Fantasite, v. 1, issue 1, November 1940
Page 12
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THE FANTASITE FANTASIPS By DONN BRAZIER A new magazine, a new department, and a job that's new to me.... As far as possible this department will reveal the "human side" of the fantasy news; and, if I can't find anything that fits that description, it just goes to show that we fans"ain't hooman". On September 25 I received a long, short story written by the prominent magazine letter writer, D. B. Thompson. The title of the yarn was " Eccentric Orbit". I read it, liked it, especially the character delineation of an adolescent alien being. I wrote to him and criticised one of the Earthmen as being very unconvinving. Then I sent the story to Paul Klingbiel to read and criticize. Eventually it found its way back to Don Thompson. He reworked it according to all the criticisms and sent it to Campbell. Exactly one month from the time I read the story in its rough form, I received a letter from Don: "Just a note to inform you that I received a check this morning from ASTOUNDING for $60 for 'Eccentric Orbit'." Don has had some bad luck, and this big success should start him off on a great career. Add to those who may get out of the draft by signing up for life - Robert Bloch, who decided to share his clammy crypt with a sweet young thing. The date was October 2. Fans are everyplace. Mrs. Howard (Lorretta) Beasley makes her living in a carnival. She helps her hubby "Capt. Jack Wallingford" perform on a hundred foot pole, and under the name Madame Loretta she gives clairvoyant readings, palm readings, and assorted other fortune telling tricks. Well, the story is that this time of year carnivals begin pulling into winter quarters, and as there is only one unit in the country that has a rep for paying off in full,Loretta was a little worried about her own final salary. She had a hunch. So she arranged with the manager to put on an extra act for the show, entirely free, all proceeds to go to the boss. For this, she was allowed to set up her own booth inas sideshow tent where she could work on her own time and pay no cut to the owner. By working 16 hours a day at both jobs, she cleared $15 a day from her palm reading booth. When the show went into winter quarters, her hunch was justified - the owner did not pay off in full. I hear that Tom Wright is having trouble with his second-hand mimeo machine. Will DAWN be delayed? You batter get a Ditto machine, Tom.....Has Peter Duncan sung another "Apostasy"? ..... August Derleth has a story in the Nebraska University, high-ranking"Little" literary magazine, THE PRAIRIE SCHOONER. I see Derleth has turned out another saga of Wisconsin, is working on MISCHIEF IN THE LANE, the 1942 Judge Peck mystery, some new weirds, and another novel for REDBOOK. McIlwraith of WEIRD TALES took his yarns HE SHALL COME and COME TO ME.....Leo Sonderreger, author of"The Thought Materializer" in TWS is literary editor of a Lincoln, Nebraska newspaper...... Charles Jarvis, prominent S. Paul fan, is prose editor of the Gateway, Macalester College's literary magazine...... Another prominent Twin City fan, Bob Madsen, has received an appointment to the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis.....
THE FANTASITE FANTASIPS By DONN BRAZIER A new magazine, a new department, and a job that's new to me.... As far as possible this department will reveal the "human side" of the fantasy news; and, if I can't find anything that fits that description, it just goes to show that we fans"ain't hooman". On September 25 I received a long, short story written by the prominent magazine letter writer, D. B. Thompson. The title of the yarn was " Eccentric Orbit". I read it, liked it, especially the character delineation of an adolescent alien being. I wrote to him and criticised one of the Earthmen as being very unconvinving. Then I sent the story to Paul Klingbiel to read and criticize. Eventually it found its way back to Don Thompson. He reworked it according to all the criticisms and sent it to Campbell. Exactly one month from the time I read the story in its rough form, I received a letter from Don: "Just a note to inform you that I received a check this morning from ASTOUNDING for $60 for 'Eccentric Orbit'." Don has had some bad luck, and this big success should start him off on a great career. Add to those who may get out of the draft by signing up for life - Robert Bloch, who decided to share his clammy crypt with a sweet young thing. The date was October 2. Fans are everyplace. Mrs. Howard (Lorretta) Beasley makes her living in a carnival. She helps her hubby "Capt. Jack Wallingford" perform on a hundred foot pole, and under the name Madame Loretta she gives clairvoyant readings, palm readings, and assorted other fortune telling tricks. Well, the story is that this time of year carnivals begin pulling into winter quarters, and as there is only one unit in the country that has a rep for paying off in full,Loretta was a little worried about her own final salary. She had a hunch. So she arranged with the manager to put on an extra act for the show, entirely free, all proceeds to go to the boss. For this, she was allowed to set up her own booth inas sideshow tent where she could work on her own time and pay no cut to the owner. By working 16 hours a day at both jobs, she cleared $15 a day from her palm reading booth. When the show went into winter quarters, her hunch was justified - the owner did not pay off in full. I hear that Tom Wright is having trouble with his second-hand mimeo machine. Will DAWN be delayed? You batter get a Ditto machine, Tom.....Has Peter Duncan sung another "Apostasy"? ..... August Derleth has a story in the Nebraska University, high-ranking"Little" literary magazine, THE PRAIRIE SCHOONER. I see Derleth has turned out another saga of Wisconsin, is working on MISCHIEF IN THE LANE, the 1942 Judge Peck mystery, some new weirds, and another novel for REDBOOK. McIlwraith of WEIRD TALES took his yarns HE SHALL COME and COME TO ME.....Leo Sonderreger, author of"The Thought Materializer" in TWS is literary editor of a Lincoln, Nebraska newspaper...... Charles Jarvis, prominent S. Paul fan, is prose editor of the Gateway, Macalester College's literary magazine...... Another prominent Twin City fan, Bob Madsen, has received an appointment to the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis.....
Hevelin Fanzines