Fantasite, v. 1, issue 1, November 1940
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FANTA*NOTES Well, here's the first issue of THE FANTASITE, finally. I want to apologize for its lateness. The reason it's a month or more overdue is that it took me longer than I expected to scrape together enough suitable material to fill out this issue. I hope to receive a lot more voluntary contributions for the next number. Practically any kind of material; articles, fiction, poetry, etc. Preferably articles tho. I wish to express my thanks to those who did come to my aid with material Thanks to Lew Martin for "Confessions of a Ghost Writer" and "Intrigue on a Space Liner", and to Damon Knight for sending Bradbury's bit. I'll be glad to exchange with any other fan mag or to trade ads. How do you like Donn Brazier's column in this issue? It will be a regular feature and, I'm quite sure, very well liked. If you haven't tried Donn's magazine, FRONTIER, you're missing something! See the fan mag review for a brief resume of same. I think the fan mag review will be dropped as it is more or less a filler. While I'm practically on the subject of the next issue I want to say that I expect to have an article by Clifford Simak. The Minneapolis Fantasy Society has been formed and the first meeting was held November 29 at the Simak residence . Total attendance was nine (ten if you want to count the Simak pooch, Squonch Foot ((sp?)) ) although several more were unable to make the meeting. Simak was elected temporary Director and John Chapman was elected temporary Sec-Treasurer. Another prominent member is Carl Jacobi who, with Sam Russell and Chapman, I believe, was assigned the job of drawing up a constitution for the club. I have on hand the first issue of the new Miske-Marconette BIZARRE. For the benifit of those who haven't heard of it I'll give a brief description. Very attractively printed it has twenty four pages in all, which contain the best of material. Has an excellent cover, done in red, and illustrated by Hannes Bok. Probably the best single feature of the mag is "The Thing in the Moonlight" by H. P. Lovecraft. Interior illustrations are by Bok and Marconette. If the Eds lay off fiction I think the mag will far surpass STARDUST. Speaking of Stardust, I wonder when, if ever, it will resume publication. A few words about Julius Unger's mag Fantasy Fiction Field News Weekly. Starting with the ninth issue it will feature photo-illustrated news stories. Or where such photos are not available it will have photos of the forthcoming pro mags or of popular fans and authors. Such illustrated issues are available only to subscribers. This idea seems quite novel and I want to wish Julie success with this mag. Rare copies of Golden Argosy are being given away for every how half-buck sub. Well, guess that's about all for now, and don't forget to write and let me know what you think of TF. See you in the next issue which should be out in the latter part of Jan.
FANTA*NOTES Well, here's the first issue of THE FANTASITE, finally. I want to apologize for its lateness. The reason it's a month or more overdue is that it took me longer than I expected to scrape together enough suitable material to fill out this issue. I hope to receive a lot more voluntary contributions for the next number. Practically any kind of material; articles, fiction, poetry, etc. Preferably articles tho. I wish to express my thanks to those who did come to my aid with material Thanks to Lew Martin for "Confessions of a Ghost Writer" and "Intrigue on a Space Liner", and to Damon Knight for sending Bradbury's bit. I'll be glad to exchange with any other fan mag or to trade ads. How do you like Donn Brazier's column in this issue? It will be a regular feature and, I'm quite sure, very well liked. If you haven't tried Donn's magazine, FRONTIER, you're missing something! See the fan mag review for a brief resume of same. I think the fan mag review will be dropped as it is more or less a filler. While I'm practically on the subject of the next issue I want to say that I expect to have an article by Clifford Simak. The Minneapolis Fantasy Society has been formed and the first meeting was held November 29 at the Simak residence . Total attendance was nine (ten if you want to count the Simak pooch, Squonch Foot ((sp?)) ) although several more were unable to make the meeting. Simak was elected temporary Director and John Chapman was elected temporary Sec-Treasurer. Another prominent member is Carl Jacobi who, with Sam Russell and Chapman, I believe, was assigned the job of drawing up a constitution for the club. I have on hand the first issue of the new Miske-Marconette BIZARRE. For the benifit of those who haven't heard of it I'll give a brief description. Very attractively printed it has twenty four pages in all, which contain the best of material. Has an excellent cover, done in red, and illustrated by Hannes Bok. Probably the best single feature of the mag is "The Thing in the Moonlight" by H. P. Lovecraft. Interior illustrations are by Bok and Marconette. If the Eds lay off fiction I think the mag will far surpass STARDUST. Speaking of Stardust, I wonder when, if ever, it will resume publication. A few words about Julius Unger's mag Fantasy Fiction Field News Weekly. Starting with the ninth issue it will feature photo-illustrated news stories. Or where such photos are not available it will have photos of the forthcoming pro mags or of popular fans and authors. Such illustrated issues are available only to subscribers. This idea seems quite novel and I want to wish Julie success with this mag. Rare copies of Golden Argosy are being given away for every how half-buck sub. Well, guess that's about all for now, and don't forget to write and let me know what you think of TF. See you in the next issue which should be out in the latter part of Jan.
Hevelin Fanzines