 5, July-August 1938
Page 14
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Page 14 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST the spot, and how! "Proxy" was interesting but rather vague. Cadrell's article was quite good. Percy's piece was rather poor. Dale's article (?) was certainly different. Olon F. Wiggins writes:- I received the 4th FD and the copy struck me as being better, on a whole, than previous issues. If all future issues are equal to this 4th issue, then I will be well pleased. John Giunta writes:- I have received your fourth issue of FD, and the issue is ok. However, the third issue surpassed it, in my opinion. Agnew's cover was pretty good, showing an improvement in his figure work. Kuttner's "Fun with Atoms" was swell. "The Eyes of Paul Cordney" was a beautiful piece of fantasy and I enjoyed it very much. Your editorial is always good, so I'll pass no judgment on that. I did not quite agree with Dale Hart's article, "The Impending Danger," although I did learn a few things from it. I did like Jack Cadrell's "Hekto Artists." Probably because I am an artist. ( Or am I?) Nicks from the Press" was pretty good but not stf. "Looking Around" was not so very good this issue. But it can't always be, eh? As for your illustrations, they were very good. Rothman is a neat artist, but what struck me most was Cadrell's drawing. It was a masterpiece, nicely shaded, colored and pretty neat. THE READER COMMENTS is a column everyone likes. "I liked the third issue of the FD very much," writes our columnist, Willis Conover, Jr. "The smaller size is preferable, but I realize that in hektographing it is more economical to use the larger page. Your newest illustrator, John Giunta, shows considerable promise, and may develop into something quite commendable, given time and practice. "The Thousandth Raid" could have been better, but was interesting, none the less. I wonder how many readers spotted a similarity between the characters in the story and certain science fiction notables? William Brain was (unblushingly) the author, Wm. M[[?]]. Sykora. Herb the Good, Herbert Goudket. John the Silent, probably John B. Michel. Don the Terrible-- who else but Wollheim? Carl Horn and Jules Black are obviously Hornig and Gernsback. ( I should think that Jules Black is Julius Schwartz. You know, "schwartz"means "black" in German--RAM) Clever of me, what? Or am I only making a fool of myself? Anyway, bet wishes to you. You deservexall the praise you receive. Jack Speer writes:- Commentary on the latest FD coming up. Cover distinctly unusual...Hart's and Kuttner's; Well, if Marvel has done nothing more, it certainly set tongues awagging like they did in the old days. 'Tis interestin'..... Your story by Nils H. Frome was surprisingly good...Looking Around is in my opinion one of the best of the first fandomish article.s. I'll have to drop over to see Willis one of these days..."Hekto Art" good... O, my friend, but Peroy[[?]] T. Wilkinson definitely is a separate entity --tho you probably know this by now, having heard details concerning him since he beat the FAPA deadline... DAW (yup, I mean Wilson's) "Thot for Today" appeared just a week too late, also your query, "Who is Axygous?????" (Dick Wilson turned out to be that once mysterious personality, Azygous--RAM) George the Rudolph turned ya out some fine potry there if it's really his. (It certainly was his. That young man has definite writing ability. Witness his recent selling of a story to WEIRD TALES--RAM) "Convention Review" fortunate in not overlapping previous accpunts; read with interest. You let me wander on longer than you should've in The Reader Comments, so I'll cease firing right now! NEW FANDOM, the greatest thing that has occurred int he science fiction field in years. Watch for further details.
Page 14 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST the spot, and how! "Proxy" was interesting but rather vague. Cadrell's article was quite good. Percy's piece was rather poor. Dale's article (?) was certainly different. Olon F. Wiggins writes:- I received the 4th FD and the copy struck me as being better, on a whole, than previous issues. If all future issues are equal to this 4th issue, then I will be well pleased. John Giunta writes:- I have received your fourth issue of FD, and the issue is ok. However, the third issue surpassed it, in my opinion. Agnew's cover was pretty good, showing an improvement in his figure work. Kuttner's "Fun with Atoms" was swell. "The Eyes of Paul Cordney" was a beautiful piece of fantasy and I enjoyed it very much. Your editorial is always good, so I'll pass no judgment on that. I did not quite agree with Dale Hart's article, "The Impending Danger," although I did learn a few things from it. I did like Jack Cadrell's "Hekto Artists." Probably because I am an artist. ( Or am I?) Nicks from the Press" was pretty good but not stf. "Looking Around" was not so very good this issue. But it can't always be, eh? As for your illustrations, they were very good. Rothman is a neat artist, but what struck me most was Cadrell's drawing. It was a masterpiece, nicely shaded, colored and pretty neat. THE READER COMMENTS is a column everyone likes. "I liked the third issue of the FD very much," writes our columnist, Willis Conover, Jr. "The smaller size is preferable, but I realize that in hektographing it is more economical to use the larger page. Your newest illustrator, John Giunta, shows considerable promise, and may develop into something quite commendable, given time and practice. "The Thousandth Raid" could have been better, but was interesting, none the less. I wonder how many readers spotted a similarity between the characters in the story and certain science fiction notables? William Brain was (unblushingly) the author, Wm. M[[?]]. Sykora. Herb the Good, Herbert Goudket. John the Silent, probably John B. Michel. Don the Terrible-- who else but Wollheim? Carl Horn and Jules Black are obviously Hornig and Gernsback. ( I should think that Jules Black is Julius Schwartz. You know, "schwartz"means "black" in German--RAM) Clever of me, what? Or am I only making a fool of myself? Anyway, bet wishes to you. You deservexall the praise you receive. Jack Speer writes:- Commentary on the latest FD coming up. Cover distinctly unusual...Hart's and Kuttner's; Well, if Marvel has done nothing more, it certainly set tongues awagging like they did in the old days. 'Tis interestin'..... Your story by Nils H. Frome was surprisingly good...Looking Around is in my opinion one of the best of the first fandomish article.s. I'll have to drop over to see Willis one of these days..."Hekto Art" good... O, my friend, but Peroy[[?]] T. Wilkinson definitely is a separate entity --tho you probably know this by now, having heard details concerning him since he beat the FAPA deadline... DAW (yup, I mean Wilson's) "Thot for Today" appeared just a week too late, also your query, "Who is Axygous?????" (Dick Wilson turned out to be that once mysterious personality, Azygous--RAM) George the Rudolph turned ya out some fine potry there if it's really his. (It certainly was his. That young man has definite writing ability. Witness his recent selling of a story to WEIRD TALES--RAM) "Convention Review" fortunate in not overlapping previous accpunts; read with interest. You let me wander on longer than you should've in The Reader Comments, so I'll cease firing right now! NEW FANDOM, the greatest thing that has occurred int he science fiction field in years. Watch for further details.
Hevelin Fanzines